the steam keys are only able to be used once, but if winners are receiving emails without steam keys and rather (ex. and getting direct download links) that is what is wrong. So far that I know of only 1 person has reported this on the forums. I'm not sure if any have been reported to It's possible that there are unreported cases because winners may not have known the difference and used the direct download links instead.
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As already posted on the forum countless times.
Giveaways that do not give the key to activate the games on steam are not allowed. Those should be marked as not recieved. It's Please report to if you won but no received a steam activation key.
People that bought lots of keys for 0.01$ and exploited the system that way still sell those keys on ebay and such those can be givenaway on this site.
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You can be skeeved out that people are giving away charity items. But most of your other claims are false and baseless.
However, Humble Bundles don't make money anymore, since they are not sold anymore.
You already made a thread about this if I recall. People gifting 17 copies of a humble bundle are not resending one key 17 times. They, in all likelihood, bought 17 keys for 1 or 2 cents. Which, given the charity nautre of the item in question, can obviously be questionable on a moral level, but it's not illegal, nor is it what you claim it to be.
Steam only allows 1 activation per Humble Bundle. If people were just getting sent direct download links they could not activate on Steam, there'd be a lot of people voicing annoyance with the practice.
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so far just 1 has reported that they received a download link instead of a steam key.
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The bundles dont make money anymore but the games in the bundle are still being sold. So the developers are still missing sales.
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I've only seen one instance of someone giving direct download link, and I remember raining fury down on them the likes of which have never been seen on this earth before.
Here's the thing; people stockpiled them. They would pay 50 bucks for one, then get a hundred more for a dollar, and just keep the keys around. I can speak with some authority and say that giving unused keys is legit. Any abusing of this results in an instant band.
Also, they ARE DRM'd, as it is a steam key. Once the key is used, it ties the games to your steam account which is by nature DRM. Each key can only be used once.
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Imho, the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle should be removed from here, so it doesn't get abused like that. And remove the Frozenbyte Collection while you're at it, because it contains the same 3 games for more points. And that is being abused even as I type this.
PS: I have seen several times now that people make several single-copy giveaways of Frozenbyte Collection, instead of a single giveaway with multiple copies. There should be a guideline against that, I think. Anyone agree?
PPS: People buying hundreds of Humble keys for 1ct each only hurts the developer's cause. they get less for their key than they have to spend supplying people with keys. don't be a dick towards the devs, give them a dollar per key at least.
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Are you EXACTLY know how much cents/dollars/euros we spent for HIB? No? Then shut up please. HIB are fully legit Steam CD-keys and there is no reason to remove it from site. Ok?
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did I address you specifically? No? Then shut up please.
HIB are NOT fully legit steam keys if you make 100 giveaways and give the same Humble key to every winner (with which you can download the DRM-free titles, but not the steam games).
Next time, read the thread before getting rude. Ok?
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Sorry for rudeness, but you talking about removing HIB from site, not me, not even topicstarter.
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If the HIB is removed, we wouldnt have to remove people abusing / exploiting them. That's what my point is.
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Well, you can't really prevent people from buying the Humble Bundles for 1 cent, but I agree, that sth has to be done.
There should be a requirement, that all Humble Bundles have to be given away by forwarding the original email, which you've got after purchasing it. This way, the only person that has access to the games, is the winner of the give-away.
Concerning the Frozenbyte Bundles, just make sure, that the winner gets it via the Steam gifts and guest passes feature, if they get a key, then it should be reported, because that means it's actually a Humble Frozenbyte Bundle.
As for banning the Humble Bundles completely... well, maybe they should be banned. It's just too big of a temptation for people to buy hundreds of Bundles for 1 cent each and then selling them or trying to profit off them in some other way and this site shouldn't encourage them to do so.
I still have 2 more keys, for which I've paid a fair price and which I might've given away here (completely, like I described it above), but I would understand, if the Bundles were banned completely.
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You wrong. This is site. Gifts for STEAM. Keys for STEAM. HIB has Steam keys, so they and only they must be in giveaways.
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and that's exactly what some people don't do. and that creates problems
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Will the moderators be removing those people clearly abusing the system?
There are a number of users that are "gifting" multiple copies of the same key, the humble bundles being the classic ones.. I'm uncomfortable participating in a site that is depriving the creators of non-DRM games of their due..
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