Well it is a historical precedent being set, these companies wanted to do something that the community felt was a detriment gaming as a whole.. should that just be forgotten?
Lets not forget that 'Paid Mods' are not gone.. just under reevaluation and will more than likely reappear in some form.
Look at the backlash against SPORE, those amazon reviews are still there today to remind customers and companies about respecting your players and not treating them as an endless source of cash.
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Nobody is going to forget this massive victory ._.
But reviews aren't related to the whole situation, and there were quite enough threads made about "paid mods"
But who said that "paid mods" are under reevaluation?
And I did say that we shouldn't accept to be f*cked from behind by companies and accept everything they come up with, but some people are just being chaotic and aren't even accepting to make any effort to understand the problem because rebelling is easier for them...
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Reviews are an immediate and impactful, it gives us power as the threat is a long lasting negative image to the company and it's product. If we just reverse them the moment the point is conceded they loose their power to threaten.
If you look at the language of Steams retraction.. it doesn't state that paid mods are gone for good.. just that they should have thought harder to understand the community and it's customers. I highly recommend the threads on Kotaku for insight into the subject (and pretty much all gaming subjects) while Bethesda make reference to their decision with Valve to shelve this particular version.
I'm actually somewhat in agreement with you too.. (I wasn't a fan of Skyrim so the mods issue didn't effect me and I paid so little for it i don't feel ripped off by the game.) They aren't a bad company and it's not a bad game.. myriad review sites attest to that ..I would have liked them to have been more vocal in their part of this mistake at all stages.
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Well, yeah maybe. But we already achieved what we wanted outta giving negative reviews, and now companies will know that if they did anything that is un-reasonable and upsets the community, they will be given hell and nobody will be tolerant with their actions.
Yeah, but I don't think that they'll make the same mistake again. So, if they ever wanted to make "paid mods" they'll be sure to know what the community wants (a lot of people wanted a "donate" button, instead of removing the paid mods completely).
EDIT: Stop writing "it's" instead of "its"... it's disturbing...
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a donate button is the best thing they could do and i would donate to any good mod i like to support them making more and better mods and i am planing on making some mods. i should be started on it but when they made pay for mods i stopped trying to get the stuff to do it and now it is going to take longer plus i dont know if they will try something like that again. mods are for fun or to show off your skills and it is good practice for if your planing on making a game to
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"But who said that "paid mods" are under reevaluation?" - well, here's what Valve PR said: "We understand our own game's communities pretty well, but stepping into an established, years old modding community in Skyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating. We think this made us miss the mark pretty badly, even though we believe there's a useful feature somewhere here."
So, in human words: "we'll be back with some completely new game, so you'll not be able to say old mods suddenly are paid, since all will be paid - heck, maybe we'll add some mods as pre-order bonuses" :).
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Unless they mean they're going to add a "donate" button... :v
Well, yeah they might be cooking something bad in their little dark kitchen of evil stuff, which will be something like this:
"HL3 is going to be released in two days and... here's paid mods again." everybody around the world is shocked two days later, a wild announcement from Valve appears "You won't be able to get HL3 if you haven't at least spent 20$ on mods :)"
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Shy, bullied kid in the corner of the yard finally find out that "he" is actually the strongest in the block.
What have you expected, but I fear "he" will go overboard soon, drunken with a power.
Just wait and see what will happen when "he" finds out that "his wallet" has even more power.
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I just look it as Consumer Feedback. In steam there is few routes to take, so people are simply using what's available to make an impact. The reviews could be disputed & even taken down, all Bethesda has to do is make an inquiry to valve about it & start their own investigation.
Game bans I am not completely against but I certainly understand peoples concerns. We simply cant expect all developers to adhere to the rules & some might get overzealous along the way. If used correctly though, the new ban system can be quite useful for devs to quickly boot cheaters/toxic players, preventing them from ruining a community.
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I didn't say that they shouldn't have given bad reviews, I'm just against the idea of leaving them negative after the whole thing is over.
And I don't think Bethesda is going to do anything like that, because that will make people even more angry at them.
I was actually pretty mad at first because of this game-ban, but I don't think Rockstar is abusing it in any way.
However, some Indie devs might be childish enough to use this feature the wrong way against users who disliked their game.
So, I think someone/some system should be evaluating every ban that is made + some precautions to prevent any abuse of power.
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they could have it that the person gets the ban but it dont go in to effect until the community votes on if they should be banned for what they did or not
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"Rebelious" should have never came together in the same sentence with "Video game", since video games usually were authority free. When we see that someone wants to benefit or take advantage of our form of entertainment, people will get pissed. Thats about it.
There are thousands of games that have no "authority" behind them telling you how you should play and what you can and can't do with their product (except sell as your own).
