What should I do?
I have a decent Steam collection and I LIVE on my PC. I don't have cable. I stream everything and just do Netflix and whatnot. My TV is my computer monitor. And I prefer gaming with a keyboard and mouse as opposed to a controller.
You answered your own question.
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Maybe I did. Any suggestions on a card? I was thinking about staying with Nvidia. AMD has a lot of cards that give more performance for the money, however their drivers have always had issues, and with Nvidia, if I get another Shield Tablet (had to sell my last one for the money) or get a Shield Tablet 2, I can stream stuff to my device with a newer Nvidia card which the 470 was not capable of.
Was thinking the Nvidia 970 but wanted to stay under 300 if I go the card route. Thoughts?
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Compatible with the 960? There is only one PCI-E card slot. This card doesn't take up multiple slots does it? And I dont mean space wise I mean actual slots on the board.
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This is something I was looking at recently. It might be helpful. Do read the comments, though, as some people clearly disagree, and their rationale can be helpful in identifying good cards not listed.
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Thanks for the link! I love Toms Hardware (great fix-it site) and this is as current as could be. Very helpful in terms of what card to get. Was already thinking about the 970. For me, from this list, it's either gonna be the Radeon R9 380 or the Nvidia 970. I'm kinda thinking if I go with the card it's gonna have to be the AMD 380 though, because the 970 is almost the cost of the PS4 WITH the game and the sweet Vader paint-job.
The 380 is looking pretty good though. It's under 200 and it is TWICE the power of my current 470. This just might be THE card I'm looking for. You deserve something special. Whitelisted. Hope to be doing something special in the coming weeks. Maybe a Halloween GA.
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Lol. I'll take whatever response I can get. I'm totally 50/50. Leaning towards PC because of my bias there but then again that Vader PS4 looks freaking awesome and Star Wars WAS my childhood, or the only good part thereof.
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See that's what I'm thinking. I tend to go through phases with this stuff. I prefer PC but it seems like I usually get in on the next gen consoles right around the 2 year mark. When they are a little more affordable and my PC has dipped in performance. Then around the 4 or 5 year mark I save up and make the switch back and play on PC while the consoles get ready to start winding down and coming up with their succeeding model. This is right about that time where I would normally jump to console. And I looked at those Steam Machines and there is no way I'm paying that kinda money for a gimped PC, which is essentially what they are.
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I went the PC route simply because I will never NOT have a PC, and I have limited space and can't deal with the clutter. Necessity factored into my decision. If console games / libraries go digital, I probably would switch back. At least with consoles, games purchased for the system will always run. Can't say the same about PCs.
If you ever need more conflicting advice that doesn't really move you in one direction or the other, please don't hesitate to look to me.
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First of all, I think you have no reason to buy a stem machine. As far as I understand they are for people who wants to connect their pc to their TV. If your monitor is your TV, you have no reason to pay premium for something like that (portability, that is). I also play mostly indie games, and have a slightly better graphics card you have (GTX 570).
For me, it would be a no brainer, because there aren't many console games I want to play (nor many AAA games for that matter). I believe that a console is something good if you have a big TV, and want to play with friends/kids, it's a many people thing. If you aren't going to use it for that, you are better off with the GPU, you'll have more fun, and be able to play future releases. I don't think it's worth to buy a console just because of one game, especially one that is not exclusive (also, do you play FPS with joystick or keyboard? that's something to consider..)
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I've kind of had my phases too but I've always been PC at heart. I'll probably stick with PC for the rest of my time, maybe pick up console for a few exclusives if they come out.
You'd probably need to upgrade again in the future, near future for some parts too, for some AAA games. Doesn't have to be ridiculously good hardware but it would run more than a PS4 probably...don't forget black friday is coming up too. Dell has a pretty nice XBOX one bundle, obviously you're looking for PS4 and so would I, but I'm sure PS4 will have one just as good for 300$. (Xbox one+Fall out 4+Gears of War+extra controller for 300$).
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a new gfx card will be cpu limited, but who says you cant play battlefront & fallout? do i assume you didnt try the beta? why not?
i played battlefront beta on a 570m, their minimum requirements are complete nonsense, the 660 they speak of (which i also have) is good for 40-60fps on medium settings, certainly not that demanding
ps4 is a great choice due to exclusives & indies, but the problem is you have to pay for online & the sales arent as good
EDIT: the perk for paying for playstation plus means you get free games every month, which is fine... as long as you keep paying, AAA games will certainly be more 'reliable'
EDIT2: i'm going to give ps4 a vote, particularly since your pc isnt dead & is capable of quite a few things
EDIT3: when does your budget increase? next summer?
