i feel like its not always their fault though ... two of the keys that were bunk were directly related to a key that stated they were a row key and available in my country but still for some reason wouldnt activate . I actually felt pretty bad about clicking not received on those because the posters honestly in my opinion didnt deserve the bad marks on their record , the most recent was a key that was just activated on another account and therefore unavailable for me to activate ... it is just my luck it seems
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Thanks for the tip . I just want to stress though that I approach each situation on its own and as if I was the one on the other end ... Sometimes it is a lot easier to see their point of view and how that could happen to me and I try not to muddle my Karma . I do understand the logic in your point of view as well and thanks for the time you took to share it
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It doesn't work like that. This is what people see when they check your profile with SGTools (something most GA creators do).
They don't know and probably don't care about the circumstances and frankly it's not their responsability.
All they see is 2 not activated games that should be activated on your account so they'll problaby assume you sold them or gifted them to one of your friends / regifted them here.
To make it even more clear: Let's assume you win The Witcher 3 GOTY tomorrow (insert highly desirable game here).
Since you have recent unactivated wins the giveaway creator doesn't have to give you the game. They will reroll and you will get suspended. So it's in your own interest to mark those gibs not received or contact the creator to delete them. Easy as that.
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true ... its a fair assessment ... i usually win those games marked (100 copies) pretty easily ... i shoot for those , easy wins usually and if theyre garbage .. well ... its not like i wasted a whole lot of points on them lol
Folks could win a pile of fecal matter 3 times a day for 3 months and yeah ... they won a lot of shit but its still just shit that they won :-)
I do keep a running wish list and use points on those when the games arise but i usually sink my other points into fluff like that
Youve been a member for 6 years , I am pretty sure you already know how to pad out some easy "wins" haha
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we each have our own yums I suppose .. I wont yuck your yum . I just enjoy a different flavor
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Level up, and join Steam Gifts groups. Everything I've won I've been excited to win.
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thanks for the tips ill certainly get on that when i level up to be allowed
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There's this old saying or whatever - "if you keep picking bad apples, switch tree", to paraphrase. Basically if bad things happen repeatedly, consider if you can change your behavior to avoid it. Like for instance start entering only giveaways that you actually want, hide all the crap, read descriptions before entering and don't bother with the ones that seem fishy or mention keys might be expired.
Then spend all those points you save by doing this on giveaways from puzzles and forums, which gives you both a higher chance to win since there is less people entering, and usually nicer people making the giveaways so less chance of problems. Also level up, join good groups if you want, and so on.
Basically the front page giveaways are the lowest hanging fruit on the crappiest tree in the forest, and if you keep picking all those apples, don't be surprised if you don't like the results.
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so you mean to say there are giveaways on here that do not show up on the normal scroll through area?
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yeah ive been actually digging in to the posts since the forums were suggested and discovered trains lol ... those are pretty cool little things . I am certainly looking forward to reading the forums more ( I havent really been involved with active forums for quite a few years so its refreshing to see a lively one again lol )
As i said to someone else on here . I really appreciate the positivity in your comment and also your tips
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Hector is a really good game and very funny. Puzzle Agent 2 is probably good too, judging by the first game of the series. So, you're really lucky.
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yes hector was pretty good I play that on my laptop (offline pc for steam lol ) Puzzle agent i dont know i was waiting to play the first game first haha i wouldnt want to miss any of the story but you are right hector was good ... I didnt think i meant to say every game i won was horrible but thats a good catch and one I didnt think about otherwise
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Even the people who i dealt with on the wins that I have had trouble with were really great ... I am certainly not trying to down anyone with the post just state how bummed I am at my personal situation and overall luck . Thanks for the positive outlook though and your probably right its just a strange hiccup :-)
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This is just like the real lotto most people don't know but when you buy a scratch off there is a chance that that winner is no good because all the prize money has been claimed.
It seems they print more winners than what is in the prize pool and those who sell lotto tickets are supposed to inform you when prizes are no longer available but will still gladly sell you a tick that you may win that prize for that is no longer available.
A lottoe ticket has a top prize of 1,000 but all the 1,000 prizes have been used yet you could buy a ticket that has a 1,000 dollar winner but when you go to cash it out they say the prize is no longer available.Some will post when a certain amount of a prize is no longer available but you still risk buying a ticket that has that prize amount you can no longer collect.Though by law they are suppose to post when a prized is no longer available a lot don't because so few know about it and it rarely happens.
