Happy First Dose! I just got my second dose today! Make sure to take care of yourself and drink a ton of water!
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I'm glad you get a temporary security.(*p'ฮ'q)๐
Please forget the corona for a while and enjoy the fun time.
However, it seems that there is no effect on "India mutant".
Perhaps an additional vaccine is likely to be needed.
All people have become a difficult year from this year and next year.:(
Coronavirus: 'Double mutant' Covid variant found in India - BBC News
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Thanks for all you do. Health Care workers don't get enough credit.
I'm glad I have my own office and I don't face the public. My coworkers are bad enough lol. I'm lucky to be in a situation where I can mostly keep a good distance from everyone.
No major side effects for me. Just a sore arm the next day and a slight headache for a couple hours. I got it Sat morning. Its now Wed night. I'm good. The second dose will likely be worst.
LOL. Seen the meme a lot, this one fits well.
They just lowered the age limit for AstraZeneca here to include my age so I was happy I got the Pfizer shot just before that happened. But I did line up in the drive thru not knowing what they were doing that day. I was not going to turn it down regardless of what it was. But yes, I was hoping for Pfizer.
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I love what I do and I couldn't do it without my amazing team, they really brought me through the worst times of the pandemic. We lost some people and loved ones along the way but now that more and more people are getting vaccinated, we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! So thank you for doing your part!
Sadly, I can confirm that the 2nd shot is generally worse. The vaccine works by training the immune system to create a responsive defense and that can cause the same symptoms that we associate with actually being sick (headache, soreness, nausea, exhaustion, fever, etc.). As bad as it feels, that means it is working and a stronger reaction means that your immune system is better prepared to kill off any actual exposures to COVID.
There's no possible way to get COVID from these kinds of vaccines so I was willing to take whatever they would give me, .5% difference be danged, lol! A few days of bleh were worth the weight off my mind that even when I was exposed which was VERY often I would be less likely to get it or would have a less severe case due to my trained immune system. So far, I've been negative on every test! If at all possible, I highly encourage everyone to get some kind of COVID vaccine. We'll get through this, we've come so far already!
Also, memes are great teaching tools XD
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I thought im gonna die on the 2nd dose of Sputnik the day before yesterday - a day-long trip to the other side! Main symptoms were chills all over the body, weakness & headache, like strong flu.
My wife felt totally ok though, just small pain in the arm.....
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Congrats! I just got my second shot a week ago. Both times, it felt like somebody punched me in the arm, hard, but the soreness went away after two days and that was the only "side affect" I had.
Also, I've honestly never even bothered to figure out how the SGTools things work, but it accepted me so I must be behaving properly. lol.
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I never hid the rules so basic are pretty self explanatory on the entry page.
Raw Ratio is the real value of won vs given. Your at 30.8
You have given much more then you have won. Ya, your good. :)
My side effects were minor and did not last long.
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I hope you're doing well. does a vaccine make sense? since the virus is constantly mutating, will the vaccine save you from a new or foreign strain. in russia the level of distrust in the government is too high, so many are afraid and refuse to take the vaccine (the president and the state performed particularly poorly during the pandemic)
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Some protection vs NO protection always makes sense. The virus is not political, it will infect anyone.
Many people have made it a political issue, those people are idiots. Take what precautions you can and get a shot.
Its unknown but it looks like it does offer protection against the mutations so far. The faster we act, the less it can mutate. We have already lost so much time. I envy the countries that did proper shutdowns at the start. I wish Canada had done better.
Its very likely we will need more vaccines in the future. Its still worth getting a shot now. If things change and we need a new different vaccine in the future. I'll get that one too.
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Yaay! Congratulations! ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ โ๏ธ๐ฆ
I'm between my doses, too. Got 1st, AZ, end of the Feb (before ๐ฉ hit the fan) and I'm due for the second beginning of May.
But, honestly, I couldn't care less about all the poopstorm going on with the side effects or so. I believe in science and I believe all of the vaccines are the best because they make you safe. And I want to have the comfort of being, even if partially, safe. I went through covid once, lost a month to it last year and I can still feel its effects. Just let's get vaccinated, y'all! ๐๐ฉน๐๐๐
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Glad to hear your better. That sucks. I have good friend that had it. Him and his whole family. He learned nothing. I'm glad he got better, but I'm disappointed in him. Had he taken precautions and still gotten it then that's unfortunate. But that's not what happened so...
I completely agree. Any protection is better then no protection. Risks are extremely small. Its a far far bigger risk to NOT get a shot.
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I don't know how they are doing it here, we were one of the countries that did the poorest, first they said healthcare workers, then 70+ in a risk group, then 60+ or something, then young people in a risk group.
Well meanwhile i see these 30-40'ers already got a vaccin, yet only till yesterday my parents (70+, my dad in a risk group) got their first, and i don't even know if i am even considered to be in a risk group with my diabetes type 2 and get one sooner.
Meanwhile our government is covering up one lie after the other anyway. all countries do, but atleast here it's starting to come out, but we probably won't learn from it nor get changes.
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The whole weird thing about it is how most countries as of this moment, got stricter lockdowns, with evening curfew and all compared to last year, but then the infected people/people on IC numbers dropped again around summer, now they are still increasing even when they got a few million vaccinated.
Well we can only hope we all get one soon, and that it's safe from mutations.
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I'm Celebrating. I got my first dose of Pfizer on the weekend. I went to a drive thru.
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