It's that time of the month again!
Metal Gear GreenMangaming pack just bundled the preview games and well city skylines.. dudes that are some low starters
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TBH I finally canceled, after years, because I got MGS because it was extremely cheap already, and the other game is a ticket to wild DLC ride, and if the last reveals' quality hints at future developments, I'm done.
I'm going to use the money to buy a big box of fresh dates and eat myself to sweet, sweet death.
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Yeah, no clue why they thought that was ok to do. It feels like they are punishing their most loyal supporters. Once my plan is up I'll be canceling. Because I got the year, they say I can't cancel. :/
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Metal Gear Solid Definitive Exp was 5,40 € on Voidu
cities is crap game with tons DLC
ah . . . last month of year and we got garbage
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cities is not crap and the dlc are absolut fair in this one.
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For people that already play and like the game they may seem fair, but for new players all those dlcs are really off putting.
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It's an awesome game without any of the dlc. And tbh. when you start playing you should not use any of the dlc because they make the game more complicated.
They released all the dlc way after the release of the game (no day one dlc) and with every dlc all players get a lot of free content without buying the dlc.
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Klei does a great job with DLC on Don't Starve. :)
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So the base game quality changes for worse with a higher amount DLC? Are you saying new gamers think devs are removing features from the base game to create a DLC and thus making the base game worse after X amount of DLC then when it launched?
I'll never understand gamers.
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It not get worse, it gets harder because you need to deal with more stuff that might be a bit to much for someone that is new in the game.
So the DLC are prefect for people who are already played this game a lot.
And yes, there are publishers that cut out game elements to sell them later. With this game this is not the case.
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I disagree. The base game doesn't get harder just because the game has had patches and reworked mechanics thanks to the DLC.
I played EU IV base game when it had 150€ worth of DLC and i didn't think it was too complex. In fact after playing 100h or so the hard part was understanding which DLC was worth buying to me.
For me if a game has a lot of real DLC don't matter at all for my buying decision of the base game.
I could see someone saying: "I can't afford buying the DLC so how is the longevity of the base game"? but i find it hard to understand your perspective of "base game gets harder now that it has patches and extra content"
Do you really think games like total war, ck2, EU IV, HOI IV, rocket league, payday 2, vermintide, project cars,etc. are getting harder and harder with each DLC?
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I don't know what you are talking about.
I talk about this one game. It's called Cities Skylines.
And I talk about the DLC for this one game.
In the base-game you can already build cities and your main problems will be to balance living, industry and commercial, power- and water management, deal with pollution, and mostly with traffic. Also you can use the workshop to get tons of new stuff.
After half a year (or a bit more) they released "snowfall". With this DLC they also released a public update and added visual snow to the game (and some more stuff). So Everyone could play on a snowmap even without buying the dlc. BUT the (payable) dlc add stuff like people need more electricity in winter, streets need a snowplows so people can still use them and stuff.
So yeah, with activating this dlc (you can disable it) your game gets harder...
It's not like a skin or something in payday or rocket leauge
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My first comment is an answer to the comment of jesus:
"For people that already play and like the game they may seem fair, but for new players all those dlcs are really off putting."
which i mentioned i don't get why new players would be scared of seeing so many DLCs for a game. The reason i said that was that no ammount of DLC will make the base game worse then when it launched.
You answered that the base game doesn't get worse but harder with a higher amount of DLC. Which imo doesn't make sense; the base game for which DLC are produced doesn't change "much" from a mechanic standpoint since the new mechanics are locked behind the DLC.
I get now reading that you meant that playing the base game + DLC makes the "total" game harder. which while correct when you will re-read my comment you see why i misunderstood you.
You can totally see my profile to see i have most DLC for cities skylines and my original comment still stands. i don't understand gamers that evade "games with DLC". You will also see that jesus never answered so i'd guess that he himself doesn't know the reason.
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I have the main game and all the dlcs, and I still think that deal is crap. I mean the game itself is good, but dude old dlc that just adds night cycle to the game, and nothing really crucial. I say to hell with this month.
Paradox lowers the price of their main game to almost zero, just so people would get it and then makes profit from hundreds of dlcs. Trust me, I'm EU4, CK2 and Stellaris ex-addict.
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I already have the MG games but I am interested in Cities Skyline and dlc. Should I unsubscribe or keep my monthly in the hope that the late reveals would be worth it?
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Cities crap game with tons DLC?... The fact that you don't like that kind of games doesn't mean it's a crap, CS is actually one of the best city simulation games.
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Information about the region lock:
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METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience DLC gives you another METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN in inventory as steam gift.
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From this bundle , after I activated METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN , METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES and METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience DLC i received this in my inventory
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Wow, that really makes me think about get this bundle.
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"METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience DLC Is currently restricted in China and Vietnam"
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Then I don't know why it's not working , maybe because you don't have the METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN.
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Thought about getting it and giving away city skylines and MGS but keeping the dlc...
I guess it's a skip.
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Got MGS on Xbox Gold and already have CS and AD, so it's a pause for me. Unless I forget to pause again...
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So you think it is worth it to keep my monthly sub despite having already all the MGS games? Cities looks kind of interesting but I wished they more add more dlcs or offered the deluxe version.
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Thanks. I am somewhat interested in Cities Skylines. The only reason I might not play it immediately is because of my backlog.
On your advice, I think I will keep the monthly sub. The later reveals might be games on my wishlist.
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Cause why not?
It's applicable for both thread since both months are shitty
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Ooooomg I'll consider it so much! Cities Skylines is long in my WL
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... that sucks, got 5 minutes before the november bundle ended a gifted supscription. well my internet was too slow to load the page and now i got for december which I really don't want
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I just activated the keys and got a METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN gift in my inventory and also got the game in my library. Strangely I can't find anything on the Humble page about this.
Edit: in the time it took me to type this, other people reported the same thing.
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11 Comments - Last post 55 seconds ago by Chris76de
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12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Bilateralrope
11,089 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Hawkingmeister
☞ Purchase the DECEMBER 2018 Monthly Bundle! ☜
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive MGS V, Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!
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Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF DECEMBER (7th DECEMBER) for $12* to receive the DECEMBER bundle
Sign up for an ANNUAL subscription and get Pathfinder: Kingmaker!
Also, it's too late to buy the November Monthly Bundle. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Customers China and Vietnam will not receive any of the above 3 products, but will receive a $5 Store Coupon as a replacement.
This store credit will expire on January 4th, 10 AM Pacific.
Zombie Army Trilogy
German customers will receive the special version: Zombie Army Trilogy DE (confirmation)
Mega Man Legacy Collection
RU/CIS (confirmation)
China <- needs confirmation
Brazil (confirmation)
ROW <- needs confirmation
Humble Bundle Region information
Pay early and get: MGS V, Cities Skylines + After Dark DLC
METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience DLC gives you another METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN in inventory as steam gift.Update: As of Nov 7, METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience DLC does not produce an extra gift in your inventory.
SteamDB history + source comment
METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Definitive Experience DLC comes as one key that activates the following:
Cities: Skylines + After Dark DLC comes as one key that activates the following:
Humble original: Cut & Run
Cut & Run is an arcade adventure game where you run around the city cutting everything and anything ranging from
an alarm clock to an entire building.
Can you get your sword big enough to stop the meteor from destroying your town?
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Read Rachel's detailed Q+A to these Humble Monthlies! Also, read HB's FAQ!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Thanks to luckz for the poll!
Thanks to GodFeelling for the leaks!
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