This is in the U.S. so keep that in mind.....so in fact using SG is like buying a lotto ticket IRL you may win but not get said prize.
The short answer is if you cant accept the facct that there isa risk you might not collect said prize your option is to not participate in it.Though the lotto thing I bet a lot are not aware of it.The way I see it I have no money invested in it and little time so if I do get a bad GA then I will mark it as so and move on.
So far I have been lucky and all my winners have been good but really it seems you know it's a risk so why get all worked up about it enough to rant.
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i would argue against your analogy as the lotto has a pool of money and (in my opinion anyway ) they may strategically print more tickets to get the desired profit ( although honestly I havent really ever heard of someone getting nothing for their state or nationwide lotto winning ticket and if a source can be provided that proves otherwise it may be an interesting read) . I can however appreciate your effort to try and make some sense out of the situation in a way maybe that can make sense to some.
Here we operate upon a one to one basis ie for every one key provided there is one winner ... ( 100 copies available = 100 keys = 100 winners ) therefore there is a finite amount of product only meted out to a finite amount of winners . Therefore the risk should be zero or .000001 percent allowing of course for those newcomers who may drop fake keys in large quantities (but lets be honest those are easy enough to spot ) The risk of keys being non functional should ... given the current system ... be something that should not happen . For example ... I have a key that is only usable within a single country ... when listing said key I post as such and boom key works and is valid only to those who can enter . My issue as stated was more of a personal bad luck scenario ... maybe the whole post wasnt read as it was a beefy one (in which case perhaps this one will not be read either )
As far as the if im not willing to accept without complaint then not participate argument goes ...That just isnt a valid point of view at all . If everyone in the world just accepted what was bad and "didnt participate" then i fear that the world we live in would be full of countless tragedy and probably ... no internet to complain on anyways . It is the people who do not accept the status quo and push for solutions weather they be creative or fast and hard that evolve the things we know and love most times into much better things. Its open and honest discussions like this one that MAY inspire change for the better in the systems that were using . Careful , constructive consideration of the issue at hand seems necessary based upon the number of occurrences that I have experienced in such a short while . Weather that means even a single window in the posting process that pops up saying "hey here is the countries that you selected that this key is valid in can you please make doubly sure of it before posting?" or maybe streamlining the key not received process to include a key not functional selection that can be clicked sooner than a week ... who knows ...
Anyway i digress , complaints or otherwise poor experiences are not something that should be swept under a rug or tossed in a closet and ignored entirely and just because it works for one 100 percent of the time does not auto-magically mean it works for all 100 percent of the time.
Thanks for contributing though my friend I can certainly appreciate the interaction
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You even bother to read what I said or just grasping at straws?
"I would argue against your analogy as the lotto has a pool of money and (in my opinion anyway"
I clearly said that the prize money is not guaranteed so how did you come up with its proof of money?Did you just read the lotto part and come up with the proof of money?I clearly stated the prize money might be used up even if you have a winning ticket so, therefore, you will not get said money so how is that proof of money?Oh, they said the money was there but now it's used up but you have a winner it's okay though we had proof we had your money.
If you use that analogy as you say.then clearly making a GA is proof enough that the game existed just as the time to collect it's not available anymore.That is what you're saying the lotto just stating prize money is proof enough that it exists even know when you win said prize you might not get it.
Anyhow I said it to prove a point that you might not get the prize money from playing the lotto.The same with this site you can spend your points and not win or win and not get the prize the same as I stated with the lotto.Though I'm sure if all new about that plenty would still play the lotto despite knowing that prize money might not be available when time comes to collect.Should they have the right to complain if they don't sure they do.They just won't have much of a leg to stand on if they knew ahead of time that the prize might not be available.That was the point I was trying to make before that clearly you know the risk but still enter GA's then still want to complain when that risk pops up.
Bottom line is people make fake GA's some because they don't understand how it works, some to be trolls, some because they want to try and game the system.In the end, you have the right to complain I was just saying complaining is not going to change that so you either accept it as the risk or don't and continue to let something so silly bother you enough to make a thread and so on.
Yes, I get it,it sucks and it should not happen but new flash the world is not full of 100% honest people and this system is based on the honor system do the math.No amount of rules or changes will change that fhe fact the some will be fake and making threads or being annoyed by it is not going to change it.I accept I might not get the game so when If I do win and not get it I won't be disappointed but that is as far as I take it.
