Hello, been a member of several groups, but my favourite one is pretty dead now, so looking for a new one to share bundle games and good community, since I can't afford the non-bundled obligatory giveaways and don't like the 'elite' attitude
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Hi, i would like to join ! I have plenty of games to give, as you can see i have just 40 games given for 30 wins but it proves that i give more than i win. My games are not amazing but there are little games. (some freebies but some bundled too) (sorry for my bad english)
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Hello! I'd like to join the group! I have a bundle addiction and no time to play everything - duplicates are piling up and I'd love to give some of them away!
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No problem! Thanks for replying :) will reapply in the future!
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I'd love to join. I personally find lots of gems in bundle games, and hate when people see them as worthless just because they've been bundled 2+ times. I also get lots of repeats because of my bundle purchasing habits, and am happy to contribute :)
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I would like to join beacause I have a lot of unused keys and I don't know what to do with them
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Bump :)
(=>Invite Only GA, ends on May 25th)
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This thread is for advertising your Steam Group. All advertisement for other things (such as your site) should be done from your Steam Group page. You do, in fact, do exactly that, so there is no need to include any links within your OP except for possibly one to the Steam Group itself.
TL; DR: Remove the links currently embedded within your OP.
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In your post I read that you completely forbid groups to have any link to a website that isn't a steam group.
At the same time I notice that you only force this rule on some group post like for TouHou and Bundle Quest, but not for others. If I look through the "Group Recruitment" forum there are plenty of other group websites linked to.
I am not happy with being picked out like that. Bundle Quest is one of the oldest groups on SteamGifts.
Why did you pick out our thread, but did not enforce this rule on the other recruitment threads that are still there?
If I understand what happened correctly, it first started with that you noticed a link to the TouHou Shop in another forum post, somehow Bundle Quest got involved in this, while we have nothing to do with that.
We have 0 commercial interest, it's a community website. I don't even have banners on my site.
Also I don't agree with your statement "This thread is for advertising your Steam Group".
This thread is for group recruitment of my SteamGifts group. We do as minimum possible on Steam. As much as possible is handled on SteamGifts and our own website.
As you can see there is not a single link to Steam in the post. But now you force me to work in another way in how I run the group and to use the Steam Group instead of my own website. I'm afraid that is too much too ask and I don't like that this is being demanded.
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Why did you pick out our thread, but did not enforce this rule on the other recruitment threads that are still there?
The short answer is that my time is limited and you just happened to be next in line. With unlimited time, I will eventually get through all of the recruiting threads and make sure they are all in compliance. I am hopeful that other Staff members will help out, but that is not a given. Yes, the fact I contacted you is connected to my attention being drawn to your thread. On the flip side, it has also called my attention to your outstanding ticket. Regardless, the actions of others are not your responsibility, so let us return to the matter at hand.
My impression of your response is that you are seeking both information and resolution, so I will do my best to help on both fronts.
First, let me go into some detail regarding our "no advertising" policy. In general, we do not allow the posting of links in our forum whose primary purpose is the redirecting of Net traffic to another site and/or for the purpose of advertising products or services. There are a few exceptions to this.
Second, your website is already linked on your Steam group page. I am unclear as to how not having that link embedded in your OP harms your group recruiting. As far as I can tell, your OP currently gives all relevant information, and your Steam group page gives access to every page you linked. Am I missing something, here? What is it exactly that you wish to accomplish that is currently being hampered? Perhaps I could be of assistance to you if I understood better?
P.S.(I strongly suggest you don't follow others into error. As far as I know, you are in good standing, and I'd like to keep it that way.)
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Links which the moderators deem essential without being in violation of the "spirit" of the "no advertising" policy. Obviously, this is on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of our Support Staff.
How is the BQ website determined to be against the "spirit" of the 'No ads" policy? Who decides that?
Does not advertising require some sort of personal gain, or at least promotional messaging to sell a product?
I mean really every link posted on this site can be judged with the same broad brush, from Sgtools to links to Fanatical sales. I am curious what makes a link cross the line because it seems ambiguous and can invite accusations of corruption, favoritism, and nepotism.
