None as yet
Clarifying text was added to the sculpture talk at 00:45 GMT 23/10
OK, in the puzzle located in the small pyramid north of the main pyramid, seNs666 and svipur have both locaed errors. I have an easy fix for two of the errors, but I could not easily fix what was wrong with item 12, so I have replaced it. I apologise profusely both to those two fine steamgifters and also to anyone else stuck there.
On one occasion, I misused the word latitude, when I obviously meant longitude. I'm really sorry. That is now fixed.
Vegetallaro found a minor error. At the start of the 9th item in the slideshow, I say "The next item on our tour", rather than "The next item on our slideshow." I have now fixed it. I apologise.
As of 00:30 GMT on 21 November, 112 people have entered the Louvre, 5 have mastered it. 2 have been named Master of Secrets.
37 have entered the north wing and 35 have finished the north wing.
27 have entered the west wing and 5 have finished the west wing
14 have solved at least one of the first three puzzles that you encounter.
33 have entered the east wing and 7 have finished the east wing.
19 have solved at least one of the strong problem, the "where to" puzzle, and the remaining puzzle on the tablet.
10 have solved at least two of these.
29 have entered the south wing and 5 have finished the south wing.
8 have solved at least one of the acrostic and the presence puzzles.
2 have solved the hidden secret puzzle
7 have solved the hidden tricky puzzle
5 have solved the hidden crafty puzzle
4 have solved the hidden sneaky puzzle
Be patient
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To figure out how my head works when constructing, I recommend My Magic Guide to SG Puzzle Writing
Entryway puzzles: These are much, much, much easier with a crossword solver (though of course you can solve them without). If you do not know a good crossword solver, I recommend checking out the resources listed in my magic guide.
to solve the north wing, you have two options.
1) Search engine mastery. Avoid looking for hidden phrases just find the sculpture discussed on the tour.
2) A clueing mechanism is hinted at twice in the Slideshow talk. Use that clueing mechanism on the 14 stops on the tour itself. Each exhibit on the tour will yield a single letter.
Hint for those stuck on the location with three pyramids: Examine the horizonal ROWS of your filled in structure. One of these rows appears to be of words that are mixed up a bit. Could you mix them up still further?
Hint for those stuck with the puzzle you get to after the puzzle with the 15 pyramidsThis seems to work differently than the previous batch. Is there anything on the previous puzzle's diagram that you are not using
Hint for those stuck on the first puzzle you get if you go east: This is really hard to solve if you work in 3d, but if you think of the pyramid as being a folded triangle, and you work in 2 dimensions, it is much easier.
Hint for those stuck on the first puzzle you get if you go north: To make this significantly easier, I will give the letters that are in the bottom corners of the pyramid. 1 HY 2 ED 3 PH 4 TS 5 KT 6 TY 7 KH 8 MN 9 GZ 10 GF 11 MH 12 KT 13 AY 14 PS
Hint for the whole concept of the South wing: Each of these artworks are parodies or pastiches of famous works of art. Can you identify the original works of art that were stolen?
Hint for those stuck on the presence puzzle: This could have been called the loans puzzle
Hint for those stuck on the presence puzzle: I've had a few people see things grouped in batches of 5 and presumed A-ha, it must be the baconian cipher. Ummm... Nope. Nothing Bacon-related in any way. I understood why you went there, but it is a complete red herring.
Hint for those stuck on the presence puzzle: This is a binary encoding in some form
Hint for those stuck on the presence puzzle: The word 'presence' does not refer to anything present in any of the images.
Hint for those stuck on the tablet: This is three distinct puzzles. One of them lies in the header and footer, one in the main text on the tablet and one in the pictures
Hint for those stuck on the tablet: To solve the puzzle hidden in the main text, you have two options. You can solve each block of hieroglyphs as a substitution cipher, each is a list of things that have something to do with Egypt. Or you can find the hieroglyph fonts that I used (there aren't that many on the web), and decipher directly.
