How is it over there? It must be crazy/terrfying. How are you coping? Whatever the case I hope you guys are all okay and stay safe. :/
For those wondering what I'm talking about, here's a SFW live feed:

8 years ago

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seen the thread on 4chan - ugh :(

while were at it, these were sfw:

View attached image.
View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Yeah, I like first one the most. Say thanks to Angela everyone. More things like that is going to happen.

8 years ago

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Additionally yeah, Belgium had way before Merkel pulled her move a "sleeper terrorist" problem.
Tactical wise, more or less like csgo camping right in the bulls-eye waiting for "opportunities".

The reasons why Belgium is attractive to terrorists are diverse. First there is its strategic location between France, Germany and the UK. In two hours one can cross Belgium by car, and because Belgium is part of the Schengen area its outside borders are open, making it extremely easy for terrorists to enter and leave the country quickly. Second, the anonymity of Belgium’s capital appears to offer an ideal hiding place, with some sympathisers for the terrorist struggle – individuals, not communities – willing to give a helping hand to plotters.

8 years ago*

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Biggest reason though is because the EU HQ is in Bruxelles.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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bullshit, it is their own children who make this in france and belguim too. terrorists has no nationality and no religion

8 years ago

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How many of migrants from Middle East came to the EU after Merkel invited them ? They went throught whole europe without any control. You think terrorists from IS or other organisations from middle east wasted chance to get to EU ?
Terrorists has no nationality and no religion but middle east is the place where they have their training camps and you can't denay it.

Last few months were great occasion to get to Europe without any troubles.

8 years ago

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Yup, even if only 0,1% of all refugees are actually terrorists waiting for an opportunity we are fucked, and this will be the future of Europe, mainly thanks to people still denying terrorism and islam have a connection.

8 years ago

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The ones that carried the attacks in Paris were born in France and Belgium. Ignoring humand rights when refugees are concern will only create more terrorists. You can't keep anyone out unless you want to live in a police state and even then you would have random acts of violence.

8 years ago

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"Terrorism has no religion", in theory you are right, but in theory communism is great as well. If we look at the world we live in however I think the majority of terrorists follow 1 religion. If you can't see this you are naïve.

8 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. its not communism, communism is utopia, its unreal

8 years ago

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Exactly my point, a world in which terrorism has nothing to do with Islam is also utopia and unreal.

8 years ago

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and probably few others

you must be young
eot, i dont like topics like that

8 years ago

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Many of these groups are not even active or better yet are completely disbanded and the ones that are "active" haven't commited an attack like the one in Belgium for ages and most likely will never do so ever again. And I'm not saying 100% of all the terrorist organisations are Islamic, however of those that are active more than 75% of the groups are Islamic. If you truly want to do so you can count them: Link

The fact that you can name a few outdated non-islamic terror organisations is hardly a counter-argument to my statement.
Also you can keep your assumptions about my age to yourself, don't throw mud, I'd rather you come with some actual arguments.

8 years ago

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well said

8 years ago

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I wonder how Merkel's decision shall have had any influence on these events, considering that the vast majority of those terrorists from the past months were French nationals?
There are millions in Europe on the fringes of society. Failed integration, radicalised within our society. Thousands of them contributing to the terrors Daesh imposes on natives there. But the real and only one to blame, is Merkel with her attempt to help victims?

"Thanks Merkel" is pretty much the same as "Thanks Obama". It only proves the limited knowledge of the one who drops that statement. They need a quick judgment, facts are of minor interest and value.

8 years ago

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She is the one who invited victims of war to EU. But unfortunetelly not only victims of war came to EU. As I posted above events of the last few months were great occasion for terrorists go get to EU without troubles.

8 years ago

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As if their return really would have troubled them otherwise. Yeah, it is easier now. Shocking. And reason enough to blame only her. Nobody else has done anything wrong.

8 years ago

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This time in this particular example it was she who made huge mistake. When she realized how big mistake it was and that your country can't help them all, she proposed that maybe "refugees" shold be distributed to other EU countries. So who should be blamed ?

8 years ago

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Ahem no, she expected that from the beginning. A redistribution within the EU was a topic since Italy was flooded with refugees from Libya, in 2014.

All of Europe ignored that and did absolutely NOTHING. They didn't protect borders, they didn't mind that Italy let refugees move on to France and Germany. And most importantly nobody in Europe did invest to create safe zones, pay for the basic needs of war victims and they created no legit alternatives for refugees, in which case we would have remained control on our borders and would have had the option to select the refugees we want to accept here.

All that Merkel did was to react to Europe's already given failure, by making a choice for humanity, when Greece was confronted with a far bigger problem than Italy before.
EU bureaucracy failed, EU solidarity failed. But it is so incredibly easy to offer no solutions at all, if you can pick someone else to blame, who also has to bear all the burden of everyone's failure.

8 years ago*

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What mistake did she make in your opinion?

Cause I'm not seeing how recent refugees would be the cause of terrorists who have actually lived in Belgium or France for many years and have the nationality of the country they were in (Belgium/France). So I'm curious how someone would make that connection/assumption.

8 years ago

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Yeah, he was totally asking for it with those pants.

8 years ago

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3rd image is unreadable

8 years ago

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click on it twice and it shows up like this:

8 years ago

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I did... still it's unreadable when zooming in. Tried reverse google searching for it but didn't found a bigger one either.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Staying inside, reading the news and watching people you know post on facebook to say that they are alive. Not the morning I was expecting when I went to bed last night.

