I don't idle. I used to when there was still only a few games and we were all in that badge hype but I don't give a damn anymore, I'll play the games when I'll play the games... Yeah, I'll be happy about the drops but I'm no longer runny after them.
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Sell everything! I don't really care for badges or levels but I do care about 'free' games ;)
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http://www.steamtrades.com/forum/UZh55/h-bundle-keys33cards399games6-w-offerswishlist-cards trading keys for crads :P
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I sold a few doubles to buy a couple games to give away, but I generally keep my cards for a chance to get the badges eventually. Not that I'm sweating over those.
Hey, since you obviously spent some time checking your cards, is there a straightforward way to get a list of doubles? I know there must be some jsons that list them, but haven't really searched.
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Personally, I'll make the level 1 badge for any game I really like but other than that, nocurr.
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Got something like 30 games that still have drops remaining. Don't idle. I sell them.
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I'll idle if I don't earn the drops before I finish a game (McPixel) I'm holding cards right now, I crafted a few badges but will craft more during an event since extra cards are less useless than coupons. I won't go beyond level 1 badges though.
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I make some badges, sell some. It all depends on the cost of the cards. If they're really cheapo cards or I love the game, Ill probably make the badge. Some games I will idle for (i.e. Fortix, but I also got that badge), but if its a game I'm really into, I will get the drops normally.
I have 3 drops remaining and about 40 games that drop. I tend to get my drops ASAP, i.e. I sold a Paranormal Foil for 2 keys earlier today, the market for those is already low b/c people are selling the cards cheaply even if theres only 10 on the entire market, which is dumb, but w/e. Then there's things like MacGuffin's Curse, which were selling VERY high up until yesterday and the new Groupees. I jumped on those and offloaded them as quick as possible.
I also like using bots like scrapbank.me and backpack.tf, as you can get metal/keys for cards, the only problem there is there are limits to the amount of cards a bot will take, which makes it a drag and a lot of trial and error, but if you play it smart, you can really profit using cards. I sold a bundle game last week for 8 random crap cards and traded them with bots to get higher priced cards and then offload them for metal. Made 2 keys from the crap cards by doing that, it just took a LOT of time to do and you gotta find cards that are being bought high by bots (i.e. 2 ref), but sold low on the market or other traders/bots.
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When you are talking about high prices... I still can't believe I kept and didn't Idle all cards at the beta phase. CS:GO cards for example sold at 0.70€ X_x
Didn't know scrapbank, but I don't want to invest more time in it. Cool hint anyway.
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Its hit or miss. I got lucky that day and was able to get a card being valued at 2 ref each for less than half that elsewhere and had to make tons of trades to do it. It took like 6 hours total (trade for one card on one service, and trade that on another, and then back to the one paying high) and regular checking, but it worked and I actually had fun doing it. Its not something I want to make a habit out of, but it was a decent way to spend a few hours on a sick day.
And yea, Scrapbank is relatively new. Its just like any trading bot (theres like 8 of them on the site). Some things you can get really good value for and some of the prices are just horrendous. Gotta pay attention to the detail and be willing to take small risks to get it to pay off. Its literally like playing a stock/bonds market but obviously on a much lower scale. I imagine the Steam market is teaching kids how capitalism works at any rate lol.
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Just use SAM.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about... When you open a game in SAM, Steam thinks you are in that game. Simple.
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"For those who don't know what I'm talking about... When you open a game in SAM, Steam thinks you are in that game. Simple."
You can use SAM to idle in games.
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There is that tool to cheat achievements that actually will cause playtime being registered while it is open even without having the game installed. Don't ask questions. Google for it or don't. Do not come back at me when you get banned or whatever.
edit) oh well :D
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I've heard about VAC-bans while having SAM opened on a game and playing the same game on steam while it's a vac-secured server. Correct me if I'm wrong though, I don't have any proof or solid grounds for that. :)
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What kind of retard opens a game in SAM... Then goes to a VAC secured server IN THAT GAME? Seriously, what the hell?
Btw... Yes, you would get banned for being a retard.
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Anyone could be idling cards in, say, CS:GO and then forget about the SAM running while going to play a match :) No need to call people retards. And no, it didn't happen to me and it's just something someone was thinking in a of as a possibility in a random chatroom so i'm writing about a possibility not trying to warn people as I assume everyone is cautious when using software like this ;)
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I have no idea about that, as Id not be surprised of there being instances of SAM being the cause of VAC bans in certain respects, but using it to idle to get your card drops is not going to cause a ban or at the very least hasn't yet. It all depends on how its being used. People didnt get banned idling in text mode on TF2 to get their item drops.
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Yep, it would be really odd if suddenly SAM caused VAC bans while used just to idle games. I'd go as far and say that won't happen.
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I don't know if this is irregular, but the average price I've encountered is about 13-15 cents, USD. Not a huge difference, but still.
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Steam Enhanced is the reason why I don't have a need for this java program.
Anyone else notice Steam Enhanced recently added a button to remove from your wishlist every game that you have in your library? It's very useful after adding games obtained outside of Steam.
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Yes, I have idled in games, but since I have not had many weeks where a bunch of my games got cards all at once it hasn't really been much of an issue. I got my level up to 20 to increase my chances of getting boosters and while I do trade for some cards to complete some more badges, generally it seems best to sell the cards as quick as possible once they enter the system so that you can get the maximum profit.
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Didn't know the Level <-> Booster Pack Drop! Thanks I looked it up, should go for Level 20 then I guess ^^
Level 10: +20% increase in your drop rate
Level 20: +40% increase in your drop rate
Level 30: +60% increase in your drop rate
Level 40: +80% increase in your drop rate
Level 50: +100% increase in your drop rate (i.e. the rate has doubled)
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Sell all my cards. Would love to save them, but I don't for several reasons.
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Never sold my cards, I used them to craft badges. I never put real money in my wallet to get where I am now though.
I idle most of the time, unless it's a game I'm already playing or wanted to play. It's not a true motivation to try something new.
0 cards left btw, I refresh my badge page multiple times a day just to see if there's something new for me to turn on while I'm not there.
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If I get 2 games with trading cards I choose which one has better emoticons and/or backgrounds and I craft that one. Sometimes I idle sometimes not.
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I make badges mostly to increase my Steam level. This generally means I will find the cheapest way to get a badge, factoring in the cards I have, their costs, and the costs of other sets to obtain. I only trade cards or occasionally metal (TF2) for cards.
I'm at level 20 currently, and generally it seems how much I care about my level is directly tied to how close I am to the next "tier" (remember for each 10 levels you have increased chances for a booster to drop). Right now I pretty much don't care (if I get more cards, they will sit in my inventory collecting dust for a while), but when I get to maybe level 26 or 27, I will scramble to hit 30.
I have idled games for cards. I prefer to do it that way as I then no longer feel I "have to" play a game for a specific amount of time to get the drops. However, as I am currently level 20 I have 4 games with cards that I don't care enough about to idle because my level is mostly irrelevant to me at this point. :P
EDIT: Also I collect emoticons. Sometimes I trade for cool looking ones.
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I just wrote a little Java program to sum and sort my card drops I have shown on my badgepage... And the
result is quite surprising. Since I have never idled to get them, they are quite a lot now, 284 to precise. If I count 30 minutes for 1 card, that would be 142h to get them all :D
I even made an Excelsheet to have a nice view of them, cause the regular badge site is not clear enough for me.
But I don't think I'll start to idle to get them, even though you can calculate like 0.10€ average price (*287=28,7€). How full is your badge page. Do you idle to get them? Do you sell them or make badges?
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