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I don't meet the minimum specs for either game and so I'm guessing I wouldn't have been able to play the beta for SWBF (even if I hadn't forgotten completely about it). And you have a point. My PC does still play my indie games and the roguelikes I love so it will still see a lot of use and basically does everything I need it to do other than play a handful of AAA games. Plus with the PS4 I'll be able to play other great games not on PC. Thought I was getting closer to a decision and now this. Thanks. Lol. jk
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the min. specs of battlefront were a lie. I played it with a GTX 560TI and I think I even heard people saying they played with a 470
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Really? Well I still need to replace the 470 regardless. Even if I could run it I wouldn't feel safe. The card itself runs hotter than the average card but I really don't feel like melting a whole in my floor. Even with SEVEN case fans it still hits 90 C easy just playing War Thunder.
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how are the case fans relevant, if the card is not at 100% fan, then it has more cooling potential
mod the fan ramp target temperature in the bios (like i did on my 4870x2 before), or use afterburner to control the fan in software
similarly, if the card is the reference cooler, then it will use the reference high temp by design, etc
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CPU is in no way viable at this point. I simply do not have the scratch. I was working somewhere not long ago that took part in the Intel Retail Edge program where you can buy an i7 for dirt cheap around the holidays.... I bought one and freaking sold it.... and I no longer work there. Beside the CPU still has SOME life left in it and if I replace the CPU I gotta replace the board and then before I know it I'm building a whole new rig. So no CPU upgrade right now. It's console or card.
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Both upgrade PC and get Peasant Box, so you are better than the peasants.
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That is totally out the window. I have more expenses coming now that I got a car again and I'm back to work and bla bla bla and I have a limited window that is gonna slam shut way before I can afford to do both. This is something that I have to do within the next 2 or 3 weeks and it's gotta be one or the other.
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YES!!! This. Just gonna delete the post now that I have my answer. Thank you so much good sir! XD
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From technical aspects, definitely upgrade your GPU. From social aspects, the sentence "I LIVE on my PC." makes me have a bad feeling... Perhaps you could get yourself a "ko-op game console" (WiiU, Ps4, ... the consoles itself are in general better for playing together due to split screen and stuff imo) so that you get off your pc at least a bit. Of course I do not know your living situation- it was just that sentence that gives me a shudder...
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Lol. I'm a single dude in my 30's. No kids and no current gf. Shudder all you want. It is kinda sad. But hey I have my family, my brothers a sis, my nieces and nephews, and finally a job for the first time in 4 months.
My apartment is kind of an unusual set up. It's a loft. I usually don't have to entertain other people. So I run everything from my PC. I use a Bose sound system that's designed for PC as my speakers. I stream everything like I said. So I'm not set up in a posh living room sitting back in a recliner with a remote in hand. I do everything on my computer.
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I think Guilty Gear Xrd is worth a PS4 by itself, I love that game. It seems to me if you have a new job it won't be long before you can get both of these so I'm gonna say get the PS4 now since your current PC is more than fine.
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I knew Xrd would be awesome. That is the one 2D franchise that will never die. I really dislike SFIV and V. I think the change was lazy. Nothing beats true HD 2D images and handpainted art. Kinda swaying me here. Thanks for making things harder. :)
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Here's a plot twist though, Xrd does NOT use 2D images! Watch a fight on youtube to completion. During the intros, when you use supers, Dust launches, or win a round, the camera rotates to show you that you're playing with 3D models. The team just did an amazing job with shaders and delayed animations to make the game appear to be 2D sprites. It's incredibly impressive.
Not to mention that soundtrack. Also you're welcome haha.
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upgrade your pc, then buy a controller. I prefer keyboard and mouse as well, but sometimes i like to just relax and play, cuzz keyboard&mouse are too tiresome at times. (also, helps a lot at some platform indie games) :P
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I got an Xbox controller already. Had a second one for Tecmo Bowl with my brother and Lego games with my nephew but some POS stole it from my apartment. So no worries on the controller thing.
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No but I posted a link to the console. Because I am literally coveting this thing. Like I stare at the picture of it and fantasize owning it.
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I do have games I already own on the PS Network. That's my one saving grace there. I own like the HD remake of Street Fighter 2 and a bunch of other stuff. Had a PS3 breifly around the time that Demon's Souls came out, but it was long gone before Dark Souls was around. It was sort of early in the run of the PS3 but not during the launch. Anyhow I won't be starting from scratch, but I will be stuck paying 60 bucks for new titles, which sucks. With Steam I never pay full retail for anything ever. Which makes the decision harder.
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You say that you want to play console titles, so the choice looks pretty obvious to me. Buy the PS4, upgrade PC later.
I bought my PS3 some time ago only to play games which don't exist on PC (Heavy Rain, The Last Of Us, Marvel vs Capcom 3, etc) and use it as a Blu-ray player.