8 years ago

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Yep, it's not been a good morning to wake up to..

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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it's a crisis here. the bombings have been confirmed to be acts of terroriam presumed done by Isis. so far this morning there was a shooting at Brussels airport directly followed by 2 bomb explosions (kamikaze), there was a bombing in the metro station Maalbeek. latest News is telling 13 deaths at the airport and at least 35 heavily wounded. and at the metro speculated to Be 20 deaths and 50 wounded. i live 25km from Brussels and the Government has made a statement concerning All Schools in flanders to Keep children inside. i phoned my dad And my kid stays with him for the rest of the day. All political targets Are closed for the rest of the day. trainstations in Brussels, Antwerp and even some in holland are also being evacuated, also All nuclear sites and some prisons get extra police and army support. the prison in brugge is at maximum alert (prison where abdeslam is located) the level of National threat is now level 4, the highway is has been. Brussels is pretty much in lockdown. there is an extra of 250 soldiers now in the capital making it to 1000 soldiers in Total. that's about All that is officialy known for now

8 years ago

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I'm from Flanders/Belgium

Last report from TV1 National Television: at least 28 murdered and more than 70 wounded many of them seriously some fighting for their life.

Zaventem Airport and Brussels metro are the targets.

Terrorists are not all acounted for, armored IFV's and soldiers on the streets.

Wounded are treated in 15 nabouring hospitals.

One of the attacks was a suicide terrorist in the metro.

National Belgian Television says that the attackers are Islamic Daesh terrorists most probably returned Syrian foreign Islamic fighters.

In some Islamic countries like Iran, Syria and Lebanon people are celebrating the attacks...

8 years ago*

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And people from those countries we are bringing in with dozens.

8 years ago

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Not dozens but hundreds in both our countries and thousands in Europe.

8 years ago

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No body is celebrating the attacks, ONLY the terrorists are.

LostSoulvl is ANTI muslim so he is provacates like normally.

8 years ago

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lololol, how can you be not anti after seeing what's happening?

and I think it's not the case Muslim or not, you are approaching to the problem wrong way.

8 years ago

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What!? you thinkg bilion muslim people are behind the attacks?

You people are so stupid, im sorry but just please educate your selfs. those are Terrorists! NOT MUSLIMS.
LEARN the difference.

LostSoulVL is against muslims, every topic he writes about them is ANTi muslim and propaganda. that was what i was saying. he provocate people by telling them that muslim country likes the attacks. thats BULLSHT.

couple days ago in Istanbul turkey (muslim country) were an IS bomb attack. NO european country stood by us. while they say that we should be together to be against terrorists. they are only against terrorists if it happens in the EU and US.

8 years ago

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read what I wrote before you say anything.
atm you are showing who's stupid, learn the difference.

8 years ago

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you edit your text. you were implying thats normal to tell its all because the muslims.

8 years ago

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when you edit text there's * near time posted.

8 years ago

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you added ''and I think it's not the case Muslim or not, you are approaching to the problem wrong way.'' later on.

anyway doesnt matter. ''lololol. how can you be not anti after seeing what's happening?'' says enough to me. luckily not everyone is thinking like that.

8 years ago

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you know Amurica & Europa have such a stupid policy that it's common in games & TV to generalise things.
Most of people when thinking about Terrorists thinks it's the same as Muslims and vice versa.

I think LostSoul when writting about Muslims just thinks this way and he means terrorists not just normal people.
But hell yeah I'm against comming Muslims in such numbers to Europe, countries are unable to verify all people, it's all because some rich jews wants multi-culti.

8 years ago

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That * shows up only if you edit it after the first three minutes or so. Yours certainly was edited, I also saw the unedited version.

8 years ago

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it was the case of 10s I have no idea how all of you people saw it.

8 years ago

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Lots of people reading these forums. Who knows how many happened to open this thread within that 10 seconds.

8 years ago

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oh don't blame me, as I did something bad. I fixed my mistake in 10s xD

8 years ago

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You're stupid, because there arent any christian terrorists yet, they have all been muslims... And you never know who will go full crazy and start suiciding for Allah, after some random promises for blabla amount of virgins when he dies... SO PLEASE Educate yourself... Most of these reffugies at the boarders are not here to work or follow our laws, they are here to bloody conquer and enforce their way of life over the Europian countries... Same times most of these "terrorists" which are "Not muslim" In your eyes, are people with very high education which most of the time lived in Europe and suddenly went full allah...

And this in Turkey? That aint ISIS at all, that's their own people "protesting" againts the goverment if you havent educated yourself over that. They just blame THAT on ISIS... If you had "educated yourself" as you told others, you'd know that ISIS doesnt ATTACK muslims, only Christians... Ding dong ding dong... (Incomming blacklists/flames towards me)

8 years ago

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oh and IS killed a lot muslim in Syria and so on. so not even trying to discuss with you. you dont know much about it, sorry.

8 years ago

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clap clap you're more ignorant and stupid than I tough. Not reading and just posting WIkipeadia links...

Oh and the "Muslims" they kill in Syria, are the onces disobaying their laws. If you havent heard their "rules" and "religion" is a bit more harsh than ours, even if they keep repeating how its "peace" and all that

Edit: I dont see why I bother speaking to a person who's from a nation who enslaved a whole country for ~500 years and later lied in history how this land was theirs by rights and that Russians send Bulgarians to murder them all and steal their land...

8 years ago*

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''you'd know that ISIS doesnt ATTACK muslims, only Christians''

again they attacked Turkey, which is an not a christain country. anyway dont need to discuss furder.

