What happend if I delete from my account a game that I've obtained in a giveaway?
Then anyone comparing your wins to your games activated would notice the discrepancy.
Could receive a ban or a suspention?
Most assuredly.
I should refuse the game when I won it, but that 's not an option anymore and now I'm in a break point...
Did you already delete the game? If so, I'd just buy another copy.
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He's right, I forgot about that. You just have to make a support ticket.
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Do not delete the game. You will serve a suspension and you won't be able to enter most SGTools giveaways.
If I may ask, why did you enter the giveaway, if you did not want the game?
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'Cause it's much easy just join to the giveaway that look the store page of every one of them.
In the future, perhaps you could only join giveaways for games that you are genuinely interested in? This will prevent your particular issue from occurring again.
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Then having a game you do not want in your library is kind of the price you pay for having it easy before.
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Mine neither. Nevermind :)
Edit: But it seems you are doing much better than me trying to get along in Chile without speaking Spanish.
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I've always said the same. Some people are just particular.
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Some people are just particular.
Pretty much. Don't understand the logic of it either, but I'm stupid anal about some trivial stuff so I can understand why someone just feels the need to delete rather than just hide. Even though deleting Steam games is just fancy hiding since they can be easily undone /shrug.
Steam even gives you the option to purge your entire account now, though I've only known one person who actually did it.
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I've never had need to permanently remove a game but their have been a couple of times I've removed things temporarily.
1) Fallout: New Vegas - I own two versions of this, the global version and the Russian version. When I first installed the Russian version both ran fan but after completing the Russian version and returning to finish up the last few achievements I couldn't get the global version to run. So I removed the Russian version from my account and restored it after completing the global version.
2) Gemini: Heroes Reborn - Groupees provided two keys for this, one ROW and a cut German version. Unlike Fallout this wasn't two separate library entries. I mistakenly activated the German key first, removed it and then activated the ROW version.
3) Chivalry / GRAV - I had "full" access to both of this titles back from when free weekends glitched and gave you permanent access to a game (it just didn't stay in library after uninstall or give card drops). After acquiring the games in bundles I removed the free weekend license and activated the games again.
Another possible reason I haven't done myself but I know is possible is family sharing. If User A owns a game and User B owns the same game and it's DLC User A can't access the DLC as already owning the game means they don't have access to the shared copy from User B. In this case User A removes the game, plays the DLC from User B's shared copy then restores the game afterwards.
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I'd hide it, for me there's nothing wrong in having a lot of games.
Who knows, I might get back to Metro 2033 again, or Dead Island... many times after completing a game I've said I won't play it again, and after few years I come back to the games.
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Can you remove games from your account?? Whith what purpose if you can hide them?
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If you go to the support and choose a game, there will be the option to delete it permanently.
And with wich porpuse I must have a game that I don't like on my account? I'm not a collector and I don't want have houndreds games that I'll never play.
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And why you can't let me do whatever that I want? Hide the games isn't enought, if I buy a game and want to delete it, it's my choise, I choose in what I waste the earned money.
And I understand that this is a particular case in which do what I want could have a consequence, and that's the why of this thread.
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You can do whatever you want but not when it comes to money of other people giving you those games, and the least they can ask for is to not delete games from your account once you won them.
This is fundamental SG rule that leads to the most suspensions. Personally I wouldn't care, why should I force you to have the game you don't like, but otherwise SG would not be able to enforce non-activation rule.
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Hey, you made ASF! ♥♥♥
I'd like to add you to donate something as a token for my thanks... :)
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I know quality of some games and I question my own sanity when seeing them. I can totally see why somebody would want to throw it out of his account - I'd probably do similar thing if I had 5k less games and actually care about organizing my library.
At the same time as a giveaway creator I totally share your point of view, I mean, there are thousands of other users who would not do that, although personally I can relate to that, so I never expect more than I'd expect from myself. Being mad at somebody for wanting to get rid of a game I spent 0.10$ on in a bundle, after in fact playing it, is irrational.
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Not to mention he can simply jump to something actually interesting in his perespective instead of wasting the giveaway's host time and money and his own time and points.
GA host: "Who wants candy? I have ONE chocolate bar!"
GA host: "I'll throw it up in the air and whoever catches it can eat it all on their own!"
Everyone "YAAAAAAAAAAAYY!!!!!"
Everyone jumps, trying to reach that one lonely choco bar...
And Kaluguin manages to snatch it!
Kaluguin take a bite! It looks yummy, and everyone else wish they could have a bite too.
Kaluguin spits it out. He goes "ewwww!"
Kaluguin tosses into the dirt.
Game over.
Don't be Kaluguin.
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You could offer the creator a replacement key for the same game and see if they will re-roll (but it will cost you money to do it, and I think people can still refuse). if the giveaway is really old, someone might not re-roll it anyway..
for the 50+ copy giveaways, I wouldn't count on it happening but you never know.
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This is actually a really good idea but I wonder how practical it would be with givaways that's not very recent. I wouldn't mind if I could make a particular game, looking at you Remnants of a Beautiful Day, disappear from my winnings so I can get rid of that nagging feeling that I should play the game properly even though I hate it with a vengeance :P
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Since I don't enter giveaways unless I'm quite sure I will enjoy playing the game if I win it, I do not have this problem. There are so many excellent games on Steam, I don't have time to waste on those I would not enjoy.
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But it's imposible to know which games are good and which are bad, and trust in the reviews from the store it's a problem too 'cause the opinion from another maybe isn't the same than yours. That happens to me with CS:GO, I bought it trusting in the reviews and now... Well, it's abandoned on my account.