Hint for those stuck on the puzzle you get to when you know where to go: Michael Jackson is known as "the king of pop"
Hint for those stuck on the location: Google Maps provides different information when you are in satellite mode than if you are in map only mode, particularly when you are in rural locations. Also it will not display a name if there is a search flag where the name needs to go.
Huge hint for those stuck on the tablet: To see the central part of the tablet with all of the hieroglyphs decoded, look here
Remember that there is exactly one hidden puzzle in each wing.
Sometimes there may be an element in a wing that it is not necessary, a picture, a random paragraph of description, something that does not seem to add to the puzzle content. That is often an indicator to look at that element for the hidden puzzle.
The Hidden Tricky Puzzle, which has been the most found, is in the east wing It is in one of the first areas you encounter if you go east. This must be why it is the most found puzzle
The Hidden Sneaky puzzle occurs late in the west wing, so you will already have had to solve a bunch of puzzles before you get there. If you haven't found it, do not despair, it is right near the end.
The Hidden Crafty puzzle can be found in the forensics lab, but there is a lot of equipment in there. You go to the forensics lab when you find a fingerprint.
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bump for overwhelmed...
(btw what do you mean with "mixed up" in the second question of the southern small pyramid? I got the first question but I'm not sure I understand what I'm asked to do in the second one)
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thanks for that, I was also worried that there might be alternate solutions... (btw did the picture disappear or is it just me?)
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The picture should now be back. If you reload and it is not, then I am puzzled.
For what it is worth, the picture is here:
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Ultraimg is really making it difficult by not loading all of the pictures...or any, in some cases -_-
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I hope that ultraimg comes right soon. There are 146 images in this puzzle event. In the interim, if anyone has any trouble with any images, and sees me online, just drop me a note, I would be happy to send you any images you cannot see. I am really gutted by this and haven't had this problem before.
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OK, in the puzzle located in the small pyramid north of the main pyramid, seNs666 and svipur have both locaed errors. I have an easy fix for two of the errors, but I could not fix what was wrong with item 12, so I have replaced it. I apologise profusely both to those two fine steamgifters and also to anyone else stuck there.
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This one is probably the hardest of the 4 entries puzzles. You probably just need one or 2 more words to solve it.
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For the tablet in the east, are we supposed to find a font/alphabet for that? Because I haven't found a consistent one, despite looking for a long time.
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I'm stuck there as well, couldn't find one of the fonts...
Edit: I actually found it, so I have the whole tablet now...
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Actually, though most people have solved it by finding the fonts (there just aren't that many hieroglyphic fonts), it is not the only way to solve it. You can of course solve it as a substitution cipher, using the various cryptogram tools that exist on the web.
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if I solved the acrostic puzzle and already deleted all the information I used, is that a problem for solving the presence puzzle? ...I have an idea there but it's too time-consuming to check if it might be correct with all the previous info lost...
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Sculpture talk. I just don't get from where I should extract some particular phrase.
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Congratulations on your cake day. I will add you as a friend to provide hints in chat, but to solve the north wing, you have two options.
1) Search engine mastery. Avoid looking for hidden phrases just find the sculpture discussed on the tour.
2) A clueing mechanism is hinted at twice in the Slideshow talk. Use that clueing mechanism on the 14 stops on the tour itself. Each exhibit on the tour will yield a single letter.
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Thanks! I'll try harder considering your hints and if I don't make it we'll talk.
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I have been quite busy these days, but now I have some time for these puzzles again. Unfortunately I am stuck at the location... I know how to find it on Google Maps and I have read the hint above the satellite mode, but that takes me to an apparently unremarkable spot in the middle of a big chunk of land. I have tried the name of said area, as well as other spots nearby, and none worked.
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If you are in the middle of a big chunk of land, then you are missing something. Have you solved all of the other egyptology puzzles? You need information from the Human remains puzzle, the puzzle you get to after answering the "where to go" question, and also the puzzle you get to after solving the strong problem of the egyptian gods. With only two of those, it looks like you have enough information, but you do not.
