I've hit 10MBit down on US Cellular's LTE. I forget what the upstream is and I don't presently have Speedtest.net installed. Their 3G is around 2MBit.
You're getting around or better than 5MBit. Run the numbers in your head, figure out how fast that is. I don't know how old you are, but at my age (34) I think back to the '90s and how we didn't have cell phones, let alone smart phones, and it just blows my mind how far we've come. My father was an engineer, and passed away in 2002, and I'm not sure he could have imagined some of the stuff we have now. It's an amazing time to be alive, for tech at least. Wish we had the caliber of music from the '70s or the movies of the '80s though. That media is past its prime. But tech keeps discovering a new prime. Amazing indeed.
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I'm 26 & software engineer/web dev :)
True that. Somehow I didn't see these things coming. I mean, I knew it's a matter of time and I was actually optimistic about tech evolution but I didn't think it was gonna be this fast. Yet I feel we could do better.
Somehow SF doesn't seam like SF that much. Well, except for light sabers ( but not for long ) and warp/hyper drives.
Here's another cool sample :D
Sorry about your dad, I'm sure he would've wanted to see all these. I know I would. The fact I won't be here to witness the evolution is probably one of the few things I'll regret when I'll die.
Damn, you made me feel nostalgic now. Gotta get some 80s movie to watch.
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Watch Super 8 if you haven't already. Some say it wasn't very good. I don't really have much opinion on the actual film — I just found myself lost in the setting. I guess it takes place in the late 70s, early 80s. Best time to be a kid, IMO, because that's when I was. You're 26, so you were born in '87, you missed a great decade, but you got to see the '90s in a better light than I did. I thought the '90s mostly sucked. But kids from the '60s said the same thing about the '80s so I guess that's just how it goes.
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:)) I actually liked the 80s. Wish I could see it myself but that won't happen. In my case. living in a ex-communist eastern European country, the 90s were actually a mix between the 80s + 90s. In '91-'92 the arcade machines became quite popular here and I was actually able to see the around 'till the late 90s. I still see some, from time to time, some still working.
And yeah, I guess that's what everybody says.
I've seen Super 8. I kinda liked it. I really don't care much about movie reviews and all, if I like what I see I watch it.
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So it was like a delayed reaction, with the tech? I get that. I moved from California (wine country, not Hollywood—they're 12 hours' drive apart) to North Carolina (rednecks, LOL). When I was a kid you could smoke in restaurants. You'd go in and they'd ask you, smoking or non-smoking. California banned smoking in public places in the '90s for "health reasons." I have asthma and it never bothered me, as long as the place had adequate ventilation. I come out to NC and they still did it, for a while at least. They just banned it a few years ago. I suppose it's for the best, but it was nice to "go back" to that for a couple years. Not quite like going back in time but sort of like that. There's a lot of stuff NC hasn't figured out that California has had for years. Like reflective paint for the road, that you can see through heavy rain. California didn't even get rain that heavy. In tropical storms and hurricanes, that paint would save lives. I mean when you have to stop because you literally can't see the road. And labor laws, and civil rights. Way far behind other parts of the country. Yet we have smartphones. Android, at least. iPhone is coming soon. The big cities have it, but the carriers that offer it don't build towers out here. And "broadband" rolls right up to 3MBit and that's what we have.
And yet all of America is behind parts of Europe, Asia/Middle East (India for example) on broadband and tech. We still use CDMA for cellular when the rest of the world is using GSM. LTE is GSM so it's coming, it's just a slow transition the rest of the world did a long time ago or skipped outright.
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Way, WAY less than those 14 mbit that get advertised. At best, i get to download at 300 kbps, if the connection doesn't go apeshit or speed begins to decrease to 40 kbps.
All of this when navigating inside the 2 gigabytes per month limit, after that speed is limited to 4 kbps, making the connection basically useful only for whatsapp and almost nothing else. Of course, advertisements says UNLIMITED INTERNET!!1 but all providers put 1 or 2 gigabytes limit.
In other words, here in Italy the only way to get real unlimited internet is to subscribe to ADSL, which i can't use when i'm not home, of course.
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My wife recently got a 4G handy, which does around 60Mb/s in the downlink. We also have 3G handies and modems all over the place. Still I prefer a DSL connection: better latency and less battery problems.
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Yet another useless topic :D
I know there were some similar topics here regarding Internet speed but this one is about mobile Internet speed.
I'm actually curious what's your MI speed and what connection type you use, basically because I don't see a min-max limit on my contract nor the VF website. :D
Here is mine on 3G: http://i.imgur.com/EWXWITy.png
It's this how it's supposed to be or not?
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