Damn saiyans becoming great apes is a good reason 😂
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It's a little moth in a stainless steel sink. I had a Panasonic DMC-LZ2 and then a DMC-TZ3. I don't remember which one I had when this was taken, but I would guess it's the TZ3.
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Wow! I love space photos! Those are beautiful!
You took them with your phone?? Color me impressed! I tried the phone/scope combo once (at an airbnb of all places lol) but didn't get much that was even good enough to keep.
Keep posting please! The sky makes me happy.
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That does sound like a lot of tweaking so all the more kudos to you for fiddling so much and getting such great results.
Then I accidentally found the scope for my phone on amazon lol.
Heh isn't it funny how the internet can be so perfectly random sometimes??
Good luck with the experimentation. Can't wait to see the results!
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I managed to teach myself many things but I'm hopeless when it comes to photography. My sister says I'm geometry-impaired lol and she's probably right.
Then the moon shined and thought "That would make a great pic, now only if I can take it up close" haha
Oh I've had that impulse many times, as can be witnessed by the hundred or so pictures of a tiny spot of brightness in the dark that rest in my phone library lol but yeah it ain't easy with a phone. Never even thought of binoculars, I'm no genius for sure. I only tried the telescope at that airbnb (in London! but we were high enough to see above the smog :P) on a whim because the sky was so clear but I didn't really know how to make it work and I had to stop my girlfriend from even trying or we'd never have made it to bed that night. She's a compulsive fixer and she loves photography.
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus
Must be awesome! I saw Venus and Mars with my teacher's pro whatever telescope one summer evening when he invited a group of us to his place after we graduated and I can still see it when I close my eyes. You feel like you can touch them. It's a magical thing.
I think tripods are awesome though. I shake without one. Those are exposure pictures.
Yeah you need stability for anything beyond a couple of seconds. Tripods can be expensive. My lady looked for a year to find one she was confident would do what she wanted, while being light enough to transport easily when she is backpacking. It didn't come cheap but it was the cheapest she found that was quality. I guess it takes time (and she is very demanding lol)
I accidentally took one when a lightning bug decided to pass through so there was a long yellowish glowing line.
Haha must be awesome though.
In another, a jet passed so you could see a bright white line. I showed a friend of mine and he said UFO!
Superman is shining tonight! lol
I started recording in case a sattelite passed through. I seen one move very fast across the moon on my first look.
Plenty of those in space, or so I'm told. It's quite rare to see one though. You have to be peaking at the right moment!
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Orion was the first constellation I learned how to spot in the sky as a kid!
My girlfriend's favorite is Draco as well. Not just because of Dragonheart lol. She has a thing for dragons (her hometown's football team is known as The Dragons) so I also learned how to spot that one a while back. Good thing is you can see it all year!
I have to wait or walk to the clearning out in the country with camera stuff lol.
Just bring a torch lol
I heard a lot of astronomers were angry at Elon for sending all those satellites up. Plus they were too bright in the sky lol
Keep your clutter off our sky, Elon! Screw the internet lmao
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Aye, I meant just a lamp but that can also be problematic, I heard. 2020 sucks. All this and now fires? Come on!
Makes me wonder though..were the pterodactyls still around at one point during times of humans and we were not aware? hmm.
You really have to wonder, don't you? If not those, something close enough. And with all the different cultures and dragon variations, it can't be just folklore. There was no twitter to blame for spreading false rumors then lol
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I took this photo a few years ago, but I still like it with a not very good resolution but I still like it
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The fact that you can see the line in the moon is a testament to the quality of your pictures. Thank you for sharing both your photos and your experience with us. )
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I also look at the sky sometimes, you can find my moon photos on my Facebook page (fb.me/LaPhotoOfficial), example here: https://ibb.co/q0rfB0g
If this is a bad advertisment, tell me, I'll edit my comment :p
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These are nice pictures! I am also interested in photography, altough I dont have a camera yet, just my smartphone.
It is a P30 Pro. And while I tend to photo everyday subjects, as I belive that these small things should not be overlooked (and as an introvert, I rarely venture to new territories anyways xD ), I mostly look for plants and animals. I try new things from time to time, and I am intent on bettering myself in general (portraits and landscape photography for example) but nature-related topics are my usual subjects.
