Actual Correct Headline: Teen kills evil old women because she dares to force him to do menial labour.
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Hardly because of video games.
It's stated the kid had a history of violence. The kid also managed to get a sword, WHO THE FUCK GIVES A KID A SWORD?
Talk about sensationalist bullshit. Now video games are the scapegoat and the real issues are not explored and new issues are created.
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He didn't like that he was told to stop playing a video game.
You didn't read the article? :P
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Must have glanced over that.
He was also told to do chores. Is it the chores or the video games? Were there past confrontations and anger management issues with the teen?
I hope this guy gets help. Playing a video game and killing your great grandmother aren't similar at all.
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“It’s very difficult to see a child do something like that. Somebody failed this kid,” Maj. Wheeler said. “I think the system failed that child, the mother, the grandmother and the great grandmother.”
The District Attorney’s office is petitioning to try the teen as an adult, the major said.
yep, everyone in his life failed him, so the solution is to lock him up in jail for the rest of his life. 14 is still young enough to be corrected i think, unless he has serious mental disorders, in which case he should be in a mental institution.
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Trying as an adult does not mean lock away for life. In fact, most murder that isn't premeditated won't result in life in prison without parole, but a smaller term around 20 years or so with parole possible. And obviously circumstances would come into play here, and chances are they want him tried as an adult so that he doesn't just get 4 years in kiddy jail and then released.
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Probably some sword to display over the fireplace...
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I'm the same age and I know where to go if I need a cleaver, a six inch knife or a rifle.
I don't think i'd do well in prison, though.
edit: and im not batshit insane
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The fact that you add that on as an afterthought makes me wonder if you are in fact not insane...
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It was so annoying to read this in every sentence: "Maj. Wheeler said." -.-
Anyway, that kid has emotion control issues, either caused by a mental illness or idiotic parents.
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Probably the latter, as there are more idiotic parents than mentally ill kids.
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1) Only an idiot gives a sword to a "troubled teen with a violent past."
2) He didn't kill her over a video game, he killed her because he was a doucher that didn't want to do his chores.
3) So many people play video games that there are bound to be a couple of psychotics here and there.
4) I'm sick of the media using the video game angle in headlines. You may as well say he killed her because he wanted to eat chocolate cake instead of doing his chores.
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ANYTHING can be used as a weapon, though. There's a reason why violent mental patients are often put into a room that has nothing in it, and lined with padding. Barring all else, he would've used his fists and legs. Too many people try to look to what implements were used, or activities involved in, or pastimes/hobbies as somehow being a factor. If he had used a gun, everyone would be blaming firearms.
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I'd rather take a 14 year old's fist to the face rather than a sword or bullet anyday.
If the kid didn't have the weapon this wouldn't nearly be as bad. You can defendweapons all you want I just don't see how a weapon with no purpose what so ever apart from violence should be in a house with a kid with so much history of violence; it was just stupid parenting.
Then again, I heard this is normal parenting in Atlanta.
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If you were an old lady or man, it wouldn't matter what you were being hit with - a bruise could create a blood clot that will kill you. A broken bone could kill you. Why do you think slipping is considered such a HUGE risk to the elderly? They typically break a hip, which leads to their death. What you're trying to equate is like saying you'd rather get smashed by a thousand pounds of feathers instead of a thousand pounds of rocks. The weapon's presence was inconsequential.
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Yes it does have some merits that a punch to the elderly would hurt them and could infact kill them. But using your arugment I could hand a drunk a knife when he was getting violent and it would be okay since he would would still hurt people with his fists and could kill someone with his fists.
What I'm trying to equate that a kid shouldn't have a fucking sword and an elderly couple who can't keep their violent kid in line shouldn't have one in the house either. Just because the elderly can be overpowered by a fist from a teen doesn't mean the kid can have a sword to cut on his neighbors or cops.
If that kid came running at the cops with a sword rather than his fists I'm pretty sure the cops would have taken a shot at him.
I don't believe the weapon's presence was inconsequential either. This wasn't just some generic tantrum where a couple slaps or blows are preformed. This kid dedcided to go out and grab a sword and start slicing his family. This indicates theres something seriously wrong with the boy since it's pretty much premeditated attempted murder.
Now I'm not saying that weapons go out and commit crimes what I'm saying is if you're going to have a weapon or a tool in the house that can be used as a weapon have a bit of common fucking sense. Lock it away, keep it away from kids and if you have a kid with a known history of violence then maybe you shouldn't have any at all.
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What I've been saying is that the first mistake everyone makes, is looking at everything other than the kid and his fucked-up head as a potential reason or motivator. Ignore everything else. Focus on his brain. It is all that mattered, leading up to this. If there was no sword, he would've used: couch/chair/tv/hammer/kitchen knife/table can go on and on, until the only thing left is "Why didn't they live in a big, padded cell?. Therefore, why would him being at location A with Object B matter? The fault in rationality is to equate the sword as being a weapon and different than "object", and thus, somehow contributing to the seriousness of the situation. In a sense, we're actually agreeing. But, whatever. I won't even go in depth on the irrational juxtaposition of circumstances you opened with (kid with sword = drunk with knife), or the bold-faced assumption that a cop wouldn't have fired on the kid unless he was holding a sword. You can't prove that he wouldn't, just as I couldn't prove that he would have - it's irrelevant.
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here is the link I am shocked wtf.
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