That's really all I was looking for, sigh, I'll just wait it out I guess. Not like I don't have the time, lol.
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I think that's the consensus I came to as well. I've been trying to save up cards and whatnot to buy those silly keys though, hah. Just seems sill to have gameswap in the title, but swapping for no games.
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oh no thank you but I appreciate it! I have Postal 2 that was given to me by a friend from here. I wasn't looking for any free stuff, just ranting and seeing what others had to say about it.
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well thank you. I have some origin codes if you want one, lol.
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I tend keep my Origin library as small as possible; if Crysis 3 had been available via Steam, I probably wouldn't have an Origin account at all.
I just happened to be in the neighbourhood of your Steam wishlist; it suggests you have some good taste in games. ;]
Feel free to add me via Steam; besides Postal, I've got a fair-trader or two in my friends list I could have a word with.
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It was that way with me too! Except it was Battlefield 3, which turned out to be a pile of hot garbage. Mostly it stays logged on on the wife's computer so she can play The Sims 3. That's also why I don't even bother with some games, they have to be special.
-Invite incoming
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It cuts both ways though. A lot of people trade for the profit. That's what they're in it for and IMO there's nothing wrong with that if that's their prerogative. They would consider you to be a "lowballer" in certain respects. There are actually a lot of profiteers who are very fair traders too. I typically (try) to stay away from trading with nickel/dimers b/c its a hassle from the beginning. "Oh you need to give me more for that". If someone is that stuck on "winning" the trade, then fuck em. I trade for games that I want, not to resell. I once got into a haggling session with the absolute worst trader I've ever dealt with and was hung up on cards. It was a ridiculous waste of time, so I said forget it, and an hour later I traded that same game with someone else who had a fair offer and the trade was done in less than 2 minutes.
There are plenty of people out there who do it just like you do though. They just want to trade their extras and get something else to play. You have to look really hard sometimes, or lower your expectations/prices, but usually someone will come along at some point and be willing to trade with you.
The main thing is its totally dependent on what you're trading. You say that what you have are Origin codes. Those are not valuable to gamers in the Steam community at all, and if they're from the Humble Origin Bundle, you're going to find even less takers b/c that bundle was and still is exceptionally widespread. It's not what you want to hear, but thats really the truth. People still have trouble selling some of those for 1 refined metal. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've been offered Origin Bundle keys in the last year. Almost every ad I make of my bundle leftovers I get 1-2 offers of it still. Your best bet with those may be trading those with a profiteer b/c they typically have no problem sitting on things for months, if not years, to make that profit and you get your fill quicker. They're just not worth much to anyone 1. because of how widespread they are and 2. b/c they're Origin games.
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This makes total sense, and yes they are. I guess I was just unaware of how widespread and "worthless" they are. Oh well. They aren't hurting anything just sitting in my account. Thanks for your reply, I think I just needed that second opinion, same idea validation.
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You might want to look into Steam Trading Cards & Trading. I know a handful of people out there who trade bundle game leftovers and other cheap games for trading cards including myself. Trading cards are not that hard to get a hold of either. You can get a lot just from playing games you own and you can also get them fairly cheap on the community market as well.
I currently have over 200 games just sitting in a spreadsheet waiting to be traded away. I even give some away to people on my friends list just for the card drops in return. I usually trade away my bundle games for 8-15 cards per game so you can see its not a hefty price to pay.
Feel free to look me up on or message me through steam if you're looking for help with trading or someone to trade with that deals fairly.
I'm a card collecting crazy man. Currently sitting at 2,600+ Cards :D
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You could have applied to join this group if you hadn't already.
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It is entirely possible that you are wandering around the wrong part of the internet at the wrong time of day. Asshats tend to congregate, just like decent people do. I suggest you try to find people who are of like mind to yourself. There are plenty of good people on the internet, but you have to pay attention in order to notice them. Being part of Steamgifts is a pretty good start. I would classify the SG community as "better than average." Sure, we have some trolls, but the majority tend to be at least polite.
Also, I notice that you are fairly new to the site. One month registered, only 650 entries... By the time you hit 1500 entries and have been here about a year, you will probably be a member of two or three (or more!) giveaway groups. Not only do such people tend to be friendly and helpful, you have a much better chance of winning a giveaway as part of such a group. I know that money is tight, right now, but just keep saving up your pennies until you can afford to buy a non-bundled game at 75-80 percent discount. I'm very poor by U.S. standards, but I've manged to nickle-and-dime my way to 1000 CV, so you can, too. People who give regularly, even if it isn't very much at one time, attract the attention of other generous people.
Hang in there, Bro! Life is not as bleak as it may seem. D
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This isn't about the giveaways, I fully understand the odds and appreciate everyone here and what they're doing.
My melancholy today comes from the fact that I can't trade any of my extras for stuff that I want to play. {I'd give it away, but origin codes) I figured I'd try my hand at just trading for items, games, whatever so I can get some games I want to actually play. I'm not talking AAA titles either, games I want are normally under $10 or leftovers from bundles, etc. So being the no budget for games right now because of a new kiddo in the NICU and the wife being out of work guy I am I figured people would understand that we may have a mutual benefit to a decent trade, but NOOOOOO!
When did something we all obviously love and hold dear, something that helps us feel better when we feel so damn down, become a nickle and dime buy for nothing sell for a bitcoin hobby? I've been met with bad attitudes, people thinking I'm trying to take advantage of them, people who don't really care about the hobby, and the elitists who care about stats and pennies. I literally had a guy turn down a very fair trade because he would "be only profiting 8 cents", REALLY?!
Don't get me wrong, I made two great trades, but I had to actually spend money, which is really tight and kinda the opposite of what I was looking for.
Sorry for the rant, just don't know where else to go. The wife is asleep and I'm a night owl, even after a 12 hour workday.
Anyone have suggestions or similar stories, better more lax trade groups? I guess the truth is I just want to talk as well.
TL;DR - This hobby is sometimes full of buttholes looking for money
edit: This community is amazing and I'm glad to be here, thanks for making me feel 1million times better!
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