8 years ago

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Turkey aint attacked by ISIS, but from the rebellion againts your goverment. THere's a huge difference, everyone knows that Turkey wants to take down their leader and fail in it...

8 years ago

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lol. they ISIS confirmed the attacks in Turkey. anyway im out of this discussion with you.

8 years ago

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ISIS Comfirmed for shitting in your bathroom aswell. Everything that ISIS says aint true, they jsut take claim for stuff they didnt know even happened, so they can be even more feared...

8 years ago

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Edit: I dont see why I bother speaking to a person who's from a nation who enslaved a whole country for ~500 years and later lied in history how this land was theirs by rights and that Russians send Bulgarians to murder them all and steal their land...

That edit shows your real colors.. So you basically hate 80+ million people just based on history that has happened and ended 110 years ago. And spout nonsense on the forums like they are facts without showing any kind of evidence except for your hate speech. Even the Ottoman Empire does not exist anymore, but hate lives on.. Amazing!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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There were multiple muslim victims in November attacks in Paris, possibly will be the same today as the attacks are totally blind. According to ISIS propaganda muslims that do not follow tha Califate's way of life are considered as traitors and deserve to die. So please, keep the lessons about education for yourself...

8 years ago

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Oh really ? So you're telling me they kill people who follow their way, but not people who steal, kill, lie or other stuff like that ? They just take the "laws" too hardcore, pretty much you'd get punish for the same here too, but you get jail here and death there... and the "multiple victims" were most likely aimed to be killed, because of been marked as traitors... :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. All the religions were created for something good, but as usually happens, someone without any ethics or moral use them to get power. Dont state that only SOME muslims are doing it, because history is there

8 years ago

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Havent seen anything good out of any religion so far, all are based on the same with different understandings. Just the muslim is understood most cruelly and fanatical, compared to the rest... And far as I can see history... Muslims did kinda come in Europe (ottaman empire) and did kinda kill anyone who didnt accept their faith and stuff... They did kinda enslave whole nations for few hundred years and stuff... I mean, they arent all that bad and history is history, long forgetten and ISIS isnt kinda trying to repeat that or something with just more advanced weapons or something...

8 years ago

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You mean like Christians with America and some Africans colony?

8 years ago

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What was that ? America existed when the Ottamans invaded Europe? There was slaves longer in America or England or France than there was on the Balkans? Kids were been kidnaped in these countries from their families and trained and made them study/belive in koran and later when the kids grew up they were made to kill their own fathers to prove their loyalty to the Ottaman empire? Oh sorry... Didnt know that America goes that back in history and had such cruelty compared to the Balkans... But what does history actually remember of that period? Vlad Dracula putting live ottamns on spikes? Yeah, that's all history remembers of this slavary period that happened IN EUROPE...

P.S Dont even dare posting a link from Wiki. American historians times and times over tried to REWRITE this exact history, so most likely Wiki is filled with random lies now ^^

8 years ago

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Again: you have "all" that shit that some muslims radicals are doing right now, the christians did it long long time ago

8 years ago

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Why do I even bother writing to people who know nothing of history and just post Wiki links and dont even read what they are told :D Okay.. Im done, dont even bother answering...

8 years ago

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I cant scan my text books, because it would be illegal, so i have to show you something that is copyleft, like wiki, if you dont bother to look at it, its not my problem. Good day

8 years ago

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Whatever, when my grandfathers profile page appears in Wikipedia again and it doesnt have even 1 setance deleted, then I'll bother reading Wiki and the false stuff which appear there ^^

8 years ago

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Don't waste your energy cow, you can't argue with a narrow minded person.

8 years ago

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aye >.<

8 years ago

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P.S Dont even dare posting a link from Wiki. American historians times and times over tried to REWRITE this exact history, so most likely Wiki is filled with random lies now ^^

Turkey aint attacked by ISIS, but from the rebellion againts your goverment.

Take your red pills elsewhere, Katarina.

8 years ago

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havent been called that from months sniff sniff >.>

8 years ago

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"You mean like Catholics and Protestants with America and some Africans colony?"

Not all Christians did so

8 years ago

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my fault :)

8 years ago

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Sure there are, Maybe not the suicidal kind but killing in the name of God is not exclusive to the islamic Religion, and terrorism in Europe is not a new thing but , i remember ETA, And IRA and that was not that long ago.
I remember a young guy named Anders Behring Breivik that killed 77 people not that long ago.

Crazy people do crazy things, I don't see anyone fighting to prevent tall blue eyed guys from entering the country they live in.

8 years ago*

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If every mass murderer was considered religious and a terrorist, then we wouldnt be in this state as we currently are... I never said that the white race is all roses and butterfly, we got a lot of trash here too, but ours are doing it for their own goals, not for a mass world changing goal... are they? -.-

8 years ago

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Everyone one of them is doing what they do for some reason they consider to be valid, either is a political or religious or something else they can remember , it doesn't matter, its all an excuse for sociopathic behavior.

8 years ago

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Have you read the reports that ISIS kills muslims if they decide that you arent fanatic enough in your belief of the islam?
There are plenty more examples

and arent Irak and surrounding countrys mostly muslim? they attack everything there to get more power

8 years ago

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Well it's true that huge number of Muslims are celebrating the attacks, here in Bosnia over 30% of Muslims are supporting ISIS. I believe it's same in Turkey.
But we do agree that LostSoul is an idiot. Iran and Syria celebrating attacks that was performed by their enemies xD

8 years ago

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People support terrorists in Turkey ? It was 3 days ago when suicide bomber blow himself up in my city, and not so long ago in capital city.

