It's the people giving them money who are at fault. Goat simulator was just a physics demo that people begged to get released. They had no intention of selling it until we asked them.
Anyway if you really hate modern games then head over to gog. Majority of the stuff from 1999> Most of the crap out these days.
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I don't know, I prefer originality over rehashed and milked content. Do you see where I'm getting at?
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Dont comment on Goat Simulator when u havent played it or know its background.
Like Houdini42 said, it was never supposed to be a game until many people were begging for a release.
Its more original than 95% of the games released on Steam nowadays.
When you compare everything to The Last of Us then its time to get a new hobby. There arent many games that are that great. I personally think there are still a ton of good games released.
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The point I am making is more relative to the concept of the game... and admittedly not the content (as I do know nothing of it). More to the point, the thread was really intended to be more of a "have you ever found yourself in one of those I cannot find anything good to play kind of ruts?"
My hope was aimed more at a discussion of great games that you have enjoyed beyond compare... and others that make you marvel for less admirable reasons.
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I know how you feel about Goat Simulator man, we share the same view about that game in particular...
But your life will be much easier when you realize that different people have different tastes and all...
A little story to illustrate that! =D
When i was just a child, i had a dream to study genetics and create a chicken made of only "breast" meat, because that was the only part of it that i liked... i hated fried wings for example.
Then, i grew up and realized that there were people who love fried wings and hate chicken breast!
TL;DR: The difference between us all is what makes our world a nice place to live! =D
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Never really liked TLOU. Good thing I borrowed it from a friend and didn't give money to the dog-that-should-not-be-named.
I miss old Crash.
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Prince of Persia was such a series for me.
Best of them was the warrior within.
Now a days you get too much focus on open world sandbox games. Give me my story oriented heavily scripted games any day. Which is why, the only game I ply now a days is counter strike. The competitive aspect keeps it fun. Though I am still waiting for the next prince of Persia.
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They just cater to different people. I think The Last of Us is a bad game, but a really nice movie. The old cinematic > gameplay > cinematic > gameplay formula is just dated and boring. Goat Sim is youtube fodder, specific game made for specific people.
I'd suggest you go try "interactive fiction" games (Twine, etc.) and see if you can get something out of them. Or go try classics via SCUMMVM.
See, games are like music. It's really hard to like african folk, grindcore and country all at the same time. Just enjoy what you enjoy and stick with it.
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this, people that actually care about games and not fps and resolution
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You need to try the "Soda Drinker Pro" simulation and never look back.
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Kotaku is one of your favorites? Really? And while I see what you're driving at with Goat Simulator, you're picking the wrong game to say it about - it basically just exists to make fun of the abundance of simulator games, while also being a thing people can play and enjoy for its intentionally wonky physics.
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Yep Kotaku is one of my favorites... primarily because of the tech deals they smoke out daily... but I also like their game reviews and equipment reviews as well. It's not purely gaming I know, but as been said numerous times in this thread... to each his own.
Now, if you will excuse me... I am off to cry in my corner because my site pails in comparison to others. I should probably flagellate myself as well (by the way... I really am not taking any of this personally).
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On to the point you're actually hoping this threat will move towards.... The game of all games, for me, would have to be Arx Fatalis.
It's an old school game, and I mean it! Dated graphics, but intense story, unique gameplay and plenty of re playability, in addition to the length of the game in the first place. One of my favorite parts of the game is the magic system, which is gesture based and complex. Basically, you draw shapes for components on the screen with the mouse while holding CTRL to create a spell, which is added to your queue and can be casted with a right click.
In addition, the alchemy and crafting system entertains me as well. You can pour water onto flower to make dough, and then unlike most other games, you don't click something that magically turns it into bread.. You pick it up and set it next to fire, watch it rise and eventually be baked. Just don't leave it on to long, it burns! Forging is much the same, in that you melt metal into molds, hold that molded metal over heat until it's red, set it on an anvil and hammer at it until it becomes a weapon :3
The game really is an oldy, 2002 I think? But it's not expensive, and if you're just looking for an intense game to shake off the shackles of a game that is TOO good to let you play others, it's worth a shot.
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IDK what you've done since videogames where invented but you must come out of your cave. Weird shit like Goat Simulator have always been made next to the serious games like TLOU.
They're both fun, you're just comparing 2 games which you shouldn't compare with each other.
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Goat simulator is a joke......but not in a bad to speak. The game was literally made as a joke so in my mind those devs did a very good job, and made a game that has about 2 hours worth of fun gameplay to it which for $10 isn't all that greedy. One thing I enjoyed were the dev easter eggs, mostly the Sanctum ones. I really loved sanctum 2 and I respect Coffee Stain Studios for that so I might be a bit biased to Goat simulator, but even then my sister started playing it and shes 12 and she played it for 6 hours straight(triple my own playtime) and she still wants to keep playing it. So although for more mature people it might seem dumb....I think this is the game kids SHOULD be playin instead of COD and other multiplayer FPS
On a side note of elder scrolls, I have played about 35 hours of skyrim.....and im meh about it. I don't know how I should feel about not being able to put 500+ into it
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"completely ruined gaming for me forever" Whoah dramatic much? I can't take people seriously who speak in superlatives, it's a proof of intellectual shallowness.
