If you buy a bundle as a gift, will the games be giftable individually, or do you get a single key?

After the question is answered(please don't answer if you're not 100% sure), you can still comment with a riddle or a joke if you want, or you can give a bump so that other users can see and enter the giveaway, or be selfish and hope this stays buried so that you have a higher chance of winning ;)

And here is what you really came for:


I will add the winner and personally give him the humble bundle link through chat, so make sure to accept my friend request :D

10 years ago*

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You get a gift link for each bundle you buy. Same as from the other bundlers, really.
You can also gift individual titles by sending a link to that, similar to Humble Bundle.

10 years ago

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You'll get a gift link for the whole bundle.

10 years ago

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no they are listed in your account as that bundle, it cannot be sepparated the faq even says that its very hard to gift bundles cause they are registered to that account, youd have to buy the keys separately to gift

10 years ago

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Bump for "solved"!

10 years ago

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humble bundles are the only ones you can kind of split up cause they allow you to gift individual games in a link

10 years ago

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im not too sure about bundle stars either ive never purchased a bundle from them but ive purchased individual games when they were really cheap

10 years ago

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So, you can only gift it as a whole... I had hoped it would be the other way around. Thank you for your replies! From here on you can riddle me, make me smile, or say whatever you feel like sharing(maybe even a bump?).

10 years ago

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you can send the whole gift bundle to your own e-mail, and then gift the games individual, i did that a few times

10 years ago

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Perfect, thank you very much! Does it have to be a different mail than the one linked to the account, or does it not matter?

10 years ago

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I bought bundle as gift once, but it was on the previous system.
I have the bundle link and the individual keys when clicking on "Here's your gift link".
I don't know how it is with the new system, probably the same but with links instead of keys.
Anyone can confirm ?

10 years ago

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Yep. Just like Humble, you get links.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by kummernow.