8 years ago

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Last year two bus drivers for army of Bosnia and Herzegovina were killed with automatic rifle, after that attacker killed himself with bomb. Drivers were Serb and Muslim, and huge number of Muslims supported the attacker.
That happened in Sarajevo. Same with Turkey, good portion of Turks support terrorists, just not the kurdish ones.
Fun fact western world media (including Belgium) avoided to categorize it as terrorist attack calling it ''incident'' and other names.

8 years ago

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we do agree that LostSoul is an idiot


8 years ago

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depends how you interpret that awful book written by some old beardy weirdys along time ago.

8 years ago

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But they are celebrating the murders in those countries as they are hot spots for Islamic terrorists and I can't help that you're lying and are using this attack for your own agenda and gains like your political leaders do with terror attacks in your own country. A typical thing they do in your country: lying, misusing and abusing terror attacks to kill and perform genocide on the Kurds like your country did during the Armenian genocide!

1453 is Anti Jewish and Anti Semite and tries to lie and cheat by turning the truth around.

Also I can't help that you're one of those that believe anything your dictator and mass Kurdish murderer and war criminal Erdogan says.

But yes free press in your country is replaced by force by the brainwashed and lying press from Erdogan.

8 years ago

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First of all im not Anti Jewish or Semite! i dont hate anyone or against anyone. I AM against the terrorism! idc if its Breivik, IS, PKK or some terrorist from israel. IDC terrorist is Terrorist to me.

second of all there is no genocide or the US and EU would get in our country to save those people, like they do with others. so another bullshit.

Erdogain is far from anti Kurdish, and idk why you come with other subject. we are talking about Terrorists not other nations. kurdish people are not terrorists, we have not anything against them, they are our people as well. we are against the PKK which is a terrorist organisation just like the IS.

dont talk about press free country if you are from Israel :)

Oh and AGAIN: i am against any kind terrorisim. are you only against terrorists if it happens in the EU, Isreal and US?

8 years ago*

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I see that you've got a AAA rating for being brainwashed in your totalitarian country concentration camp.

As you're blinded by your political leaders I'll make it crystal clear to you:

PKK are freedom fighters and they fight for a free Kurdistan and against the butchers and genocide of Erdogan but Daesh are Islamic terrorists!

8 years ago

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PKK is listed as an terrorist organisation by the EU, US and a loooot other countries, but they dont try to stop them, some EU countries even support them illigally.

IM LAUGHING MY ASS off about the freedom fighters

Do you wanna answer me btw?
Are you only against terrorists if it happens in the EU, Isreal and US?

8 years ago

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Can you please stop using "lol" excessively.
I don't see anything to laugh in this thread/discussion.

8 years ago

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I was laughing because i couldnt believe to people who say that a terrorists are just freedom fighters. i cant believe people cant think straight. they also can call ISIS freedom fighters if they call other terrorists freedom fighters. its just plain wrong isnt it?

Terrorist is a terrorist. nothing more.

8 years ago

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Yes, you've got a point there. People with different views can see these organizations as "freedom fighters", that applies to any kind of terrorist organization and countries and their supporters.
I just happened to write under this post, I was talking in general. I am just a bit annoyed that you constantly used "lol" , "laughing my ass" etc a lot in this thread.

8 years ago

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I know your countries police and party people like to use force and torture on a daily basis but you won't force me to do or say a thing and if I would answer to you it's totally useless as you're brainwashed beyond saving...

8 years ago*

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''Are you only against terrorists if it happens in the EU, Isreal and US?''
i guess i have my answer to that question now. Thats the big difference between you and me.

I am against all kind of terrorisim.

8 years ago

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DAESH and ISIS are freedom fighters and they fight againts butcher europe, syria and soon terrorist israel

8 years ago*

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Tell those freedom fighters that they hurry up to come to us, that we are waiting and that we will kill them all! ^ ^

Btw Israel has been kicking Arab ass since 1948!

8 years ago

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Shalom jkjk they are terrorists just like PKK unlike what you think, and no they don't have to come to you since you are already dead-braindead. You are so ignorant and blind but you will never ever realise that and you will live with it through your whole life and thats kinda sad. Have a nice day sir racist Jew

8 years ago

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Tov, toda!

See you in the Blue Oyster bar! ^ ^

8 years ago

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Enough said.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Pretty sure a lot of those will go off, until these lazy bums in
politics actually manage do come up with a effective counter-measure.

8 years ago

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I fear you're right and we need to step everything Europe can do as one against these mad Islamic terrorists of Daesh/ISIL/ISIS.

Also things like border control, much more secure and tightend immigration, Border controls, a crack down on illegal arms and so one.

Europe is a Union of free countries were the political leaders are elected by their people and stand above any religious leader and thy stand above every religion including the Islam .

We will never be dominated by Islamic nutters like those of Daesh and we will never be the slaves of Daesh.

The only thing to do with Daesh is to kill them all...

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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You're so right unfortunately.

I guess it's in a lot of places like that.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Yes they did show those images of celebrations in several Islamic countries because of the 9/11 attacks but I hear it's political incorrect to say that.

But it's true and can't be denied...

8 years ago

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Happy to hear that you are ok, it's so horrible. All my thoughts are with you:)

8 years ago

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Thank you Vee, it's much appreciated.

