but if you tell them they get VERY upset.
Source: I did that once in high school.
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A douchebag said to his girlfriend in front of me and i thought that was rude. And here is the conversation:
Boy: ...and when i said her she has a moustache, she denied. Then controlled her face immediately with her hand. laughs
Girl: What? No i don't have! anger
Me: Errr... Eh, soooou... Cats also have kind of... moustaches... whiskers... Cute, isn't it? (tried to make her happy and change the subject)
Then i thought that girl is bone-headed, so she deserves that douchebag.
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Girls arent all the same, some like clean, some like beards, and others mustaches, etc. I keep my beard for me, not her.
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"Myth: My wife/girlfriend thinks my beard makes me look like a homeless child molestor.
Reality: Often times it is the CHANGE that she objects to and she will use hyperbole to shock you into changing back by shaving. It takes time to adjust, sometimes up to a year, and in most cases, she will come around. But if you let her use these sort of tactics or withholding affection to get what she wants, you are only encouraging this type of behavior. A better approach is to discuss WHY you are growing your beard and how it feels to you, and ask for patience, understanding, and tolerance while you journey down the bearded path."
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Mustache, specially when it's thin and curly at the endings.
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Studies show that most girls prefer men with 5-10 days rubb, but alas, each for their own.
As for yourself (If you're not simply asking out of curiousity, of course), keep it however you feel comfortable in, because confidence is more important than facial hair.
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Thanks for clearing it out. I was simply assuming as most every time I see threads like this, it's written by insecure boys, so, to save time, I made a assumtion that proved to be wrong.
I'm personally currently having beard. It's not much, and not a full beard, as I can't grow that much, and as I don't like mustache, but the beard is something I feel quite comfortable in. Girls tend to notice and point it out, and that's mostly for the better.
But I'm not a girl and cannon answer your question properly, but from my experience, it's mostly positive, mainly because "you look so grown up". I personally wouldn't like having my face full, as it would feel like, as you say, Sonic, both for me and for her.
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And then there's this study.
Who the hell knows except your partner.
I can't grow a beard to save my life anyway, so the choice is easy for me.
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There are countless types of beards. I'm sorry you don't like the one you were born with.
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I don't think you understand. I cannot physically grow a beard. It's this patchy thing that looks like some sort of face leprosy from a distance. If that's a type of beard, then yeah, I guess I don't like it.
But I'm quite content with what I was given. I just shave it. :)
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My girlfriend loves my beard, and once got really angry when I shaved it clean off... :)
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I'm a dude, but it's the same reason why some men prefer a different hair colour on a woman and stuff like that. Everyone has preferences.
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All I know is that if I ever see someone that looks like me with a goatee, that person is my evil twin.
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A little bit of stubble, just enough for it to feel rough and a tad... prickly is the smex.
Full on moustache, beard etc is a huge no from me, very very few guys look good with it. So unless you're Johnny Depp don't even try, and if you are then you should be in my bed now.
Such is my opinion anyway.
As for others, well, opinions differ. Naturally there is no one size fits all. Some like it, some don't. Most I would say prefer clean shaven, at least those I know.
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Why are you asking all these guys? Everyone knows Steamgifts doesn't have members of the female persuasion.
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Why, Misskpavd, I didn't see you there before! So wonderful to see you! How are you?
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This guy is dating this girl. Witness the power of the beard!. But yeah, it all depends on the girl.
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Perhaps, though in Bryans case I beg to differ. He's not much of a spender ;)
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Yes, yes it is. But no worries, it's all part of a story line. And well, his body makes up A LOT(that's coming from a guy!)
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So beards attract trannies? Good to know.
shaves immediately
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Can we not with the transphobic slurs? Would appreciate it. ^^
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You prefer "manly looking bitches"? I'm easy. I can be offensive in any number of ways. Let me know what works for you.
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I thought about it again. You're right. I meant nothing by it, but it's probably easier for me to be obnoxious and not think twice about my comments because I'm straight. As such I don't face discrimination and rude comments, so I definitely don't see it from the other side. Even if I'm not seriously intending to be hurtful, I'm sure many others use the same words and language with hate and negative intent, and it wouldn't kill me to be more sensitive to that fact. My genuine apologies to you and any others that were offended.
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Thank you. I appreciate the apology, as well as the fact that you took the time to think about how these words feel to others. ^_^
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Preferences and that but crappy facial hair doesn't look good on anyone. Either keep it neat or shave it off.
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I think age has a lot to do with it, personally. When I was in my mid-late teens, girls I'd meet seemed to hate facial hair in general. As soon as I hit my 20's, women seemed to be all over it. In fact, I'd find I'd get laid significantly less whenever I shaved.
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Real men don't shave, that's a FACT. "One beard to rule them all"
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As I said earlier, my girlfriend loves my beard. Which is pretty thick, the only place that doesn't grow well is on either side of my mouth, so I shave there and don't grow a mustache (as I find mustaches can rarely be pulled off well).
But of course, some girls don't like facial hair much, or differently for each guy. I got the lucky combination of being able to grow a decent beard and finding a girl who appreciates it.
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