Was checking a bunch of old keys i have, and seeing if i should bother making giveaways for them, but having problems finding the game page on SG for many of them. i.e. https://www.steamgifts.com/game/Tkfc6/just-skill-shooter-2

Google worked for a few, but not all. While SG's search seems to only work for current giveaways, not ended ones.

"Rencounter" is a decent example. Saw a bunch of giveaways for it in the last month, but now cant even find a reference to a giveaway by using google.

I was thinking steamappid maybe, but the game info pages all have a 5 character string, same as giveaways.

Thought maybe ESGST was hiding them, but they dont show up when running in-private mode either....

Is there some trick i'm missing?

6 months ago

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search bundle-games
search the archive
create a giveaway and check the * **

6 months ago

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Oooh! The bundled games link is super cool as it shows the dates for when it got flagged for reduced, or no value.


Thx soo much. This should be useful for most needs, and will use the https://www.steamgifts.com/app/ + appID for any others.

6 months ago

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This link should work if you add the app id from the Steam store URL at the end. Don't ask where the URL came from because I don't know. Someone provided a link to that page for a game that never had a GA created on SG and I was wondering how they got to it and they gave me this URL. I then saved it in my favorites.


The way I usually do it is how MrPantera said above. If I am wondering about reduced or no value CV, I just open the giveaway creation page and enter the name of the game. It won't show the value, but it shows reduced or 0 CV and you can click the link to view the Steam store page to see the price that the CV is calculated from. If you want to see the dates for reduced values for some reason, I search the bundle games list or search the archive to find a GA I can view and then click the magnifying glass icon.

6 months ago*

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I didn't know about that URL, that's good to know! It looks like it was mentioned in cg's forum post when he introduced the "game pages": https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/E2Ft8/new-game-pages-and-more.

As I understand, /sub/ should work as well then. :)

6 months ago

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Between the 2 of you i have plenty of options.

Now just wondering why these useful tools are somewhat buried?

6 months ago

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To be honest the amount of work you put into "Is this game i allready have worth the effort to make a GA with" is more work as you would had if you just make it without bothering about it in the first place.

6 months ago

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^^ This.

6 months ago

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