And a little luck (if on can say that in this Islamic terror attack): three Islamic Daesh suicide terrorists ordered a large taxi for them and 5 suitcases to drive them to Zaventem airport. But the cab company send a regular taxi and they were very angry but still took this smaller taxi and they had to leave 2 suitcases behind.

Later when special police forces raided the house that the taxi picked them up from they found a Daesh flag and the 2 left behind suitcases and it were 2 nail bombs.

They also found 15 Kg explosives (TAPT), 150 liters of Acetone and 30 liters of hydrogen peroxide.

And a crate with nails and bolts.

8 years ago*

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I wish i might be there...

8 years ago

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Effects are spilling over to Netherlands as well, with security increased on railway stations (at least those along the international lines into Belgium) and airports.

Speculation here is that this is a response to the arrest of Salah Abdeslam - the last fugitive from the Paris attacks last year. But that's unconfirmed. It could just as well be an unrelated event from a different terrorist cell, with the timing just being a coincidence.

8 years ago

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as far as I know, ISIS confirmed that it was indeed(?) a response attack to that

8 years ago

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Given the timing, it may not be a response to his arrest but it may have accelerated the process. Or it can be a coincidence too.

8 years ago

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There was a suicide bomber in Ankara (pkk) and couple days ago in Istanbul (IS), a lot people died and got injured. Almost NO European countries were saying sorry about it and letting know that they are against terrorisim as a unit. NO! they were quiet and even are for the pkk (terrorists who killed people in Turkey). Couple days ago in Belgium the terrorists (pkk) who killed a lot in Turkey were just having a party in Belguim!! our priminister asked what this shit is, because we were all against Terrorisim. the belgium minister couldnt answer properly. AND look now a suicide bomb in Belgium and everyone starts crying. its sick. hope nobody dies. but hypocrisim is high. where are the people who are against terrorisim when this happened in Turkey? or are the most of you against terrorisim if its only in EU and the US?

IF we show the world that we are AGAINST terrorisim, we shoudlnt support ANY kind of terrorist organisation.. also if its not in EU or US.

8 years ago

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Sad but true. You guys are the buffer. Often you guys are even villains for the EU. I'm not taking any sides in terms of politics. I really feel for you guys too.

8 years ago

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I completely agree with you. Just yesterday I was reading an article about Kurdish people in Iraq getting bombed by IS with chemical weapons. As bad as what happened today in Bruxelles is, that is far worse. Nobody bats an eyelid here in Holland though.

That doesn't change the fact that wat happened today is horrendous and terrible. I hope nothing else will happen today! There are multiple threats at the moment here in Holland as well, but so far none of them have been real.

8 years ago

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I'm realizing that unities an globalization ends where profits are equal to zero. With an issues like terrorism, war, nature/technogenic disasters, etc. - countries are for themselves.
So I'm suggesting to accept it as a fact and never rely on enybody. At least you'll save some of your nerves.

8 years ago

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To be honest, because many (not knowing the difference) view Turkey more as being part of the muslim/arab world, and "we" have become used to "arabs" blowing themselves up.

yes, there's a lot of racism, bigotry and misunderstanding in that statement. But most people don't know any better

8 years ago

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13 March 2016 Ankara, Turkey - 37 people were killed and 125 injured
19 March 2016 Istanbul, Turkey - 5 deaths 36 wounded

Now, people in Turkey are scared to go outside (esp crowded places), thinking they might be victims to a bomb attack as well.
I am surprised that these never gets mentioned on international platforms like SG which is understandable, because it is a gaming site. But anything happened in EU or NA is instantly posted on the forums.

8 years ago

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Those numbers aren't true. At least 120 people died at Ankara. Government lies as usual. I don't want to talk about hypocrisy right now, I hope everyone in Belgium is okay.

8 years ago

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But anything happened in EU or NA is instantly posted on the forums.
Now you know.

8 years ago

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Turkey needs to stop using the Kurdish people as scapegoats .
They're the only ones that been consistently whipping daesh and they should be allowed to have their own piece of land .
Turkey seems intent on using the Kurds for it's own political ends.

8 years ago

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nobody said sorry to Turkey because Turkey caused those terrorist attacks. The Turkish government pays, supports, feeds and gives weaponry to ISIS. Why should anyone say sorry to Turkey? Turkey and Saudi Arabia are the ones to blame now!

8 years ago

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Proof or didn't happen.

8 years ago

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Not only the Russian president said so, not only Asad but even the US, Turkey's allies, including their Minister of Defense said that Turkey supports ISIS. They all lie?

8 years ago

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Russians and Asad are off the scope because, you know, reasons.
But where are the proofs about US officials? Didn't heard such information.

8 years ago

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He is telling just crap, they dont have proof but yelling about scary Turkey.

8 years ago

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If Putin said so, it must be true

View attached image.
8 years ago

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russian president lies like breaths, didn't you know?

8 years ago

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You don't get it, do you ? Turkish Government =/= Turkey.

We f**king hate our government.

No, we are NOT a muslim country. I'm not a muslim, not any of my friend is a muslim. Only muslims I know are old ladies and grandpas. The EASTERN Turkey is the problematic, terrorist supporting sons of bitches and THE ARE NOT TURKISH. Majority of those who support the attacks are Kurds and Syrians.

You don't know my country, you don't know shit about it's people. Stop judging others, nobody needs your ignorance.