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When I am thinking of buying a game, I read both the positive and negative reviews (if there are any), both on Steam and on other websites. I then check out review and gameplay videos on YouTube so that I know what the game is actually like to play. If I'm still not sure I'll like it, I wait. There is usually plenty of feedback once a game has been out a good long while.
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Your plan sound good, but the problem it's that I mostly prefer the indie games and how it's usuall, the reviews of these games are like "I like the game" and "I don't like the game", the websites focused in videogames allways talks about the AAA's or the popular games, so found extra information about these it's pretty hard (in my language or even in english)...
Usually I let the instinct leads my. Mostly he's right, but sometimes how is natural, he fail.
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How is it for me:
Some genres are instant nope
For others I generally ignore mixed review ones, unless I personally heard from someone that the game has something good in it that I would like.
Take a quick look on top reviews, positive negative -ratio. If more are negatives, it may be a bad sign.
Read into 3-4 top negative review, look for problems you don't want to have. Bad music? If you just mute it, not a problem. Bad graphics? Depends if you care. Bad controls? Now this is a dealbreaker for me.
If at any point I decide I don't want the game (not even for free from SG) I just mark it not interested and immediately hide it on SG.
Just spending about 10 minutes a day instead of being idle to check a few giveaways can clear up the giveaways section wonderfully in a week or two :)
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You said you mainly deleted anime games (and don't like them?). https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/q6P9wR3
Yet you enter anime games for one thing.
Dont put much trust in reviews, and with some games they are just troll reviews, however i can't understand people don't just watch a gameplay clip or even on youtube to get an idea of a game, if they can't just think then hey i want that game (or not).
It is entirely possible to get atkeast a pretty good idea if something is good or bad.
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It took a surprising amount of time for me to accept that just because a game is very positive, that won't make it a necessarily good choice to pick up if it's on the verge of liked / not liked genres. (Like a good Otome is still a boring game for me, while story-oriented / horror / detective VN is very much my stuff) :D
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I think this has a lot to do with the reason people are playing games in the first place. I'm seeing a lot of reviews which stats that a game is good because it's not too long, has a lot of achievements and/or cards, are not "grindy". I've even seen a substantial amount of people stating that they flat out refuse to play a game with no rewards, read achievements.
I tend to like games that are long complicated or even grindy and I'm more and more starting to prefer not having achievements in games because of the, however small, social pressure to focus on completing them. Actually if I'm being honest I've never really liked achievements I've just been able to appreciate some of the positive aspects, like encouraging you to explore different aspects of some games that you wouldn't even have noticed without them.
To me it looks like a majority, of the reviewers at least, are very focused on "completing" games as as an achievement in and of it self while I am perfectly happy with eg. trying out news character builds and playing for a couple of hours in role playing games.
A pretty good example of this is the fairly recent game Mad Max. I can't really find any faults with this game without nitpicking and neither could most of the people on steam for the first couple of days or maybe even weeks as it had overwhelmingly positive reviews. After a while a substantial amount of people started to change their reviews from positive to negative basically because there are too much to do if you want all the achievements, and I can agree that "running" around the map to pick every last cap or memorabilia will become boring and grindy if you're just doing it for the achievements and are in a hurry to finish the game to get to the next one :)
Edit: Sorry about the wall of text. I realize that it might sound weird calling Mad Max fairly recent but in my defense is the fact that I'm still playing the crap out of titles like Gothic, Morrowind and Baldurs Gate, so my perspective is a little biased :P
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I don't plan to play it because I realized around Assassin's Creed 2 that open world games with too many stuff to do is not a genre for me, I'd like to focus on the main story if there's a good one. What I heard about Max could be summed up: positive: open world with a lot to do. Negative. open world with a lot to do :D
I have two problem with long games:
I tend to get bored of games, like one second I'm enjoying and in the second I realize how far is the end, and how repetitive it is, or I just want a change. It's basically a risk :\
Second one is simpler, I feel a tad uneasy buying (or even winning) a game where I have no idea if I'd like it, I can push myself through a shorter game but not as easy with a long one. But variety helps :)
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I'm not sure this will help but I can't get in to Assassins Creed either and I don't have a bad thing to say about Mad Max :P
Although this might have something to do with the fact that I'm trying to play Assassins Creed on xbox and I'm horribly bad at playing with a controller :)
I tend to get bored as well. or maybe distracted by other things is a better way to describe it. But this is not a problem for me really, at least not with stuff I bought myself. If it's a game I like I will usually start over several times before reaching the end, if I ever do at all. My way of playing and enjoying most games are brutally inefficient but since it's games and something I do to relax in my free time I don't feel I need to be particularly efficient in the first place :)
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You can't ever delete games you won on SG without repercussions. That's why you should only try and win games you're sure you'll want to keep in your library. If you aren't at least 90% sure you'll like a game, either trade for it ( steamtrades / barter.vg / IndieGameSwap ), buy it, or be prepared to have an unwanted game in your library forever.
Though in my opinion, SG should implement a system for allowing multiplayer-only games to be deleted from ones account since once their servers go offline (or their player base completely evaporates) they become useless. It's not a matter of liking, disliking, or being grateful to the giveaway creator in that case.
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The question it's pretty simple. What happend if I delete from my account a game that I've obtained in a giveaway? Could receive a ban or a suspention?
I should refuse the game when I won it, but that 's not an option anymore and now I'm in a break point...
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