What website are you referring to?
But as you are going to buy a new computer anyway, why would you need a retail key?
Good question. Lol, I wonder why.
I was thinking of getting a retail key once and for all. So when I somehow in the future, need to change from desktop computer to laptop and vice versa, I don't have to purchase the key again.
But then, after reading your question, I'm starting to think that it is very unlikely I will switch PC that much that will give me benefits over OEM key.
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Bought mine off Amazon, presumed it would get revoked but it was £12 for 10 Pro so figured fuck it. Still plodding along fine more than a year later, kinda cool really.
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Why bother then, just pirate. You see, there are two independent sides of windows activation - technical and legal. If you've bought a key from those shady re-sellers - technically your windows is activated, but it's not legal. And if you don't care about legal status - then just use cracked windows, because it's also technically activated.
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It might be with Steam proton nowadays. https://www.protondb.com/
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Because that's the price from official sources. That's how much OSs actually cost.
Exploited and shadier keys will be cheaper though. I personally prefer the cheaper price, but I don't get the surprised reaction to the fact that people just want a proper OS key from official retailers.
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Well, if you know other place that sells windows key legally and much cheaper, let me know.
But for the time being I can live with "Activate Windows" text on the bottom right.
Other than that, I don't want to use pirated software anymore.
And I just read it that using cheaper OEM keys for private use instead of resell it with the hardware is considered illegal.
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It's usually cheaper to buy Windows software from the same places you buy computer parts than from the Microsoft store.
I feel your pain because we have the same issue in Australia, where it is referred to as the Australia Tax. There was a government inquiry into it in in 2012 and 2013 (the Australian dollar was worth more than the US dollar for most of this time), which found that IT companies such as Microsoft, Adobe and Apple charged Australia customers an average of 50% more for professional software, 46% more for hardware, and 84% more for games than their US customers. For some software such as Adobe Systems' Creative Suite 6 Master Collection, it was cheaper to buy return airline tickets and fly to USA to purchase a copy than it was to buy a copy in Australia. Things have changed very little since then.
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i bought my windows 10 key for 5€ from a chinese guy on ebay 1 1/2 years ago and it's still working just fine.
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after quick googling, even bhinneka have better offer (2m) XD
well known computer store like enter and rakitan have good offer too (1.7m) and other option is 50k-100k retail key (just 1 pc only afaik)
omg that microsoft store price O_O no mercy to developing country...
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after quick googling, even bhinneka have better offer (2m) XD
well known computer store like enter and rakitan have good offer too (1.7m)
Hmmm didn't check there, I just checked Tokopedia and most of them are just OEM keys under 200k
We need more software store that considers Purchasing Power Parity like Steam.
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Don't get Home, get the Pro version. Among many differences you can can refuse updates for a later time on Pro. Because MS like releasing broken updates. And don't ever search for updates on Win10 as then you are are basically fllaged as a Beta tester by MS.
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You should be able to, yes. Windows 10 now comes in two effective versions - personal and corporate - and the license key activates and deactivates features. So a Pro key should enable all the Pro features without having to reinstall anything.
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Well, it happens more often than not. I definitely would not recommend Home to anybody when Pro versions don't cost much more.
One of the last updates even deleted people's files so you have to think if that's a risk you want to take.
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Get a key from some reseller. At worst, all that happens is that Microsoft will remove your key and you'll need another. Just be careful to get the exact key for your OS version or it will be surely invalidated after a while.
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Buying MS keys on black markets and unofficial resellers is SAME as free crack system yourself, so why waste money and support resellers practice? Microsoft releases a limited number of licenses and each key has a unique number with the state. New keys are generated only when the majority is used. Official stores don't buy keys from them cheaper than 100$.
OEMs are assigned to hardware and only through the call center you can transfer license to another computer, so they can't be sold again.
BOX version can be installed multiple times but only one device on one license active at the same time. You will not be sure that key you bought on black market wasn't sold to other people.
Now purchased legal keys will be updated to the new versions, so you pay not only for Win 10 but also for subsequent versions of the system.
If MS wants to, they can deactivate all illegal licenses in a few minutes but they will not do it because they have an interest in it. Microsoft wants Windows to be the default system for most computers and most users will buy the official license sooner or later.
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Buying MS keys on black markets and unofficial resellers is SAME as free crack system yourself, so why waste money and support resellers practice?