I also tried to take shots of the moon. I was quite amazed at how good the quality was, for a phone camera at least. Not as good as yours, but good enough for me for the time being. :)
I also had the idea to use some home-made magnification, tried to do that with my old binocular, but its heavy and inefficient.
And just a few days ago, I've made some long exposure starry sky photographs. I've selected one I deemed the best and edited it a bit with the preinstalled phone app. Added some contrast and saturation.
I usually prefer to upload my photos unedited, so this is a rare occurence.
Here it is:
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Yeah, some remote location away from lights would be the ideal spot. I was planning to get into camping anyways, so I could as well merge the two into one occasion.
By the way, its a little off-topic, but I just won a game from one of your whitelist giveaways. I wonder, how comes i was on your whitelist in the first place?
Dont take me wrong, I dont mean to complain, especially because the Agatha Christie game was on my wishlist for a long time. I am quite happy about it! But as far as i remember, we dont have any history. To my knowledge, we did not speak before and you were not among the winners of my previous GAs, neither won I a GA of yours before. So it struck me as odd. Is there something I forgot?
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I see. I have to admit, I am not that active here either. Maybe I became a bit more chatty in the past few weeks, but thats about it. Regardless, thank You very much for the game! :) I really appreciate it!
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I never had any luck in taking pictures of a flying butterfly.
Sitting still(usually with wings closed) or hanging in a spiders web(could've been a moth, need to check the picture), yes.
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tbh, Netflix is not worth the price imo. At least not in Europe. A lot of things are not available that are in the US.
My sister has an account through her bf's work so we use it sometimes when there's something we want to see and know is on there but I wouldn't pay for it. I'm not that addicted to tv.
Alright, it's a lie, I'm addicted to good cooking shows and documentaries but I don't really have the time and I'd rather read
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Nah, that's one of the Bullheads in my pond, they will come to the surface to eat when I throw food out for the Bluegills. For some reason Praying Mantis like to sit still while I take pictures of them, and I've even had a few land on me while I was working outside.
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As someone who's literally the male equivalent to a horse girl (just with cars, y'know), I can only agree. :D
MY phone couldn't even make more than a white bloom spot if I tried capturing the moon, but I am not much better with actual cameras tbh
Thanks <3 I think this is the first time since registering that I realized that it was my cakeday
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Is it sad that the only interesting pictures I have are from the various birthday cakes I made for my kids?
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Great cakes! Perfect balance of "Looks good enough to be interesting, but not to the point when you are too sorry to destroy it by eating".
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Nice moon shots, I'd personally have posted a selection, not all.
Great how you get them with a phone and telescope :)
Better than my moonshots :)
I'll post 3 of mine, not my best, just ones I could find online, too lazy to upload.
1 Milky Way Explorer
2 Chonk bending a branch
3 View from a geocache I placed.
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Ohh, this is a thread for me, I'll be back later with some amateur astronomer photos :D
The night sky is a magical place.
Edit: here we go!
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To be honest, I don't use a good sun filter either. It's a homemade one, made out of several layers of the kind of foil that you put on car windows, lol. Maybe I should invest in a real one at some point, haha.
I don't own a telescope so whenever I'm watching the sky, all I see is bright dots as well. All of my photos are taken with a dslr camera and lenses and then processed. I'll take it though. It's still really exciting in my book!
Thank you so much! Honestly, the night sky is one of the reasons why I don't think I could ever live in a city. I'm really fortunate enough to be able to see the Milky Way with the naked eye on some occasions. Obviously it's nothing like the pictures but you can make it out occasionally. It's magical.
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Hahaha, well maybe not because it's probably very unsafe and I shouldn't recommend it. I don't have telescope but I have a telescope lens, so that works for me – for now. I'm too lazy to look into actual telescopes – way too many options!
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Aw thank you! ^_^
Well I wouldn't be so quick, after all, you kinda need special filters for the sun, I wouldn't use just an ordinary one. It's super fascinating stuff though, that's for sure!
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I don't have any sky-themed photo, sorry :\
Have some old photos I've already posted online (I should really go through my newer ones and upload some..)
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