I have created 8 giveaways. 4 went just fine. One has not been claimed for a month and winner is selling/giving away won games based on their win history and Steam profile, one has not been claimed for over a week, one has not been claimed for 5 hours, but winner created giveaway for won game after the win, one GA is scheduled.

Now I can't create new giveaways, tickets for failed GAs will most likely be resolved some time after release of SGv8 and I have nothing else to do here but spend my capped points and spam GAs with "thanks" comments..

What did I do wrong lol

10 years ago

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It is just human greed + bad luck

10 years ago

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Win those games back. :D

10 years ago

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I once made a GA without level requirements. I had to. I won't do it again.

10 years ago

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this is the first time I'm hearing this reason for a lvl 1+ requirement. Then again, I'm new here. thanks for the heads up.

10 years ago

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A level 1+ giveaway will ensure that you at the very least get a winner who understand how the site works. Doesn't mean he won't regift or trade his winnings, but the odds are slightly better.

10 years ago

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That's why I only make L1 requirements on my giveaways.

10 years ago

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Yikes. That's the problem with public giveaways without contrib requirement.

I hope you get your tickets resolved soon.

10 years ago

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I know what you mean.. I started doing lvl 1+ giveaways for that reason.Now I'm thinking about whitelist or small group giveaways because this doesn't work too.

10 years ago

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You are having problems with lvl1 ga's? I've run 4 in the past few days and they all went fine, claimed within 24 hours.

I can see why no requirements would be a problem with all of the new users though.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Sorry to hear about your bad luck :(
I'm confused though, why was SharpPirate's GA deleted?

10 years ago

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Because things just got better. Don't worry about it :)

10 years ago

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Give their nicknames pls so i can put them on my black list.

10 years ago

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There is 1 thing i really dont like .
When people enter GA's just for the sake of regiving away the game again ...

There is quite a few games i would love getting from a giveaway , since i cant really afford buying them full price ( even 50% off ...)
But then there are people who just hoard every game ever, for the sake of reselling / regifting it ...

Fuck those people !

10 years ago

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You can't do that on SG though, you will get suspended for a while.

What SG does right is only let you enter 1/3 of the total giveaways (more or less) which makes you more likely to only enter for games you want. I know I only enter for games I want, or am even partially interested.

10 years ago

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I only enter in the ones for a game that i actually want to play :) (mostly my wishlist)
Explains why i never win i guess :p

still tho , the wishlist future is really nice touch ... i really like that :p

10 years ago

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I will try invite only and/or level locked giveaways for a while and see if these go better.
Free for all can just waste users and moderators time as I have now seen myself.

10 years ago

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Sorry to hear that. But please note that everyone starts with lvl 0 and if everyone makes private GA's, then we are defeating the purpose of GA. its supposed to be 'Joy in Sharing' kind of deal.

Please dont hate me. I'm just saying what i first thought of.

10 years ago

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I understand you and you won't get any hate from me, but thing is.. If I ever run in to situation like that again then I have just few bad choices.
I can stop creating giveaways until tickets get resolved (moderators are already busy without adding new tickets in to the pile).
I can hope that some moderator takes some time to go through my tickets personally (leaving someone elses tickets waiting).
I can drop keys in one of the hundreds or thousands of forums where they'll be gone in less than second.
I can leave the keys/games to rot forever in my text files or inventory and nobody will ever see them again.

10 years ago

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Spend some time "hanging around" with the SG regulars who are nice people. That way, when you run into a turkey, it will be easier to keep your perspective and not get too frustrated by the one bad apple. )

10 years ago

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speaking of leaving keys to rot in text files: J63LI-TRIRQ-4N7F2

10 years ago

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Hmm, it's folks like that which cause the use of level giveaways and blacklists. :/

10 years ago

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There's a bunch of cv scams out there too, like leveling circles and fake giveaway bumps. Early days, I was even asked by a gifter if he could replace the game I won game with a different one, stated reason being he made a mistake. The key is the replacement game was bundled while the listed won game was not. So, would have been a bunch of free cv if I had accepted, plus a black mark on my record.

In short, there is no such thing as protections against dedicated scammers. Best bet for eliminating them is utilizing the whitelist and blacklist features.

10 years ago

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Sorry to hear about that... Don't worry, it gets better. It's just one of those days, you know? Cheer up! ^^

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by CorvusAlbino.