2,500+ games on Steam. Here's your answer.
Most likely a beggar (or scammer) trying to butter you up in making you believe he's your friend, then begin screwing you up one day by scamming you then deleting you. It happened to me once. Since then, I simply don't trust anyone, even my best Steam friends.
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wanna get just cause 3 real cheap, my bestest steam friend? i can cut you a deal. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;))))))))))))))))
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Yeah I've got like that now, I was quite happy to add people I'd met in-game until one day, about 6 people all messaged me the exact same thing, something along the lines of "LOLZOR M9 IZ DES U?! fakecuntscreenshotwebsite.ru/lelh4x3d.jpg"... After that, I just decided to delete loads of people I didn't really care for.
I mean just the other day, some guy I played Tactical Intervention with a few times, added me back when I played it. Never really spoke to me at all for nearly a year, understandable as I stopped playing it as I've not got much time for anything other than CS:GO mostly, then messaged me like a week ago asking for skins as he just got CS:GO. I'm not a charity, I like to run giveaways and give stuff away at random but not to just appease beggars.
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The screenshot one was likely a hijacked account bot. But yeah, beggars can be really annoying. Luckily, I don't get many of them anymore.
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I met one like that too. Can't remember how I became "friend" with him, probably a trade. The guy sent me tons of message asking to play online with him, telling me how awesome I am (So suspicious: it's obviously true, but perfect strangers are not supposed to know that !), and so on. Then the day came (quite quickly by the way), where he was short on money when a game he wanted went on sale. He asked me to buy it for him, telling me that I would not regret it... Well, that part was true, since I refused :)
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I'm looking to trade with people, not be their friends. I've got enough friends and I like to keep my friends list as tidy as possible. Plus I do a lot of giveaways (not just on SG), so sometimes people add me to claim there prize. If I know the trade is incoming, I will say "hi" but I had no idea who this guy was.
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One time I accepted a friend request from some random guy but he wasn't online when I found the request. It was some Russian guy with a bunch of games and +rep on his profile rather than some private profile, so I figured he was interested in a thread I had on Steam trade trades. A few hours later I was playing Borderlands 2 and I was in the middle of a boss fight with a few friends. And I get a chat message on Steam.
"How much you give me for me Minecraft account?"
So in between shooting things I reply "I don't want a Minecraft account."
"You have post on Steamtrades. You buy Minecraft account. You can sell for profit."
I think about this. I was selling some bundle games for cards. I was sure I didn't mention Minecraft accounts. Couldn't be bothered arguing so I just replied "No."
"You buy for PayPal. How much?"
Not sure how to reply to this and I do ignore it for a bit while I'm shooting things. Then the guy sends me several messages questioning my sexuality, threatening to rape my female relatives, and threatening to kill me. Which I ignore. I intend blocking him after playing Borderlands 2 but I forget. Which is how much I was actually paying attention.
The next day the guy messages me again saying he has read my Dead Island review on Steam and he thinks I should kill myself. I was actually used to that at the time so again I didn't pay much attention. And then he begs me to gift him Dead Island because it is a great game that he has always wanted to play. Which is the bit that finally made me just think WTF?
Obviously I did then block him before I forgot again.
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I mean I'm a drunkard and I do sometimes do dumb stuff online. But I still don't add random people to my friends list and then be all weird at them. That to me would still seem unacceptable behaviour even after a pint of Scotch whisky. So I don't get why anybody else would think that was fine.
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There are some bars in my town that would challenge that logic at 2am on a Saturday night, the being weird with random people bit.
Also +1 for proper use of whisky! Such a lovely drink, I think I'll go have two fingers now for after dinner.
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Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how many puns I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop making puns? No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not afraid of weirdos, I am the weirdo!
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I do and glad you like it. Have you had a chance to try Paradise Lost yet?
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Yeah, I bought it as soon as I saw it. Not got very far yet, just past the part where you have like 20 dogs following you (well they where for me as I fed them). I'm glad you added to the POSTAL II game and not 3. I also loved the digs at POSTAL 3 from the very start. Awesome game so far!
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Yep, it's loaded with PIII related things! Depends on how well you know the game, speed runs are possible which take a lot less time, but PL is about as long as P2 was. So how ever long it took you to beat P2, probably around the same amount of time.
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Wow, that's great to hear. Have you guys got anything else planned for the POSTAL series like more DLC? (even though in my opinion, Paradise Lost is it's own game.)
Also, I did speed runs on POSTAL II way back when I first had it on disc as a teen. So once I've played through Paradise Lost a few times, I may attempt some speed runs at it.
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PL really is its own game, we just didn't feel right releasing it as its own game because it shared some assets and the engine from P2. Plus we were not entirely happy with leaving P2 off with the weekend. We wanted a true proper expansion for it.
To answer your question, DLC never say never, but we plan on making a full blown new POSTAL with a new engine one day. Just no ETA on that.
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It's in the "Hey wouldn't it be great if we..." stage of development. No details available and even if they were, I couldn't share them... but really there isn't any at this time!
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I get people that say some weird shit on my profile, and then never even add me. Like, seriously.. If you're gonna write weird shit on my profile, ad me so i can indulge a conversation with it since I'm a weirdo myself.
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Had a guy add me this morning so he could ask me to wax his balls. I asked him if he wanted the brand name stuff or the generic knockoff crap, and all of a sudden I was the weird one. xD
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Well yeah, you always go with name brand when it matters. Safe the knockoff crap for condoms.
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Once there was a guy, he came out of the sky and insulted me like crazy
I didn't even knew him :P
Just like that over night he added me and the next morning i came online he shot in my direction.
I reported him and he got his ban.
Later he came back with another account asked why i reported him, i said him why and he started again :D
This account got banned to and he stopped.. ^^
He had like 500€+ worth of games on his account :D
He made my day!
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18 May 2015
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22:08 - Diego Romanacci: NOPE I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIND!!!!!!!!!!
22:08 - Diego Romanacci: you are so OP
Anyone else get weirdos like this adding them on Steam?
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