wow over paid people - most of which i never heard off - in films i will most likely never watched need to be praised for doing their over paid jobs - this is why i hate celebrates (needing parse and awards every five minutes for doing their jobs)
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not saying that is not needed or important and i do like some films and tv and the like but why do these people need awards - no amount of someone telling me something is better than someone or something else makes it more or less in my opinion - and why don't we all get awards like the NHS or Police - i mean there must be a dozen award shows for films alone - pointless
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A lot of actors don't really like awards. I remember Ian McKellen saying art is not a competitive sport. But it's a promotional tool they have to live with I guess.
I don't see the point myself, especially when you see how many geniuses never won an Oscar (Chaplin, Hitchcock etc) and I was having a similar discussion about the Tony Awards just this weekend.
It seems even more pointless now that the streaming circus has entered the ring and they give away awards to movies that make an appearance on the big screen for a week or whatever those stupid rules are and the Oscars became the Emmys.
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While I don't hate, so I don't feel as strongly as you do about it, I do agree. Plenty of other things deserve oscars or better more money towards them. Our priorities are always wrong. Imagine having the city which probably houses the largest percentage of the worlds richest 1% people and then also an area like skid row dedicated to people who can't get a chance to pull themselves together. Capitalism. I saw like 15 movies in the past 8 years or so and what I can tell is that they're okay, not sure if they're worth half the budgets they spend on them.
"A federal appeals court in Los Angeles overturned the decision to house homeless people living on the streets of Skid Row in a controversial ruling on Thursday. The judgment means that Los Angeles County will not be legally required to house homeless people in Skid Row.Sep 26, 2021"
Nic. Cage had this interview with GQ a few days ago and theres this part where apparently Tim Burton wanted to make a Superman movie with him. Cage responded with "Would it matter how much time I appeared as the character?", hinting that he'd charge the F outta the studios to have him on the screen. It really threw me off as if he doesn't act because he enjoys it, it's always about the more money, more money, more money. So at the end of the day, when someone complains that a millionaire or billionaire doesn't donate enough, instead of saying "they don't have to donate at all so appreciate that they did", just remember that some people donate a $20 bill that's a higher % of their income than a billionaire donating like $50 million when the heaviest thing they lifted in the past year was a mcdonalds sandwich. In that sense, I too don't have respect for these people.
In terms of currency, there's about $40 trillion in the world, if you divide that by around 8 billion(we're at 7.7 bil but round up) people everyone would get around $5000. If you make a lot of money, you're morally obligated to do something great(even if you choose to invest your money into someone else to realize their dreams), if you don't and you just stash it away letting it rot in a bank you have failed the people that have been sacrificed for you to make that money and also all the people that supported you for that money.
"Each day, 25,000 people, including more than 10,000 children, die from hunger and related causes. Some 854 million people worldwide are estimated to be undernourished, and high food prices may drive another 100 million into poverty and hunger."
PS: I don't know how I got to this thread I saw some of the trailers for some of these movies, they seem good, the effects are there, but seem to lack the love/effort that was put into acting back lets say 15 years ago and before.
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Nicolas Cage is one of the least money hungry people in Hollywood, he picks projects he likes, which these days are mostly very low budget and kinda weird.
"Nicolas Cage has said he prefers to be called a thespian rather than an actor but admitted he risks sounding like “a pretentious a-hole”."
This guy is fricking weird and his life is one big performance art project.
I can never decide if he's the best actor I know or the worst...I'm leaning towards the worst :P
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Not really no. Besides Dune, I have been pretty disappointed in all the major nominees I have watched.
CODA is like a bad Hallmark tv movie.
You can watch Power of the Dog if artsy western wannabe movies are your thing.
Belfast is ok, nothing more.
I haven't seen King Richard but I would have been way more interested in a biopic about the Williams sisters than in the old chestnut that women can only be great at something if a man made them great.
I found Encanto charming though but I don't know if you're into animated movies.
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I don't think it was great publicity for Smith. Not to mention it clashes with the whole peace and love routine he did during his speech.
Actors can get away with a lot but violence in public? That's the kind of thing that get your name off a lot of lists. The last thing movie sets need is unstable actors, especially these days.
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the japanese film was better than the best picture winner
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Never thought Will Smith was a great actor. Most of his action/comedy movies he just acts like himself. When he tries to play serious or dramatic it comes off weak, like in I Am Legend or worse, After Earth. I doubt I'll ever watch that movie he won an oscar for but good for him.
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