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There hasn't been a moment when I won something and didn't get excited except on one occasion, which pretty much is my fault, didn't know it is to played through controller. I always go for a game that I really want to play so I guess I won't have to get disappointed ever about my wins.
As for the "...something happens that totally negates the win", sometimes you are just unlucky that's all. But there are measures to reduce disappointments. Read the descriptions, check restrictions and deals about the game before entering. Won't give you a reason to get disappointed. Why have hopes or expectations from something that you are sure won't be working/isn't genuine.
Play games, share games, get involved in discussions threads and you'll likely be invited to groups from which you can win games that you are excited about.
And like said above about "non-activated wins" FIX it, contact GA creator and/or support to rectify it. You will be going to miss good opportunity at games if you won't fix it. It looks like you are breaking one of the important rule of SG by not activating those won games.
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You've won 14 games in just 3 months. You've been very lucky and you still haven't played any so give some of them a try (Kero Blaster is fun and Mainlining looks interesting, not to mention the adventure games you won)
Recently I won a game high on my wishlist (Stellaris) but the key was locked to a different region from mine. The creator wasn't aware of this lock and I immediately accepted the reroll or deletion of the GA.
What I'mm trying to say is that I understand your frustration but these things happen and, in the end, we are here because we enjoy sharing and playing games :)
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like i mentioned earlier , I usually put games on my laptop (non internet connected ) my kids then play the ones appropriate to them and their ages while im left still able to play my steam games on my pc without having steam pitch a fit about it . It works out pretty well ( a separate rant could be made about steam opening game installs and plays across multiple pcs under a blanket IP but thats another day methinks ) and the first part I went into much earlier so i wont type your ear off reiterating previous points but thanks for your input my girls (16 and 13 ) love kero blaster lol
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Didn't mean to sound judgmental, and there is no need to explain yourself. When I checked your steamgifts profile I noticed you had no play time on your wins (of course this only works for online play) and I was just trying to be helpful.
Nice to hear your kids love Kero Blaster :)
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I know I haven't really been here all that long in comparison to... a lot of people on here but I really have only ran into this sort of problem once. I don't really get excited whenever I win a game though, it always feels the same to me as whenever someone says they want to get me a gift, if it happens and everything goes well, I'll be happy, if it doesn't happen, then we can just pretend they never said they'd give me a gift in the first place. I have won... a fair amount of games on here in the short time I've been here and since like... there has only been one issue for me, I'm sure this wont be a frequent problem for you while on this site. I wish you the best of luck in future giveaways still, it always warms my heart whenever people win a game they're excited for and I really hope that happens more for you and that it all actually works out :)
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hey thanks for your reply ! I'm glad to see a lot of folks here havent quite experienced the same as I have . The site is great and I think I will have to put into practice youre suggestion and not treat a win as a win until the key is successfully claimed . It will be a tough behavior to change as us humans seem hard wired against it but I am sure that with practice the let down will become less (that is if it happens again of course)
Thanks for contributing !
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Dont get me wrong ... I really like the concept of the site and I'm not so cynical that I believe this applies to all of this pages members but maybe i need to vent a bit k?
NOW I have entered into quite a bit of giveaways ... hundreds in fact ... maybe thousands , But only an extreme few I would say are things I have actually wanted to win and was excited to see them posted . Saying only a handful would be overkill honestly. Now thats not to say that I just randomly enter into giveaways with no rhyme nor reason , what I am referring to is more if i see a game that strikes me as something I would like to maybe try then I enter because , hey I have the points available .
My real problem comes when I happen to win something that I ACTUALLY was excited to win. Now you may be saying well don't expect all these new 60 dollar releases that are posted here to be real , BUT those are not any of the entries that I refer to . Believe it or not the ones that I can think of in memory that I have really WANTED to win are mostly older gems that I enjoyed somewhere in the past that I just saw again here and etc etc etc.
The issue I am and have been having is ... every time I win one of these rare gems something happens that totally negates the win ... keys unusable or unable to be activated for some strange reason .... or key has already been redeemed and posted here on site .... key is invalid ... it just crushes me every time
Hey you won the lottery! Start spending that money now!
(Three days later) Oh yeah , sorry it was all just a joke
I just needed to vent a bit as im currently super bummed about this happening to me yet again
Carry on
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