I have a bunch of steam codes to games that i got from Humble Bundle a while ago, No idea if they still work? Any ideas of what i can do? or where to give them away with no risk of bots stealing them first lol.

2 days ago

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2 days ago

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Define while. Weeks/months they are fine or you can request new one. Multiple years ins some cases might be worse.

2 days ago

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it....... might be... years.... lol... Honestly i'm just considering pasting them somewhere and good luck everybody! lolol

2 days ago

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These groups:

Delete giveaway if key is not working
Lootboy SG

or these threads:

Invite-only Giveaways
Anti-Ninja Key Drop

I would recommend the 1st one :)

2 days ago

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ehhh............. seems like too much drama reading the comments and threads there lol..

2 days ago

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Not sure what drama you mean but the invite-only giveaways, I feel like, is pretty safe. There's two places you can warn entrants that the keys may be already used (in your post and then on each giveaway) so less room for people to complain. Plus adding some info instead of the generic "let me delete if used" I feel definitely helps.

2 days ago

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You can paste them in JPG format (I think this avoid bots) our doing some "math" accounts (like ** = 2)

Are there so many games like this for you to worry? :-O

2 days ago

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25 games lol

2 days ago

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Why not just make a bunch of invite only giveaways, and link them as a train, then post the start here in the forum?

Or just post a list of invite only giveaways.

That 's what most people do with extra bundle keys

Dunno about the drama you speak of, but alot of people also just drop a comment with a llnk to an invite only giveaway, at the end of these most popular threads...


Another popular method is to make a puzzle on jigidi.com or quiz on 2solve.me or utilize a more abstract obfuscation of the 5 character string which is unique to each giveaway..

2 days ago

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Start with your friends wishlists. See who might want what you've got.

2 days ago

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1 day ago

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Closed 1 day ago by PanicTheScaredyCat.