So ..... yea ..... To bad tomorrow is Sunday. At least, I have been able to use my Steam Link to stream on the TV which is not broken. Also, the Steam Link appears to work better than a year or two ago. Although I still have to test actual gaming :P

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4 years ago

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View Results
You seem to have aggression problems
I totally know those cheap low quality monitors!
Don't worry I've done more stupid shit
Don't worry you've done more stupid shit
What was that about your broken tooth?

Ouch! ๐Ÿ˜ข

4 years ago

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The sale and grand prix event are crap, but nothing worth it to get that angry about it.

4 years ago

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that's it

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Did you draw that?

4 years ago

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May I know what happened? :)

4 years ago

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Someone, maybe I, did throw something, maybe a controller, away from him, maybe because he got cheated to death for the 6th time by an unfair game. And apparently does the slight touch of something cause a major fractureinside the monitor O.o

Okay, it hitted with the tip but this is still an excessive reaction, the throw was just off the cuff. This isnt even the front screen which is broken. Going over it, I dont feel anything. It is somehow behind the screen O.o

Well, being stupid has to be punished. Maybe I may learn something out of this.

4 years ago

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Can the identity of the game get revealed? o.o

You know, for the safety of others screens. XD

4 years ago

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Heroes of Hammerwatch: Which is strange because the game is actually balanced quite good and fair. Maybe it has to do with the recent change in scaling or I did use some bad built or I had an unlucky day or just was completely unconcentrated but I lost every single run today. This has never happened before.

4 years ago

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Perhaps you were just tired which well induces rage. I often try to contain my gaming rage and luckily I never had a habit of throwing anything except when playing sports. Don't even like dropping weights in the gym. Take a Break next time if you're not feeling it. No pun intended ;)

4 years ago

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See, that's the problem: you were supposed to watch the hammer so that it wouldn't do things against your monitor... :P

Still, I know your pain... My previous phone was one of those with a QWERTY keyboard, before the smartphone and touchscreen days, and one day it fell to the ground in a rather bad angle; as a result, for a few years I went around with a phone with this large blacked-out section right through the middle of the screen. Don't ask me how I managed to use it; to this day I find it a bit impressive. In any case, I eventually switched to my current phone some two or three years ago, once I finally couldn't take it anymore. :D

4 years ago

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Well, from the videos I think I would lost my composture sooner. XD
I am usually "destroying" my table, as I play with keyboard. When it's really bad, I have to get up and beat something that I can destroy - like pillow. XD

4 years ago

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Ouch! I thought the Steam sales was that bad and . . . Well, blame it on the Steam sales event instead!!! XD Best wishes on looking out for a new monitor. :D

4 years ago

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Like .... seriously? How could the sales ever be a reason to get this agitated? I am usually composed. There are more or less just two things which make me aggressive: Driving a car in unknown area, for or prolonged time or horrible traffic planing or bullshittery in games. And as I am an achievement hunter I often encounter horribly hard or chance dependent achievements :P

Well, finding a new monitor shouldnt be that hard.

4 years ago

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Apparently some people spent 100+ to increase their cap and to boost their team. Team Corgi, the team I'm on was pretty screwed by valve on day 3? Well, its a hot topic on the forum currently, just teasing. ;) I like your replies and comments you does seem a composed person.

bullshittery in games. And as I am an achievement hunter I often encounter horribly hard or chance dependent achievements :P

I totally can understand this, I am an achievement hunter too, I dont mind grinding but I hate achievements that are bugged and I encountered a few. Like Sorcerer King: Rivals "Give That Donkey A Raise - Kill an enemy with a pioneer attack", cant seem to figure out how to get the achievement and its a turn based strategy so starting a new game can take awhile without knowing if it works. I cant find any solution online or in the forum either. Btw do you know any site that states a game's achievements are bugged? :D Cheers~

4 years ago

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Yea, I think a month ago I did an achievement where I have to beat a final boss of a game (a literal rotating wall of doom) in 10 seconds or less. Which could be okay under certain circumstances. Problem was that the game being a rogue-lite and no saving before. So I had to restart in some earlier level and play and prepare up to that point which took about two hours each try. I think I managed then finally on my fourth or fifth try. Strangely enough those achievements dont make angry since you know everything is dependent on those 10 seconds. But they are annoying for sure.

As for bugged achievements: Your best source are always the steam forums. Just go through the first five pages and most often if something is bugged you will find at least one thread about it. Other than that AStats shows broken achievements for some games. But only if they have been reported by community members and there is some kind or verifying source. There are a few games I couldnt complete because I noticed to late. One game where I stopped right at the beginning and a few I did not activate for that.

4 years ago

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Some games are stupid hard, perhaps due to not optimizing the game or I am simply bad at the genre. Albert and Otto: The Adventure Begins - Allows me to know, I dislike platformers though I still give them a chance not Mario tho. XD The Marvellous Miss Take - Tells me I'm bad at stealth and clicking . . . Back to Bed - Stuck on the last achievement for Nightmare Lvl . . . Its a full controller game which I bad with only recently got a controller for new setup, not a console gamer. Gets pretty nervous when time is counting down hahaha XD

I can understand a game being hard and challenging but alot of times like in Darkest Dungeon, its a well made game and no bugs from what I've seen but its stupid RNG. Dont Starve a game that is Hard and Challenging, a Huge Steep Learning curve, would not have played it if I did not watch streams and videos of it. Its flaw is perhaps, battles can take a long time and you'll lose focus of building your base or basic survival and things will just be a must. The game really have good RNG mechanics of piling challenges on you if you're still very familiar with the game. Even a seasoned player can be screwed if you're complacent. :)

I guess, I'll make a post in future about bugged achievements. It triggers me that a game does not have 1 or more working achievements. Personally, I feel achievements are a closure and a method for the Devs to tell us what their game is about. Going through the achievements you should be more or less able to understand the mechanics and what the Devs want to bring to you. Not having a working achievement while the game is no longer in development just tells me as much how the Devs appreciates their own product.
Warm Regards :)

4 years ago

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has steam link really improved? i picked one up when there was that 1$ deal bundled with icey but even with a wired connection it was still so rough.

edit, i tried to work through it for a week or so and its gotten pretty dusty since..

4 years ago

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It works. But I use it over a wireless network with not so optimal speed. So the screen and sound often stock for half a second and while gaming it gets blurry if to much happens on the screen. With a cable I might have a better chance. Other than that it does a decent enough job for the moment.

4 years ago

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ill have to hook it up then to try at least lol if its not that bad over a wireless connection it may have actually gotten better

4 years ago

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Mine is wired to my router but my desktop is wireless. Occasionally it gets choppy for a few seconds but other than that I don't have any issues.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Rip monitor.

4 years ago

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That looks like Batman hanging from above as mostly seen in Arkham Asylum :p

4 years ago

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there's not even a hole
you ned MOAR POWAHH!!!

4 years ago

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Rage bump!

4 years ago

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wow, big notch you have there son
they should not make it like that

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Adelion.