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Hi Khalaq,
I agree with Dyna and antocapone, while I distant myself from the harsh tone from Touhou Giveaways Group and their unnecessary finger pointing at us, which are facing the same problem here, though.
And I don't see the difference if the Net Traffic gets redirected to Steam or non-commercial Website. In both case you lose net traffic to a non-advertise-site.
But more important: If this is a policy change of enforcing rules/guidlines/or whatever this is based on, than this should have be annouced properly for all to recognise. It seems odd to enforce it in silence against particular groups. At least I would have appreciated an officiall announcement, so other Steam Gifts Groups Admins can also object or agree on this in a discussion.
If such enforcing is demanded, at least there should be a proper outlined binding rule/guideline and in best case, a fair discussion with us user. Anyways, just my two cents.
Best regards
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I made my post unaware of certain hostilities around this very query. I genuinely simply ask questions with no malicious intent.
Its sad that I have to post that but now that I am aware of most all the entire situation I wanted to point that out.
It would be great to get some clarification, because my limited perception of this event leaves me wondering what the actual intent of the rule is, and what it means.
When I look at the rule it seems obvious- don't post links for commercial gain. That would be 'advertising' to me.
But I do see people post links to their own or others Twitch or Youtube, websites, and it seems to muddy the waters of my understanding of this rule.
If such enforcing is demanded, at least there should be a proper outlined binding rule/guideline and in best case, a fair discussion with us user.
Agreed, because as it is written and how it is enforced leave some people confused and I think we could avoid any sort of adversarial approach to this by clarifying things. =)
@Khalaq - if you see this I hope you don't consider my questions as any sort of personal attack.
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I'd like to join
I'm looking for a new group, where I can share some GAs
I'm pretty active most of the time
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I‘m currently not at home
Will do so after the weekend
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Nice, I'd like to join!
I'm active on SG and Steam and I have a history of sharing games. I have no negative history on my accounts.
And I like to play games with other people, and comunicate each other trough discord.
And finally, I like a lot the fact that you hace an active web, and you are active people who love the games and play it.
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Bundle Quest is recruiting and looking for a few more members who love bundle games!
This Steam group is a great place for gifting bundle keys with a nice group of friends. And to make sure that sharing is actually fun, it will be done on a ratio system. That means that for every game you share, you are guaranteed a game back. Now that is a great way to build your game collection!
We started 4 years ago and in this period a grand total of over 65,504 games have been given. Currently we got around 100 private giveaways running. We have 157 members and we are looking to hire about 20 more members.
We aren't just looking for any member though, so read on if you are what we are looking for.
How will this group work?
All giveaways will be handled by Steam Gifts. We make group only giveaways that the members of Bundle Quest can enter. To keep things fair, we use a ratio. We count the number of games you have given away in the group and the number of games you won, which determines your ratio. For tracking we have our own Bundle Quest website which keeps track of the ratio and everything else. Just keep a fair ratio. It’s that simple.
This group is for active members who like sharing and playing together.
From new members we ask that you proof that you want to be a part of the group. First by making your first giveaway within 48 hours after being invited. Also we like to see you post a minimum of 1 giveaway per week for the next 4 weeks. During your initiation period we want to see you active, so this way we ensure we only let active members be part of the group.
Off course we also ask you to always follow the group rules. They can be found on our web site. Be sure to have read the Rules and Questions and Answers before applying!
To find our own Bundle Quest website (as we are not allowed to link to it in this thread) look for the links to the website on our steam group.
Who are we looking for?
If you are interested in joining this great group, apply by posting in this thread.
Please post more than a simple “I like to join”, but tell us why you would like to team up.
We got about 20 open spots right now and selecting who will be invited will be done by the group admins based on your motivation and criteria posted above. Don't feel bad if you didn't make it. On accept you will get an invite from Dyna so he can invite you to the Steam group.
Note: Please do not send me a friend invite and ask for an invite.
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