I'm pretty sure Humble doesn't assign you a key until you click the button to reveal it. So, the key should be brand new from when you click the button. I'm not sure about other sites.
I believe this is how it works because I have tried to reveal a key from an old bundle before and it said something about the keys being out of stock, which means it didn't assign me a key when I originally bought the bundle.
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I think many people here still have unused old keys from HB.
I have some back from 2017 and so far no problem with activation.
There are some case about this, maybe it will be useful:
IMO old bundle will be harder to ask for replacement from bundle site/dev.
Check this for recent revoke/invalidated key (there is a key from fanatical but no HB so far):
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No key is generated on those retail sites - developers generate keys and provide them to those sites. In Fanatical's case, it looks like they assign key to your account on purchase, while HB will assign a key to you when you reveal it. Keys never expire, unless developers decide to revoke keys (which affects even activated keys) or invalidate unused keys. This shouldn't happen, but there have been many cases in the past where keys are revoked or invalidated due to:
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A bit ago I did a GA for a bundle game I had gotten on HB. I sent it as a gift link and there's was a problem with the key, just for reference the bundle was 3 years old. Anyways I wrote to support and they gave me a new key within 2 day, so I think you should be safe. Unless they don't have keys for that game left I guess.
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From all 12 pages of keys on HB I got, only Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine has "The redemption deadline is September 15, 2018 at 10 a.m. Pacific time. You have 0 days left!". I have all keys 'activated' as in revealed though.
From my understanding, HB is still the most legit bundle site out there at the moment. If they still sell the game in their store (meaning, they have keys for it) I'd say you're safe.
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Well, now that I look at it closer, I guess that one was free too. Just for some reason it's still shown whereas the others aren't. Main difference with a bought bundle is of course, it wasn't free. And since keys get 'generated' (not actually generated but you get one from the pool of keys it seems) I made the comment about if they still sell the game, you're safe. As they obviously cannot sell the game without actually having keys for it.
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Well honestly I'm not sure why. I know you've said some things I disagree with but I can't think of anything specific that really offended me, and simply disagreeing isn't a good reason to block you. So, with apologies, you're no longer on it.
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I have many unused keys from Humble and other third party sellers. I've very rarely had problems. I prefer to get keys and as soon as possible even when i don't use them because keys sell out. There have been examples, particularly from Humble Bundle, where users later click to reveal a key and they are informed that keys are no longer available.
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Something I've always wondered about - say I purchased a bundle from a shop like HB or Fanatical sometime in the past, maybe even a year or two ago, and never revealed a key for it. If I now generate a key for that game, is there a chance that key might not work since the bundle is so old, or is it pretty much a guaranteed key because I just generated it?
Example, I noticed that I never got a key for Civ 6 from a Feb 2018 Humble Bundle. So I clicked to reveal the key and got one. Anybody know if there's a chance that key might be invalid simply because it's from a year-old stockpile?
GA for the trouble: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/iT9O7/edge-of-twilight-return-to-glory
EDIT: Thanks all for your help! That Civ 6 key worked fine so I'm going to go ahead and clean up the other ones from my old bundles.
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