8 years ago

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yeah sure. i have no clue who Turkey is.

i don't know that less than 100 years ago my grandpa was forced to leave his home because your army was chasing him and his family
i don't know that his sister and aunt died back then by the Turkish army
i don't know about the genocides
i don't know about the constant casus belli
i don't know that Erdogan was first in the last elections with a great gap from his rivals (which proves that the Turkish people support Erdogan)
i don't know about 1955
i don't know about the grey zones in the Aegean Sea
i don't know about the convoys with weapons and food Turkey was sending to ISIS
i don't know that Turkey wanted the destruction of Syria and because of Turkey all these immigrants come to Europe
i don't know about the invasion in Cyprus
i don't know about the searches Barbaros does in the waters of Cyprus and Greece

i don't know anything

8 years ago

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I can make 10 times bigger list like that about your country and there mistakes. (btw half of your list is bullsht)

8 years ago*

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name one please. which of the facts i wrote is not 100% true?

the genocides? the invasion? the casus belli? the convoys? the grey zones? Barbaros?

8 years ago

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I went school 2 years in Cyprus and learned about their history. I can clearly say that's not an invasion that's a rescue. There are no genocide"s" either. Only 1 genocide that accused is agaisnt Armenian and that's not a genocide either. This is a long topic and I am not sure my English can keep that up sorry about that. There are somethings i am not fimiliar or aren't entirely wrong. I am not saying we are all mighty or completely innocent but you can't just criticize with only 1 sentence. There is a history behind all that. And yeah they won with a great gap but this doesn't mean that voters are the only one that lives in this country. So there is more than half of the country doesn't approve what he does yet they say there is no other choise within this chaos. Please let's keep all this stuff out because we got 2 major hit on our cities. We are angry and sad. Every person life is equal let's just keep it that way and try to understand each other.

8 years ago*

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Armenian genocide = yes

8 years ago

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Just dont talk like you are the majority of Turkey. Im muslim and supporting Erdogan like 50% of Turkey. 90% of Turkey are Muslims.
Dont give wrong information about the facts.

At those difficult times we should stay strong together as a nation and not put politics in between us.

8 years ago

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Why the hell would you support that dictator ? He literally accepted immigrants and gave them voting right to be elected, %50 of Turkey voted for him but %50 of Turkish people DID NOT. He did support ISIS, he did tried to destroy out nations youth. You weren't in the Gezi, I was there. He called us names and released his attack dogs on us. We were beaten, wounded. He literally tries to destroy the youth of this generation because we are smart enough to NOT support him. How can you support him ? How can you think he is a good man ? What kind of a president tries to destroy the lives of youth generation ? What kind of a man forces his so called "religion" into others by turning Anatolian High Schools into İmam Hatip Schools ? You must be pretty brainwashed to ignore his deeds. There is no logical explanation of supporting this man. It's a known fact that he supports ISIS, I was at the customs when he sent tens of trucks outside of border. They wouldn't allow us to record that flow, but I saw those trucks with my own f**king eyes.

We're becoming a banana republic. I'm out of here, I'll move to Slovenia in 5 months. Have fun in your country with your dictator.

8 years ago

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Just because Erdogan get elected doesnt make him a dictator. thats democration, 50% is a DAMN lot. (it does not happen a lot that someone gets 50% years after years. he is dedicated)

You cant assume someone that he supported ISIS, you dont have proof, you have nothing but just making up things to make him bad. This my friend is low. trucks outside of border was just propaganda from Russia which never confirmed. (if you believe this, while almost nobody believe. well we call people like that traitors, people who are against there own nation, own people)

''He called us names and released his attack dogs on us'' man up. if you are gonna break Istanbul to pieces they will force you not to. which is normal. if you were one of the normal protestors, then they shouldnt do shit to you. otherwise you deserved it in my opninion. Throwing molotov cocktails at buildings and breaking shit down is not protesting.

And sorry for you, but he is at this moment the best minister president we have. there is just not a better one, if there was i would go vote for him/her. the other are just very bad they cant even stand against Erdogan.

We dont need people like you here :) good luck in your new country.

8 years ago

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We dont need people like you here :) good luck in your new country.


8 years ago

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Why geez? We dont need people who dont wanna stay in our country. i think this is quite normal and best for the both. Should we force him to stay?

8 years ago

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You have common history, language, culture, traditions as a whole. You are a nation. Of course you need them. When your government or political view change, when you don't like those rulers of the country, you want to go away and someone says "Don't stay, go. We don't need you.", will this be right for you? You are a citizen of that country and nobody has a right to say that for you. You don't have a right to say this for other people either.

Aynway. I don't wanna comment anymore here, in this topic. So don't expect me to reply.

8 years ago

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I got your point. maybe i was harsh. i wanted say like if you are not happy and dont support and run away after every election you dont like (which democratically happened).. let me tell you, you are not ready for the big world. this happens everywhere.

You dont need to stay. you can go where you want. or you stay and try to win next elections. simple as that.

8 years ago

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they will force you not to. which is normal. if you were one of the normal protestors, then they shouldnt do shit to you. otherwise you deserved it in my opninion. Throwing molotov cocktails at buildings and breaking shit down

Huh, tell those to him:
Oh, what, you can't? Because he is dead? Beaten to death by people who said exactly the same things as you in the court? Yeah, the molotov cocktails, right.

We dont need people like you here

You don't realize with all this brain drain at its current pace, it is only a matter of time for the whole country to turn into an isolated, godforsaken shithole with full of downtrodden people, right? "Good luck in your new country" to you, my dearest friend.