This is the main reason I'm considering purchasing windows at official windows store.
It's hard to prove the key is legit if purchased from reseller.
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You can use generic keys for installing trial version with generic key or xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-11111 and it will activate your Windows 10 Pro for 30 days. After 30 days you'll get an annoying watermark on lower right corner of the screen saying your trial has ended and you're using unregistered version of Windows, but you'll still be able to use it. Now you can continue using that expired version or, as some nasty pirates do, get rid of that stamp and enable all the features with one dll- file. You will also be able to update the Windows same as before.
I'd be more concerned about having a reboot -USD or -DVD in case something happens to your current hard drive and you won't be able to get it without installing windows i.e. from having only one computer.
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Isn't this the benefits of using legal Windows?
I always turn on auto update, and I read that some malwares / ransomwares use security exploit that is revealed when Windows released the patch on the new windows update, so the victims are those who doesn't update their windows.
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Windows Update works also on illegal Windows but with Pro you have more control over it. Windows 10 Home is forced to be on Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted), on Pro you can switch from Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) to Semi-Annual Channel which will offer new 10 versions when they are ready for enterprise deployment. See more: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10/release-information
On my work PC I have Pro and Windows Update is configured to Notify before downloading and installing. Because of being on Semi-Annual Channel I haven't been offered upgrade to Version 1809 because it is not stable yet but I still receive security and stability updates for Version 1803.
Additionaly, in Pro you can control when PC will restart after installing updates which you can't do on Home version so there is much less chance of autoamtic restart in middle of important work or online game.
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Windows Update works also on illegal Windows but with Pro you have more control over it. Windows 10 Home is forced to be on Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted), on Pro you can switch from Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) to Semi-Annual Channel which will offer new 10 versions when they are ready for enterprise deployment. See more: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10/release-information
On my work PC I have Pro and Windows Update is configured to Notify before downloading and installing. Because of being on Semi-Annual Channel I haven't been offered upgrade to Version 1809 because it is not stable yet but I still receive security and stability updates for Version 1803.
I see, didn't know about this. Thanks for the heads up.
when PC will restart after installing updates which you can't do on Home version so there is much less chance of autoamtic restart in middle of important work or online game.
I've never experienced restarting when the pc is not idle though, but it is kinda annoying when user forced update before shutdown.
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HRK has the keys for crap cheap:
OEM 8.99 $ : https://www.hrkgame.com/en/games/product/windows-10-professional-oem-pc-cd-key/
Retail 15.99 $ : https://www.hrkgame.com/en/games/product/windows-10-professional-retail-pc-cd-key/
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I'm not here to say anything constructive, but I know my sister did this thing where she lied about being disabled or something and got it free from MS. I have no idea how that worked, by the way. Just wanted to advertise my sketchy family or something lol :P
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Masalah sih enggak, lo bisa beli License apa aja dari mana aja asal peruntukannya benar. In this case, itu buat customer use jadi mau beli dari toko microsoft mana aja ya pasti legal.
Kalau harga Indo jelas lebih mahal karena mereka bayar tax ke mentri keuangan kebanggaan indo. Wajar 40 dollar++.
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Bukan bingung legal/nggak nya sih. Takutnya ada problem soal region / timezone / apa gitu.
Steam bisa jual game dalam IDR lebih murah daripada USD, sepertinya bukan karena tax, tapi karena mereka ambil konversi kurs nya ketinggian.
Anyway, let's continue in English.
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You may not get desired system languages (I'm not sure about it), but I'm almost sure it is fine and legal to buy from US store.
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You may not get desired system languages
I don't mind using English, in fact I've never used windows with other language.
Maybe it'll be problem if purchasing from country that's not using English.
What I was afraid getting problem is things like timezone or calendar.
Or maybe annoying feature because of country regulation (iPhone sold in Japan have camera shutter sound that can't be turned off)
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Timezone and calendar won't be a problem, that's for sure. And if you're fine with English I can't see what could possibly go wrong - after all, you're buying from official store.
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So, I'm planning on buying a new computer.
I want to purchase a windows retail key, so I went to its store page.
The price is USD 139.00
And because I'm from Indonesia, a pop up appears with a button to Indonesian store page
To my surprise, the price is IDR 2,599,999 (approx USD 182.74, see screenshot).
That's over USD 40 more expensive than US version!!
So my question:
Is it okay to purchase US version instead of my country version?
Will I get into trouble?
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