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Thanks for the hints for corner letters, this is not such a difficult puzzle but very time consuming, I guess I should stop postponing it now!
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Done:p Still couldn't find solution for #4, but that wasn't necessary for the answer.
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[Welcome to my puzzle event set as part of Jeff’s world landmarks event. Les énigmes du musée du palais de Louvre is a huge event, in its own right, with some 35 complex interlocked puzzles. Only the introduction below which explains the background and structure of the hunt is in French (which seemed fitting for an event set in the heart of Paris). I should add that there are absolutely no hidden messages, secret links or other puzzle content on this page. – Mikalye]
Les énigmes du musée du palais de Louvre
Le musée du Louvre est un musée d'art et d'antiquités situé au centre de Paris dans le palais du Louvre. Il est le plus grand des musées d'art du monde par sa surface d'exposition de 72735 m2. Ses collections comprennent près de 460 000 œuvres. Celles-ci présentent l'art occidental du Moyen Âge à 1848, celui des civilisations antiques qui l'ont précédé et influencé (orientales, égyptienne, grecque, étrusque et romaine), les arts des premiers chrétiens et de l'Islam. Le musée compte 2 100 employés (fonctionnaires, contractuels et vacataires), dont 1 200 agents de surveillance, un garde pour chacune des 403 salles d’exposition, que complètent les effectifs affectés aux 900 caméras du système de télésurveillance.
Situé dans le 1er arrondissement de Paris, sur la rive droite entre la Seine et la rue de Rivoli, le musée se signale par la pyramide de verre de son hall d'accueil, érigée en 1989 dans la cour Napoléon et qui en est devenue emblématique, tandis que la statue équestre de Louis XIV constitue le point de départ de l'axe historique parisien. Avec environ neuf millions de visiteurs annuels (depuis 2011), le Louvre est le musée le plus visité au monde et le site culturel payant le plus visité de France.
À propos de cet événement:
Au lieu d'entrer dans la pyramide et ensuite de parcourir tout le musée à votre guise, dans cette chasse, vous visiterez quatre parties distinctes du Louvre accessibles par le nord, le sud, l'est ou l'ouest de la pyramide. En réalité, les visiteurs traversent le côté est et descendent un escalier vers la galerie d'entrée (voir l'image ci-dessous), mais cela ne semblait pas idéal pour cet événement, alors, dans notre monde, vous traverserez simplement l'un des côtés de la pyramide et serez transporté(e) ailleurs. Chaque côté est distinct et peut être maîtrisé séparément (on ne peut pas passer de l’un à l’autre). Lorsque vous aurez réussi les quatre côtés, vous serez considéré comme ayant réussi l'événement.
En outre, sur chacune des quatre "ailes" du Louvre, il y a une énigme cachée (l’énigme secrète, l’énigme roublarde, L’énigme astucieuse et l’énigme sournoise). Aucun de ces éléments n'est requis pour réussir l'événement. Cependant, si vous les trouvez tous les quatre, vous pouvez gagner le titre de « Master of Secrets » (ce qui en fait mon premier événement avec récompense).
Au cours de cet événement, vous découvrirez un site archéologique secret, vous appréhenderez les criminels de base, vous explorerez un espace multidimensionnel, et oh, vous pourrez visiter (et j'espère en apprendre quelque chose) les merveilleux trésors conservés dans Musée du Louvre.
Amusez-vous bien! -Mikalye
Vous commencez ici.
[Note: Collect the passcodes from the landmarks from this week to gain access to a train for week 4!
Schedule for complete event and access to weekly trains can be found HERE]
View of the Louvre Pyramid
Welcome to the Louvre Palace
Google Maps overhead view of the Louvre
Icon for the Louvre Pyramid Landmark - Note that this appears at the top of every page in the hunt, but there is no puzzle content in the icon here or elsewhere.
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