8 years ago

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I never said someone deserved to get beaten to death. read my text again.
after he said ''We were beaten, wounded'' i replied with ''if you were one of the normal protestors, then they shouldnt do shit to you. otherwise you deserved it in my opninion. Throwing molotov cocktails at buildings and breaking shit down''

if someone throws molotov cocktails through windows and breaking my cars, break down my house or whatever, i will beat the shit out of him.. so dont expect they would stand there and watch you break whole city in two. think about it.

again if you protest like human, you will get treated like human. (again im not talking any good about deads, that was just plain wrong an too far)

Believe me, our country was never in a booming before erdogan got elected. We should be thankfull to him. We are one of the big booming countries in the world atm. We are getting slowly but we are getting above.

8 years ago

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The problem about the bullshit Islam rates(up to 98%) in Turkey is that every person that was born on Turkish soil is marked as "muslim" in their ID card, which makes 0 sense imo.....
But, agreed, saying you don't know any Muslims in Turkey is an exaggeration...

8 years ago*

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i said 90%, the majority. which is pretty accurate. (agree with the ID's. btw they are gonna change the religion thing on the ID cards.)

8 years ago

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Nice profile pic dude! :)))
Anyway on topic. Pretty much no-one are noticing infighting in Turkey, well because that how turks and kurds solve problems between each other(similar situation are in all other muslim countries where one denomination inst absolute majority both nationally and religiously). For example in my country(Latvia) Latvians and Russians are solving problems with shouting(normal way of ) and maybe little fistfight if things go over limit, but in your country its bombing from Kurds and military raid/assassinations from Turkish army is everyday normal life! In western Europe people are solving problems with muslim migrants by giving them free money, housing but muslims respond with bombing. See difference?

8 years ago*

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People are asked over the whole country to stay indoors.

8 years ago

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Another terrible event, another occasion for neo-nazi zombies to come out and spread hatred and racism.

At least show some respect for all these people that died today and in November and their families...

8 years ago

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Brussels is in lockdown. We can't use the phone cuz network is down. Luckily I work right outside of Brussels....
Last rumours are they are looking for 4 persons... So Lockdown can take a while imo

8 years ago

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well, yeah, I've seen that. Network is down for phones, speaking through sms is working though.

I just hope that it's not my phone, because I'm not in Brussels at all.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Staying inside at work. Some were worried on PB, so, I thought that I would post something here. I'm not living in Brussels not even working there.

However, I'm living in one of the big towns in the south of the country, we have also an airport (I'm from Charleroi) and I suppose that we'll have an increase in security: the subway isn't circulating anymore though the bus are still riding.

Brussels is indeed in a lockdown and all the country is on the last level of alert.

8 years ago

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I am at my office. Tense indeed since it's the national broadcast TV.
The problem will be to return home with the public transports being somewhat hazardous.
Kind regards to all brusselers.

8 years ago

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Right now, on twitter, there are offers of people that accept to ride others from or towards brussels. I don't know if the fact that you're working for one of the national channels will prevent you to go home but I hope that you'll find a ride.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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They better become a bit more pro-active.
They always seem to be reacting only, I am in favor of a bit more aggressive approach.
In a few months there will be a European Championship football in France.

8 years ago

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I literally just woke up and turned on the TV and the news of what happened was on. It must be insane, I honestly cannot even begin to feel how people in Brussels must feel. I guess the only thing that would be close to it was 9/11 for us in the states but I was only 3 or 4 when it happened

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Illegal immigrants are irrelevant. None of the terrorists so far was an illegal immigrant, all of them are French and Belgian born in these countries.

8 years ago

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so much this

8 years ago

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Thanks. Nice to see, that some people can realize that.

8 years ago

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Their next target- Euro 2016 Opening Ceremony

8 years ago

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The few people I know in Belgium IRL are safe, waiting for confirmation about SG users from Belgium.
By the way, let's refrain ourselves from arguing there about who is primarily or secondarily responsible and what should be done or have been done. This is not the place - and not the time IMHO.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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+1 - this post is made for reassuring people.

8 years ago

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Good one. I wish there'd be a way to promote comments to the top here.

8 years ago

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I just want to say some things.

  1. I hope everyone is safe in Brussels and my heart goes out to these people

  2. Dont give in to islamaphobia. Thats what they want. Terrorists represent muslims as much as the KKK represents americans.

8 years ago

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Sadly it's impressive how many islamophobic and racist posts you can find in this topic. And it's sad how Europe is gradually embracing fascism again, 70 years after the end of WWII...

8 years ago

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If a man starts blaming muslims for a nation's major issues and wants to bring their nation back into prosperity through radical ideas it should be time to be concerned. We learn history to prevent it from happening again but we forgot the important details.

8 years ago

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And I cross my fingers that your country won't make some terrible mistake in November...

8 years ago

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Stop complaning about right wing. "islamophobic" hard to dont be islamophobic when u see black man or muslim who is holding in one hand knife and in another hand white mans head. There is nothing with racism learn what exacly racism mean. Quran is incompatible with europen law and democracy.

8 years ago*

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So are all religious texts. The bible condones rape it says you have to pay 50 Denarii to the family and you get to keep the girl. And it also says to kill nonbelievers by "stoning them with stones".

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Deuteronomy 17
If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

Deuteronomy 22
27"When he found her in the field, the engaged girl cried out, but there was no one to save her. 28"If a man finds a girl who is a virgin, who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her and they are discovered, 29then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall become his wife because he has violated her; he cannot divorce her all his days.

8 years ago

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Religion is like politics or your favorite sport's team, most of the people dont choose it, its something that your enviroment enforces to you and you cant really think outside it, so sad...

