Since you've given a lot of copies of the same games, once the price of a game you've given away drops, you're likely to take a big CV hit. Doesn't have anything to do with you winning games.
Quite a big gap from 6 to 4 though, maybe something was retroactively bundled?
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Today, Might & Magic® Heroes® VII Complete Edition and Neon Struct as well as the deluxe edition has retroactively been changed from unbundled to now bundled status since Nov 2019 and Sep 2017 respectively thus the level loss. You'll have to make more giveaways to return your level back to what it was.
EDIT: Looks like Aik's Cheese Adventures has also been retroactively changed to bundled status since May 2018 which has made things worse for you i think.
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Maybe I'm misunderstanding medion, but I don't think that answers the question. I'm not talking about the user who started the thread specifically but if you had put a game up in 2017 that has since been bundled, are you really going to lose CV? If you do, I think that's a little excessive (and what I thought medion was saying).
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Happy Cakeday 🥧🎈
& thx for the plain explanation. I was wondering how that worked for some time ..
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Happy cake day!
So if I understand you correctly:
If I buy a game - that has not been bundled - at full price and gift it today I receive full CV for that game. And if that game is bundled/free in the future I will not lose the CV received for it.
If I buy a game - that has been bundled/free - for any price, full/half/free, any price, I will get full CV for it now IF it hasn't yet been added to the ''bundled-games-list'' but will lose it later on when it is added to the list. I will receive reduced CV if the game is already on the list.
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Yes, that's exactly it. Once a game has been bundled once, regardless of how you got your key, it will get you reduced CV. If that game went on sale below 95% of it's value, that also counts as bundled. Because the list is manually edited, there are always going to be some games that slip through the cracks and get found out later.
Likewise, I've gotten plenty of keys in bundles that were 0CV here. I've still given them away, but I didn't get most of them for free myself. I understand that it has to be like that though. People do abuse the system when they find out that a game gives them more CV than it should. You know how it is. =)
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"some games slip through the cracks"
Sounds good because it feels like a "small/low" ammount..... but alone from me are still over 300 add game tickets open. So it is a bigger problem. That will never be solved and one of the reasons why i stopped to make tickets
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The game is retroactively marked as bundled since the first time the game was effectively bundled.
For example the user got in 01/01/2019 a bundle from a real site), but only in 2021 SG team got to know the game was from a bundle... so they just mark it retroactively from 01/01/2019 :)
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only thing i dont like in retroactive CV change is a price drop in a game
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All correct here.
Your level were to high listed since years because you got hundreds of cv for games that you got for free (many copies).
The support corrected that with putting Games, retroactively, on the bundled list.
Of course it is surprisingly for you, if such a thing need 2 - 4 years till it happen.
It hadn't something to do with your wins.
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For your issue it's just about levels and game loosing value, nothing about you winning games (wining never changes your ratio).
What I don't understand is why the levels have to drop.
If someone bought a game full price, like for example Cyberpunk, and gift it, then for some reason the game is free on HB or steam and many gift it away on the site, I don't understand why the first person will have his level reduced despite he gifted the game full price.
It's not really fair for the users that actually inverst their money in gifts.
Games that were free once and reverting back don't give xp either, but I understand some could hoard free keys to gift them while they are worth something.
Still for the first users it's just completely unfair.
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If you buy and gift for example Cyberpunk before it is given away for free you will still have your CV
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If you give today Cyberpunk 2077 away and next month will it be BUNDLED at some site, then you still get still full cv for your Cyberpunk 2077 GA but each one that do a giveaway AFTER the game were bundled will get reduced cv (15%).
At least as soon as the support add the games to the BUNDLED list -and that needed in this case here 2-4 years-.
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Tam mi odpowiedziały tylko dwie osoby reszta hejtowała albo pisała w tym wy nie na temat cytowali regulamin którego nie rozumieli. Wszystko poszło o to że jeśli ktoś kupi 3 gry za 100 każda a ta cena spadnie z czasem lewel wkładu się obniża. Dla mnie to nie ma najmniejszego sensu czego nie jesteście w stanie pojąć. przygotowanie kluczy potem ktoś nie odbiera czekanie pisanie z prośbą do moderatora o zmiane nie ma sensu wystarczy klucz wrzucić bez tego i mieć świenty spokój. Lewel spada mimo wrzucania nowych treści bo cena gier spadła z czasem. Dla mnie to głupie wasze zdanie mnie nie obchodzi. Jedna osoba odniosła się do tematu i napisała mi o to co pytałem gdzie tak nie jest i gdzie automatycznie wygrana zmienia właściciela gdy ten nie odbiera i nie wystawi oceny. Dla mnie to strata czasu. Druga odpowiedziała mi na pytanie że poziom spadnie niezależnie od tego co wstawiasz. Jest to nie ok gdy ktoś zapłaci za klucz wrzuca go a po tygodniu aktualizują czy po roku mu poziom powinien być stały. Wpłacasz 100 za klucz na steam oddajesz go ktoś wygrywa lewel powinien być ustalany na stałe w dniu gdy ta cena obowiązuje. wrzucając kolejne klucze poziom mi spadł to mnie bardzo zirytowało. Wiem że to moje odczucia wasze były takie by mnie hejtować oceniać wartość gier że to śmieci. Jak się nie podoba to nie musisz z tego korzystać patrzyłem na gry osób co mnie hejtowały co to ma znaczyć że ja wstawiałem śmieci skoro sami nie wstawiacie gier za minimum kilka stów każda co? Ba nawet mi się nie podobały? Ale ja o to bólu dupy nie mam. Pajace u góry popatrzcie zero sensu wasze wpisy. Tylko dwie osoby były w stanie pojąć i odpowiedzieć bez obrażania mnie. Teraz mam obserwować co wstawiacie i komentować za każdym razem że to dno śmieci że mi się nie podoba czy co. Nie jestem pomocą społeczną. Ale za wstawianie gier nie zasługuje na hejt. Mam prawo zrezygnować kiedy chce i wstawić co chce. A system potrzebuje zmiany. Tylko krowa nie zmienia poglądów. Piszę po polsku bo niektórzy po angielsku nie rozumują;-) Wiem że będą to hejtować i pisać nie na temat. Nie piszcie jak nie wiecie jak to funkcjonuje. A cytowanie regulaminu jest śmieszne gdy go nie rozumiesz. Mam w dalszym ciągu własne zdanie przykro mi że mam hejterów na całym globie. Podsumuje system automatycznego zmieniania osoby która wygra plus poziom ustalany raz na stałe jest dla mnie normalny i takowy istnieje na innej stronie. Zmieniam ;-))))
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My contribution level dropped from 6 to 4. It's strange that this happened today when I won two giveaways in a day.
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