Many of you may (or not) know about SGM, for those who don't it's a collective project between SG users to make a gaming magazine, check the main post with previous issues.

We are a dedicated group that helps us to deliver monthly magazines for you to enjoy. But lately we have been a little bit short in the staffing department and we require more people to maintain this project healthy. We mainly need designers to help with the magazine, putting the reviews and interviews on paper, it's much easier that it sounds and you don't need any experience, for real.
But anyone is welcomed, we have a nice and welcoming community even if you only want to review games or just chill. Absolutely anyone can join, either as a reviewer, a contributor, or all of them at the same time. And don't worry about your english level, we have a team of editors that will make sure that no mistake is left.

How does it work?

You might ask. Well, how lucky that I'm here to explain. In the case you wanted to win games and review them, we make each month a wave of giveaways with mostly solid games and a relatively low ammount of entries, so usually everyone get's something to review. Then you are given a deadline to play and deliver a review, which depends on the lenght of the game and each case is reviewed individually. Then an editor would correct your mistakes and deliver it to the designers so they give it a nice coat of paint. Check the previous giveaways in the SG group
If you review enough games decently you might get a premium reviewer role that will give you access to special and exclusive giveaways, with games such as Helldivers 2 or Baldur's Gate 3.

Wow, that sounds so coool. How do I join?

It's actually pretty easy, after reading the rules on the main sgm post, drop a comment there talking about your favorite SG win, then request joining the steam group and join the Discord were you will meet our lovely team, initially you won't have access to any channel but you will be given access by the admins shortly, just have some patience, it's an anti-spam measure.

And I reiterate, literally everyone is welcome, we are waiting for you!!!

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2 hours ago

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Happy cake day

2 hours ago

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I completely forgot about it.

I should be making a cakeday train or something UnU

1 hour ago

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Happy cakeday! <3
(New issue will also release soon-ish)

2 hours ago

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Paige Says:

We know finding your gaming crew can be tough, but joining SG Magazine is like discovering a hidden gem! Seriously, it’s a place where you can chat, game, and share your thoughts with fellow gamers who just get it. So why not give it a shot? Worst case? You can say you gave the best gaming community a try! No pressure! 😸

2 hours ago

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Happy cake day! Such a cool concept, jood gob on this!

2 hours ago

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Thank you, for joining us. It's nice to have new people here.

1 hour ago

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:D <3

1 hour ago

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Happy cakeday! <3

1 hour ago

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