8 years ago

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I dont care what Bible says. Im atheist. I live in christian country and I never heard if someone got murdered by christian because was islam believer or atheist. Dont change subject. Look at France muslims can do anything they want because political correctness closes victims mouth and media will attack victims too but liberal sick bastrads will not understand cuz they brainwashed morons.

8 years ago

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I never changed the subject. I was pointing out that the bible condones violence. And muslims cant do anything they want. You sound like the brainwashed one.

8 years ago

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That might be the case in some passages, but on average the Bible does not condone arbitrary violence, and quite frankly there is less evidence of widescale interpretation of Christian scripture to promote violence against an entire other group of people. Also, your citation of verse 27 of Deuteronomy is a different paragraph and the two passages have different implications (the second actually seems to imply consent in the context of the ancient world, not that they had such a formulation like we do, and is designed to protect the victim in a way that we find abhorrent but in the ancient world was significant, because the amount of money is YEARS OF WAGES). All of the tenets of Deut. 17 are punishments against members of the community, not foreigners or other people, and would not justify war or terrorist bombings. Yes, some sick Christians use scripture to justify violence, but they do not use the whole of scripture, only selected passages, and this practice is condemned by almost every Christian denomination and sect, even the ones that "mainstream" Christians would say aren't "Christian".

8 years ago

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The same goes for muslims for your last part. Most Muslims condem these brutal acts and say these people dont represent islam.

8 years ago

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You don't know the Quran or the European law and not even what Democracy is.

8 years ago

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So do I.

8 years ago

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I have no problem with race at all, i have problem with peoples mind which are trying break into eastern Europe. If you want to come my country not as tourist i want from people few things: know and respect our traditions and way of life(i don't want to hear complaining about food or people looks and lifestyle at all from migrants), know local language at basic level or will to learn it in very short time, but then excellent knowledge of English is must(to learn local language), useful profession and willingness work very hard for shitty pay and live in shitty conditions(like locals), SUSTAIN YOURSELF+FAMILY WITHOUT GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE(ofcoarse schools for children should be free and some other thing that are granted for locals), that mean no FLATS/HOMES OR MONEY FOR FREE FROM GOVERNMENT EVER(in my country if you dont want a work and you are healthy adult then you can get 60 euros month and nothing else, that you can get lol).

8 years ago

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i totally agree with you!

8 years ago

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I will never generalize muslims or arabic ethnies as bad people, I've met some wonderful people in my life to know better. However these extremists are assholes that should eat a bullet as soon as possible.

8 years ago

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Glad some people have human decency.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Those are some unfortunate initials

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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islam and "peaceful muslims" are the vehicle that brings it to our door ,it will always be that way .

8 years ago

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Guns and "peaceful white people" are the vehicle that brings school shooters to our door ,it will always be that way .

See how dumb i sound?

8 years ago

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yes ,you do sound dumb.
But don't stop just for me :)

8 years ago

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Nah you sound plenty dumb for yourself.

8 years ago

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Thank you aunt Angela.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Sure. And they put chemicals in our toothpaste that give us AIDS. And Kubrick faked the moonlanding.

8 years ago

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I almost took the train to Brussels this morning...
Many of my friends are stuck in Brussels but the most important thing is that they are all safe!
Public transport (train, metro & busses) has been shut down, lot's of people travel to Brussels by train so those people have to stay inside and wait till they have transport out of the city.
Brussels' Taxi drivers don't charge people today.

My thoughts are with the victims and their families

8 years ago

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I'm glad you and your close ones are safe, let's hope the wounded get well and we don't have more casualties.

8 years ago

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First Belgium's factories provide weapons to the terrorists through Nato.
Then people wonder how did the terrorists manage to find that weaponry...

"You harvest what you seed" people say in my country. The US and their allies sadly my country is among them "helped" the countries of Middle East "reestablish democracy" by destroying them, now the extremists come to our lands to do suicide attacks. You didn't see that coming?

8 years ago

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This may be true, but still is a little cynic. Following that logic they should target soldiers and the government not the common people, they are achieving nothing but fueling hate from NATO countries common people against their Middle East countries and vice versa, they aren't stopping their women and children from dying but rather asking for a bigger retaliation (this time with the support of the general public).

8 years ago

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you are quite right. i consider exactly the same things.

even though my approach is cynical, it is true. i try to read as much european news as i can and not from the major journal webpages as they tend to focus only on the subjects their owners wish to promote. even after the attack on Paris, or earlier the 9/11, only few people protested against the weapon industries or their governments who support them. It's extremely sad for me to see so many innocent people from both sides losing their lives and then blame each country the other which eventually will lead into a great scale war while the ones to blame are just a few high power persons.

the image below is what i had in mind when i was writing my OP

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Such is the nature of the homo sapiens sapiens... people in power suck at managing their countries and that's why the world is so F up.

8 years ago

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I guess in the whole thread, you are the only one who talked about the source of the problem.

Either no one wants to see what happened to those countries/people in the process of "reestablishing democracy" or it is just easier to blame/hate some Muslim middle-eastern country than the real perpetrators.

8 years ago

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it's easier to criticize, blame and point with the finger on the others than looking at yourself and the mistakes you have done. and this is what will be done from now on openly in Europe. We, the people of Europe, managed to leave the nazis in the corner but after incidents like this one, they will return. 2 times they grew strong, 2 World Wars happened. I hope i am wrong, but everything is pointing out that sooner or later we will be on the verge of another WW

8 years ago

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I don't wanna comment here. I don't wanna comment here.

But wishing to those all innocent people best.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Zaugr.