As for mods in multiplayer - isn't it simple ? If you mod your game, you can't enter the multiplayer game since your game has been modified. Banning people makes no sense, just have them disable/remove the mods. Why go extreme from the get go ?
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And Valve is already benefiting of selling video-games ._. Also there are ALOT of organizations around the world that don't allow certain games in their countries and remove some aspects of other games just because they thought it was inappropriate for users...
But anyway, I'm not talking about authorities that control games. I'm talking about those gamers who are being chaotic and un-responsible and not in a funny way.. after we won the battle against "paid mods"...
And Rockstar doesn't have the right to ban cosmetic-mods users, that's for sure.
However, if the company said content-mods are not allowed, then you can't just complain about being banned because of that.
Because you already know that this will get you banned, why do it?
And if people wanted to ask Rockstar to allow modding, then a petition for that should be made. instead of just saying "remove game-ban, because Rockstar is banning our asses" mixing two problems in one petition...
And at last, I "think" that some mod users are being identified as hackers by mistake, that's why I said let's just be calm and know what Rockstar has to say about this and whether they will try to solve it or not.
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No one will fight our fights. The trend have been set some time ago and it's not getting better.
Online only single player games without modding anymore whatsoever (diablo 3), the Skyrim fiasco, now Rockstar. There'll be no better time to be rebellious than just now.
Maybe its the price of modern gaming, but we are heading to the Black Mirror series future (see that chapter please).
Or (less depressing) we will have only a gaming terminal and no control over games anymore.
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And I'm not saying we should stop, but make every move meaningful and don't be a rebel just for the sake of being a rebel...
Because having quick reactions with no understanding of the whole situation will harm you instead of giving you an advantage in the case of making a good move.
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there are certain people who give knee jerk reaction but i like to believe such people are mostly the ones yelling "virtual Rape in GTA 5"
gamers who take time to understand what exactly is going on & create petition to get noticed by the developer of the game..must be atleast somewhat informed about real issue..
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No, we're not. We should put our foot down when we feel we, as customers, are being treated poorly. In the end it's thanks to us that Valve, publishers and devs are making the money they make, we deserve respect as customers. Trolls and idiots aside, Valve's policy of "do it/solve it among yourselves we're just here to take your money" needs to stop, they need to take responsibility for the "features" they're trying to push on the platform.
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I'm totally fine with that, and fully supportive for this kind of movements.
But some people/some actions do us no good but to make us seem as raging kids on the internet...
That's why I'm saying let's have responsible and tough strikes instead of bombarding them with weak random rage bullets...
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I don't know, i would not say this "review bombing" as people called it, would classify as "random rage bullets". It seemed to work, and while i didn't take part in this i think it's people's right to leave it up as a mark of what happened, if they feel like doing so. Quite a few of said reviews were well thought out opinions, not "fuck bethesda for paid mods" reviews, and i think there's nothing wrong with them staying up there so people can still read them. If everyone really feels like they're not needed anymore they can get downvoted into oblivion, they're only up there because of how many votes they got anyway.
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hmm, you might have just pinned me down...
I suppose you have a good point there. I might have viewed these reviews in a different way.
I guess that the reviews which contained "well thought out opinions" deserve to stay, to be a strong indicator of our power.
Yeah, I think I was bothered by the amount of childish reviews that you could find scrolling down that page...
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Well, as I said "Game ban" and "mods being banned in GTA V" are two different issues.
We could ask Rockstar to allow content-mods, but that doesn't mean that they WILL accept.
And actually, I think it's not unfair because Rockstar already warned people from using mods. So, it's their right to ban players who were previously warned about this single thing.
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No it isn't, those aren't mods.
R made it so that it's not possible to mod the game files (so far at least) so these so called "mods" aren't mods at all hence the ban since the technique used to change the FOV (again, it's not a mod) is the same technique used to do any other things the cheaters are using atm, there is no way for R to differentiate between them, so stop blaming R and start blaming the idiot that put this so called "mod" online, he's the one that misinformed all people using his creation which caused the bans R just did what had to be done.
Also, single player and multiplayer use the same files, so changing FOV in SP would automatically change the FOV in MP.
Which, since you can snipe way better thanks to that, is a form of cheating.
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Since people have been reporting that the slider for it ingame isn't good enough for them i'd appreciate it if they adjusted it in a patch if possible ofcourse, all i'm trying to say that is that the people who've been banned for using the so called "FOV mod" did not understand the technical side of what they were changing which in turn caused a massive group of people to unjustly claim that rockstar hates mods and that they ban people for using cosmetic mods, which isn't the case, they ban people for the use of script hook which could be used to adjust the looks, but also basically anything else you can think of.
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None that I can think of off the top of my head but you can easily notice that all of these "mods" rely on script hook, none of them actually alter the game files themselves unlike say Skryim mods which require you to manually either add some assets or replace some of them. (outside the workshop that is)
this might elaborate it a bit.
