What is your favorite city-building game of all time?
My all time favorite is SimCity 4. I put so many hours into that game. And probably spent an equal amount of time browsing the SimTropolis forums, looking for maps/buildings to download!
Banished is awesome but it's more of a village-builder.
The 2013 SimCity was actually not a terrible game, but the maps were way too small and the always-online requirement was just dumb.
I have Cities Skylines, but since getting it I really haven't been in the mood to play a city-builder. Someday, though!
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I play even nowodays simcity 4 for old sake times: D To bad they dont want to remaster it.
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Sim City on SNES. Its extremely simple compared to most games in the genre, but I still had a lot of fun with it back in the day :)
Also been meaning to check out "Cities: Skylines" which looks very good.
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Played most of these, got to say Tropico because of the diversity in Buildings. Tropico 4 with Modern Times is the best one of the series imo, but hard to pick since they are all good.
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My favorite is The Settlers: Rise of an Empire.
I just dont like any of the current city building games, they always lack in some aspects. There is however one that got my attention, it is The Simpsons Tapped Out, although it is a Android/IOS game, it has some really good elements in there.
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Spent countless hours in SimCity 2000 + SimCopter =)
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Simcity 2000 takes the cake for me too. There's nothing more satisfying than bulding your entire square map up and then destroying it with endless waves of disasters.
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As a series, Tropico edges out the rest of the top candidates, even though all of the individual games leave a fair bit to be desired.
Since you've mentioned Settlers, might as well mention Cultures, which is the better version of that concept (minus the importance of paths).
Also worth mentioning is Patrician and The Guild.
Grand Ages Medieval is now a thing too.
Edit: Oh, and PLEASE don't lump Simcity Societies in with the 2013 abomination! Societies was a legitimate and fairly good spin-off, it doesn't deserve to be dragged through the mud like that. Its only major flaw was that it has Simcity in the name while a rabid fanbase (myself included) was waiting impatiently for a proper sequel. Were it named something else, or had it come out along with a proper sequel, not instead of one, and been clearly marketed as a spin-off, I'm sure it would be remembered today as a pretty decent game. In fact, with some modding it can become a great game, but because it was so hated no one cared enough to do it.
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Apologies for that, had limited space on the list and decided to split Simcity into classic and modern. Societies is also developed by Tilted Mill, original Impressions team (I wrote a bit below about them), so no surprise to me that it's good.
I added the others to the list, thanks :)
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Since the CRPG topic started some interesting discussions, I thought we could do another one, this time for city-builders. I wish I could edit the CRPG poll to include more options, but later in the year we can have another one when I've worked out some separation, perhaps by decade?
In the meantime, I selected some of the more prominent city- and empire-building games, and would like to hear which one is your favorite, and why? I will include an ''Other'' option this time, so feel free to pick that one and let us know in the comment box below. Since I can only include 20 entries, this time I will feature entire series instead of single entries = we all know Caesar 3 is the best of all 4, but for clarity's sake I will include them all as a single entry.
My vote goes to Impressions Games' Pharaoh, even though it was a tough call between that, Caesar 3, SimCity 4, and Cities: Skylines :)
Some games not included in the poll below
(this features city-builders, empire-builders, trading simulations, and various crossovers)
City Life
Imperium Romanum
Life is Feudal: Forest Village
MoonBase Commander
Outpost Kaloki X
Tycoon City New York
Dwarf Fortress
Glory of the Roman Empire
1849 (+ Nevada expansion)
Clockwork Empires
Retro-Pixel Castles
Grand Ages: Medieval
Patrician series
The Guild
Rise of Venice
Cultures series
a few outliers like Kingdom: New Lands, Yoot Tower, Project Highrise, Marble Age, Blueprint Tycoon, Another Brick in the Mall. I am missing a bunch of titles for sure, but should be enough to give us a head start, the rest will come up via the comment section.
EDIT - a separate topic (look below if you've missed the GA I added there) where you can vote on your favorite isometric CRPG games of all time is also available :)
GA (LEVEL 5+) - Had to add a little something for all the nice comments below, so good luck everyone :)
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