Look another entitled gamer-crusader who takes gaming waay too seriously. Gamergate-vibe much? It's the consumers choice (and will always be) to decide what to throw their hard-earned money at. I'm sick of people trying to force on us what "good games" or "games" are. I like Gone Home and Dear Esther among other "walking simulators" as entitled pricks like to call it. I also enjoyed playing Goat Simulator, had a lot of laughs well worth the 10 bucks if you ask me. On the other hand I found Half-Life 2 boring, Mass Effect clunky and pretentious. Does it make me less of a gamer? Do I have a bad taste in games? Well I don't give a s**t and I couldn't care less about your precious "opinion". On the internetz everybody thinks that they're right and everything they say holds some kind of a value.
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Are you the real Bender? I've always wanted to meet you!
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I don't really see what your point is. Just because there's a masterpiece literature like Gone With the Wind and then a piece of shit like Twilight, doesn't mean books are all going down hill. Just because there's a great film released one week and a trash film released the next, doesn't mean the film industry is in the shit hole. In every form of media there's a wide variety ranging from superb to utter trash. The gaming industry is no different.
Oh, to clarify, I'm not calling Goat Simulator a piece of shit or trash or anything. I actually don't know much about the game at all. Just seems that OP is doing a "great" game and "bad" game comparison.
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If you though or think that The Last of Us flew under the radar, then i dont know under which flintstones' rock you were living under at the time.
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This thread just screams "entitlement" to me and it's really sad...
Also, I'm finding it really hard to understand why you mention "but generally not those about characters sharing a major common trait with Santa, the Easter Bunny, Lucky the Leprechaun, and open minded religious zealots... in other words entities that just do not exist.", while at the same time claiming to be a gamer... o_O
Video games are about escaping reality... If they were just like reality, then there would be no reason to play them.
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Touche on all accounts.
This is nothing but a "First World Problem."
Still, I find it fascinating the amount of frustration some people have dumped into this... although it seems to apparent to me that my OP was poorly worded since it clearly did not come across with sort of responses I was looking for... live and learn...
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You're comparing a low budget satire that was a side project of a small indie team to a AAA blockbuster that cost millions to develop by a very large studio.
That's like being upset because Spaceballs didn't compare to Empire Strikes Back.
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Goat simulator was a joke to begin with, was it not? They only decided to release it after people begged them to. That's what I remember anyway.
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Different people enjoy different games for different reasons. I somewhat enjoyed Surgeon Simulator so I could see how Goat Simulator might appeal to others.
I would agree though that youtube-bait has become basically a genre of its own now. Not sure what to think about that.
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In 2013 Naughty Dog kicked out The Last of Us. Upon its release I had never even heard of the game. Somehow that one flew under the radar completely. Maybe a month after its release one of two favorite gaming sites, Cheat Happens, kicked out its review of the title (the other site being Kotaku). Now I'm not a zombie freak at all. I do like horror movies and games, but generally not those about characters sharing a major common trait with Santa, the Easter Bunny, Lucky the Leprechaun, and open minded religious zealots... in other words entities that just do not exist. Rather, I get far more wrapped up in a title if it has at least some base in reality (even if remote).
What caught my attention with TLOU was that it actually managed to create a zombie apocalypse with a scientific plausibility (though admittedly an extremely unlikely one). The story centers (for those that have not played the game) around a plague of the Cordyceps virus. In reality, the affliction is limited to ants... and the speculated time-span for a mutation to infect humans would likely take thousands of years. Just the same, the remote tie got me curious, and the review focused on the ability of the story to draw you in and make you empathize and even loathe the PCs and the NPCs. They were right, and to date, even though I consider myself more of a traditional RPG fan, this is hands down my favorite game of all time.
Now the next game in mind came out with the year following. It isn't flashy, and it isn't even AAA. However, it has certainly become a cult classic if not a pop culture one. Still, I have never played it... nor will I.
The game I reference here is Goat Simulator. WTF? Goat Simulator? I am certain some of you have played it, and many probably really enjoy the game... but a (fill in multiple expletives here) goat simulator??? Over the past couple of years there have been a great deal of releases on Steam that make me question, "who funded that one?" None of them however make me more curious than this cloven hoofed sim. Have we really completely drained the creative well of ideas to the point that we have to simulate the life of an aluminum eating and all consuming quadruped? Chances are many of you can praise the games strengths... and admittedly I am anxious to hear them... but is there anyone else out there going where the (again, fill in expletives) are the real games at?
Between one game that absolutely amazed me, and another that makes me question whether or not the gaming industry is now doomed... I have seriously found it difficult to enjoy games anymore. When a game is good... it's just not The Last of Us Good, and when it's not... it makes me think more devs are leaning toward the no thought/no story archetype of the aforementioned Goat Simulator.
Anyone have a similar title or titles that have put you in that spot?
On the plus side, I had this rut before after Oblivion... and fortunately, I realize that it is a moment who's time will pass.
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