Is it late to get Operation Bloodhound?
It really depends on your reason for buying it.
You'll still be able to do all the missions if you play a lot (at least that's how it was in old operations).
If you're going for experience it's not bad to get but competitive is still better for experience if you ask me.
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Missions are short? Maybe if you only go for stars but some of them suck like getting $1 mil, spending $1mil.
Those would be the two shittiest, then you have to kill 300 chickens or something, then use 100 unique weapons (resets every map).
It's kind of annoying cause they're all casual but maybe that's just me. They're still doable but they are kind of long, side branches though. So I guess if you're going for coin then yes it's not so bad.
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Oh, right. And also it depends on people you will meet. On casual there is tons of try-hards that yet have a brain so they realize you are doing mission and they will prevent you from doing it as much as possible. Changing server won't give you anything. Like mission with hostages on Assault. If I didn't meet 2 guys that were nice I would never end this. Reaching a hostage on that map is nearly impossible, especially with guys camping with negevs just on them.
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Hahah, I was kicked, because I always told the other team where is Turner going. Once I was at hostage and saw turner on long. I was like ''guyyyyys, turner on looong" :D turner just looked at me, I saw tear in his eye, he just told "why???? :c" and got raped with negev and awp lol
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Yeah, when I was silver I opened first case and got stattrak glock water elemental (in field tested sadly) but it was still some cash. After I involved I didn't get anything good :D and from operation drops most expensive was tec Hades, like 80 cents :P
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"the drops are (nearly) worth it" - no, they are not. Getting drop worth more than 30 cents is a major success, and getting drop worth more than $10 is something close to winning public GTA5/other-big-AAA-game giveaway here.
Of course, there's always someone winning public giveaway. So there's always someone getting AWP Medusa in drop.
But it's never you :)
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For weapon drops alone - nope. I'm guessing 99% of people will not drop anything more than consumer grade weapons, which means they'll be worth under 30 cents each, some even barely 5 cents (if they are not from 3 new collections).
Cases are nice, that's true, not sure if they won't fall in price tomorrow (case reset in few hours).
And I'm saying that as someone who bought operation - but I bought it day 1, so my first case sold for €4 and second for €3, which means I was on plus from the very start. Which is the only good moment to buy operation - cases are most expensive then, you can sell them and get your money back, which means every next week is profit.
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" Getting drop worth more than 30 cents is a major success " i got those drops for free with chroma 2 cases... actually 1 euro cases for NOTHING , so yeah , operation bloodhound is not worth it imho .... unless you bought it when it first came out.
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Chroma Case 2 is not for €1 since first week of May - so two months.
And they went under €0.5 when Operation appeared, around 27th May.
And when Operation started, Operation Case was worth around €4. You have one guaranteed and one possible, which means if you buy operation in first day, you can get your costs back in two weeks.
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Well, didn't count it and it would be pain in the arse to find exactly how much I got out of operation, but after paying €5.5 I think I sold cases I dropped since day1 for around €10. And still 10 weeks of more cases, so it should get me at least €3 more.
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No, it's not too late. Though, how much the Op is worth in the first place is questionable, because the drops are mostly shit (You are lucky if you get a 60 cent drop). You will be able to complete most if not all the missions you missed by not buying it day one.
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Think about it. Once a week, when you level up, you'll have a weapon drop that is exclusively from Cobblestone, Overpass, Gods and Monsters, Chop Shop or Rising Sun collections. You have higher chances of getting an AWP Dragon Lore or Medusa, M4A1-S Knight an other skins that are worth a lot. I'm talking from my (trading) point of view.
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Yeah, and people bitching about ''IT NEVER GIVES YOU PROFIT DON'T BUY IT !1!ONE!!" are stupid. First operation came out when there was NO SKINS. No one was talking about profit, but hey, today CS:GO is just a gambling game. For me it already gave profit. I got like 10 falchion cases already + drops I've been given.
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Yeah, I know. I bought the operation exactly after it came out and I got my money back by selling the cases which I got in an hour or so.
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If you didn't noticed, it's over a month after it came out. And OP is asking if it's too late.
And if getting money is a main reason to go in, then yes, yes he is. You'll get 10 consumer grade weapon drops (yeah, for sure you'll get Medusa or Dragon Lore, right after you win public giveaway of GTA5) and bunch of cases that now are worth €0.59, but they'll probably start dropping in soon.
So no, right now it's too late when you only care about money.
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You need to do around 32 or 34 missions to get the gold coin so that means it only takes a month.
Skip all the green missions and do only the yellow and orange ones.
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