They are asking for opinions on the game,but you could have given something to the thread instead some random worthless reply
Asking someone if they should get said item or not,does not mean they will get it,but getting feedback sometimes helps in a choice
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Why is my reply "worthless" and what makes it less "worthless" than your reply to my reply?
I posed a legitimate question. He's not asking about opinion on the game. He's asking about opinion whether he should get the game now or later. It seems to me like he had already decided that he will buy it sooner or later. The price is the question, not the game itself.
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I see it as if your going to tell someone if they should buy it or not,you should also give valid points of why you should or should not get it now.
I shared what i thought and gave my opinions on why they should or should not purchase it,and maybe i should have not said worthless but i can not take that back nor would i try.
But your asking them if they will base there decision of spending money on what other people say,but yet at the same time they should listen to what you pointed out,but ignore what others says
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I'd say, "wait until its $5." While a lot of the issues it launched with are fixed, (the crashing every 5 mins), there are still a few bugs that will make it less fun. Maybe they will fix them by the time it becomes a $5 game. You might also be lucky enough to find someone with a key for it, from that gamesplanet pricing error... Error making it free. They might be willing to part with it for cheap.
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no they did not revoke those, i still have mine. And yeah better save the money
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It's one of the worst games I own. If I had paid money for it I would have been furious. There's absolutely nothing to do in the game. I played it for about 30 minutes and idled the rest of the time for trading cards. Spend your money on something better.
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Get This War of Mine instead. It's cheaper and thought-provoking and challenging (you'll die a lot.) With Dead Rising 3 you'll just pick up a brick, hit a dozen zombies, the brick breaks, pick up a loose board, hit a dozen zombies, it breaks, pick up a nightstick, hit a dozen zombies, it breaks (everything is very fragile in this alternate universe), move to the next area, pick up a random propane tank, throw it, boom, zombie parts fly everywhere, pick up a gun with five bullets, shoot 5 zombies, throw the gun away, pick up a sledgehammer, hit a dozen zombies, it breaks, move to the next area, repeat.
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As I mentioned earlier it cost me nothing and I did not need to read reviews or watch gameplay videos before accepting a free game. Since I ventured and lost nothing, I also had nothing to be annoyed about and I don't care in the least that a free game wasn't fun. However the OP was asking if he should spend money on it, and presumably his money means something to him so I made the suggestion to consider an alternate purchase.
Maybe it has a lot of content (the promo screenshots seem to suggest that it does) but it's not any fun to play so I'm not sure how I would be able to sit through enough of it to experience much of the content.
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At the same time there are people that love it so I guess it is fun to play for some guys. That's why I don't understand such questions like OP posed. Let's say 10 people will say the game's awesome and 10 will say it sucks and what then? Which people should he listen to? I think the best way to see if you're going to like a game is read reviews and then watch gameplay videos. You'll know what to expect.
BTW: I haven't played DR 3 myself yet but you seem to complain that you basically just shoot and slash zombies in this game. I've played both Dead Island games and you were basically doing the same thing there and over and over again too and I loved those games. From what you described it seems like something similar to Dead Island to me. Have you played Dead Island? If so, what did you think of it? I'm curious. Cause those games seem alike in terms of gameplay.
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I think if I was younger I would be more receptive of the game but I think I've outgrown the "fight enemies, move to next area, fight enemies" formula. I'm more into exploration / RPG games now. I do still enjoy action games but they need to offer something less grindy.
I have played Dead Island and I think I enjoyed it more because of the first person perspective but I didn't play very far into that one either. I didn't find it to be terrible but it didn't hold my interest for too long. I didn't bother to pick up the sequel.
You might enjoy DR3 more than I did and it's possible that it does get better further into the game. I seem to have a bias against games that become repetitive, and since I have more games than I could ever possibly play I just move onto the next.
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I think it really depends on if you like the series or not as it is more of the same with better visuals.I Never tried online so i can not speak for that.
Though the weapon building can be fun,and the new vehicles and the freedom are fun,in the end it is the same old song and dance from the others. This time they did make the count down for each day an option to how slow you want it to go or faster to help tailor how hard or laid back the time goes.
Though no true sandbox mode which i like the most,just running around killing stuff and doing stuff with no timer to worry about or no time advance,no missions. I have not done online but i would imagine it would be more fun to play with a decent bud then the A.I.
I would say if you really like zombies and how the previous Dead Rising played then that it might not be worth it unless your a huge fan.If this is your first go in the series and your feel good about the discount and love zombies i would say it might be worth the money.It does not use GFWL so that is the one big plus over the other 2,but they will be ported to steam sometime next year.
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It's actually okay as a game but terrible as a port.
I don't like XBOX games.
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Game is okay, once you beat it + all dlcs once, you will hardly go for a 2nd run. By the time you max out everything, you are damn overpowered and basically destroy everything with ease.
What i'm trying to say is, game is somewhat enjoyable early, even more if you play with a friend that is also new.
Alternatively, i like to join other people beating the game and blow them up with triple mega phones weapon, basically it sends shockwaves in 2 forms: spread shockwave, less distance but clears the path off things in front of you and power shockwave which blasts in a smaller radius, opening a path in the streets. This weapon blows everything away when you use it, including players. Which is highly enjoyable trolling people and ruining their games (getting them stuck in corners after sending them to oblivion with the weapon).
Good times... but it's dead to me now.
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recently it got optimised for PC with an update for Nvidia users. I totally #rekt my pc and now i cant play DR3 nor update my graphics card. (dont ever delete drivers :P)
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It's now in %40 sale as you know. I just want to ask should i wait for another sale or should i buy it now ?
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