Alexander has released a “Script Hook” library for Grand Theft Auto V, meaning that players can actively interact with, choose and alter already existing scripts in the game. In a video, this is shown to include all manner of things, including world effects such as weather and day time, plus much more.
The fact that it allows you to alter anything you can possibly think of is why people are getting banned, there's no way to tell on Rockstar's end what the user actually did, they only know that the user user that tool.
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It's really awesome!
Those of you who may be worried about script manipulation resulting in a ban, need not worry. When a player goes online, the Script Hook is disabled, meaning there’s nothing active that can result in a ban.
Thanks for the source.
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I think that the way we got the paid mods taken off was fair. It had been free for ages and then suddenly they try to make us pay for something that has been free for a long time. It would have been fine if it was a donation button or something. I think that people should change their reviews because they did listen to the community and remove it. As for the GTA mods being banned, it's very stupid the way they are going about this. They are banning people for having mods in SINGLEPLAYER... I mean, if it's in multiplayer, ban them. It's just not cool to ban them in singleplayer.
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Cool, finally someone who agrees that these people should remove their reviews..
even though I was convinced by Kinja, that some of them must stay(only the best ones) to be as a great memorial for our victory.
About GTA V, I still think we should wait before any quick reactions, because GTA is still a new game on PC, unlike Skyrim which was stable LONG time ago.
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People have a right to leave a bad review of the game because of bad policies by devs/publishers, also everyone knows that Skyrim is one of the best games you can get of its genre, but leaving the protest reviews reminds everyone of the horrible policies that Bethesda (and Valve) wanted to implement.
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Yeah and what is wrong with that ? valve remove the paid mod but that is not a reason to remove the negative feedback, it is a reason to not put more negative ones about that fact anymore.
And no, we are not too rebellious these days. Its Valve and others company that are putting his bad decision made by their trainee at the same period, wich are acclaimed the way they must by the community. Its not a trend, its people trying to defend their opinion while trying to not get strip from the little liberty they have.
By the way, putting that discussion on steamgift is a rebellious way to act as you are discussing the fact that people should say what they want.
And you also can think before doing anything, especially before making a discussions on this forum.... chills ?
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I don't see how it's Childish to leave a Negative review based on how the Company treated the player base. When Dota 2 players started a tsunami of bad reviews just because they didn't get the Halloween expansion update they were expecting.. that might have been childish. When Bethesda with the help of Valve bitch-slaps it's users with some sick money-making tactics.. that is worthy of some bad reviews that should stay.
Just my 2 cents..
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While I believe that people have the right to complain about mistreatment, they don't always do it in an intelligent or reasonable way. (Hence why rioting exists.) If you feel you can redirect them toward a better method of venting, one that actually addresses the problem, then I encourage you to do so.
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Well, I'm just a member of the community, all that I can do is to make discussions and see what people have to say about such problems.
And in the end, they will do what they want.
But if we managed to educate these people who make every movement look bad by acting like kids because of all the spamming they do and all the hate speech they fire at random people in random places... then our goals might be achieved in shorter time and better results.
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"I didn't include a "No" answer, because nobody should accept to have his rights stripped away and abused"
-And yet you required people to own Tropico 4 before they can vote on your poll.
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Ah, I thought that was what it means when a game's name is in the title of the poll.
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Some probably have taken down/updated their reviews which are no longer relevant. Certainly, giving a bad review at this point over the issue would be in bad taste, but I don't fault anyone for leaving their existing review.
Paid mods were a thing at the time of their review. They put down their honest thoughts about the current state of the game and based their recommendations on their experiences. That's a fair assessment and should not be removed, lest it be regarded as score inflation by squelching low ratings.
No, they thought it was a good idea to implement the features the reviews complained about, so that mindset is still prevalent even after the offending features were removed. Is it childish to avoid other products by the company who put a price tag on community mods? Maybe so, but this whole event left a lasting impression on many people, so simply no longer doing what they shouldn't have done in the first place doesn't absolve Bethesda/Valve.
And if their next big update is even worse, the bad reviews are gonna have to come right back.
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People didn't turn their negative reviews for Skyrim back positive, because they want to leave it as a historical stigma for Valve and Bethesda -_-
Which is childish because the deal was "give Skyrim negative reviews and make a petition" in order to "make Valve and Bethesda remove paid mods" ...
And now a petition for the Game-ban thingy because Rockstar is banning players... Rockstar is trying to keep the online multiplayer cheating-free
And if anyone was banned for using a cosmetic/graphics related mod, then it was by mistake and you could contact support for help Check pic
Rebels.. Just. chill.
I didn't include a "No" answer, because nobody should accept to have his rights stripped away and abused, but don't be chaotic rebels... think before you do anything and Especially before making a "change.org" petition.... :v
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