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I do own MvC2 on the PS Network. Loved that game since my Dreamcast days when I lived in ATL. BluRays are not needed. I don't usually buy physical media and I never, er um, pay for movies.... cough. But yeah there are some pretty sweet console only titles out there. But if I buy the PS4 I can't justify it as anything other than a machine for video games.
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See I dunno. The CPU is old. I just know that I prefer PC and the CPU itself still meets the minimum reqs for what I wanna play. It's just a budget issue really. If I go the PS4 route, then I will most likely just wait until I can build a new rig entirely and NOT piece things out. Basically it's a question of 200 for a card and a CPU that is just squeaking by or 400 for a console that will play everything, knowing that eventually I'll have to replace my entire PC and build from scratch.
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If you are not used to playing FPS with a controller, I wouldn't advise starting to do now. Even with the built-in aimbot and other crutches, it feels slow and clunky. (Well, at least for me… when I played that genre, you had to shoot a player more than once to score a kill, so skill was important.)
The problem is that your CPU is old. I know, I have a Phenom II too… You can handle a GTX 700 card or maybe an AMD R7, but after that you'll be limited by the CPU. Currently your hunch is right, the GPU is holding back gaming performance.
For a PlayStation, buy it only if you want to play more than 1-3 games on it. Think about it like that: divide the cost of the console itself by the amount of games you want to play on it right now, and add that price on top of the games. Ask yourself if do you want to play that game (which is MP only, so if it flops like Titanfall did, it will render itself unplayable in 2-3 months) that costs 200 dollars. If "yes", then buy the PS4 and hope for some other good titles you can eventually buy.
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Neat way of thinking. So if I only wanna play FO4, SWBF, GG Xrd, and whatever Persona they're on now, do I really wanna play each of those for roughly 160 bucks a piece. I did kinda wanna play the From Software PS4 exclusive. Can't remember the title but it's the Demon's Souls/Dark Souls kinda game with the gothic horror motif. So divide the console cost 5 ways instead of 4. I like that. Yes I think I would wanna play more than just the 4 games I mentioned in the post, and yes it is very nice to have the newest Madden for when my brother comes over. Starting to sway towards the PS4 now (thanks for putting me back to square one lol) and I thank you for the advice. Very thoughtful. Whitelisted you as well.
EDIT: You were already on my whitelist. I may have won one of your GA's. That's how most people get on it. Double secret whitelisted!!
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Well, I sent keys to over half thousand people, so probably. ^^'
Although I'm not a fan of consoles– or, more precisely PlayStation and Xbox– because I think their control scheme is vastly outdated, and their library is just repeating the same 3-4 games under different titles, I say if you think there are enough exclusives you know you want to play, then go ahead.
Also because for your PC it'd be probably better to save up more money and buy a new one for 1000-1500 USD in 2017, when DX12 cards will be out finally (none of the card on the market are fully DX12 compatible yet, they just support some to many features of the new API). That rig then can last another 4-6 years.
Oh, one last thing: I hope you know that to play the SW game, you will need PS Plus, since you cannot play online without a monthly fee on PlayStation or Xbox.
By the way, I'm in your shoes now too, Phenom II X4 965 + Radeon HD 6850. I chose to get a GTX 750 Ti next year. Partly because in the past year almost all console titles that interested me on the PS/XB were ported over, partly because I am now terrible with controllers.
(Still, if I had the chance and money to get a television and a console, I'd buy a WiiU without hesitation.
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so true. alas, I think that's the route I'll be heading.
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If you get a PS4/console, I'd wait till blackfriday.
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I used to work at a prominent big box store for a good while, can't say which, let's just say it rhymes with Vest Guy. Anywho it's been my experience that products or bundles that are made exclusively for Black Friday sales invariably result in TONS of defective returns. Laptops, soundbars, everything. If it is something that a manufacturer put together to ship to stores for BF sales you can guarantee that they were built with substandard parts. In other words, you get what you pay for.
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Thanks for the input all. Bedtime. At this point, 2:35 AM 10/22/2015 , I am leaning towards getting the SWBF PS4. I freaking hate the idea of having to aim with a controller (in FO4 with presumable VATS it won't be an issue), but it's looking more like I'm going to have to make the PC upgrade a more long term thing. When I really take a look at it, throwing another GPU in this case is really just slapping a bandaid on the problem. The CPU is old as many of you have pointed out and I can't ignore something so glaring. Probably best to just get the console for my AAA gaming needs and try to build a better rig somewhere down the line when I have more funds available. A new GPU might be the immediate fix, but if I wanna think long term then the best course of action is get a PS4, save up some cash (which I suck at doing), building a new rig, and then giving the old rig to a relative as a hand-me-down (minus my current porn-loaded HDD's of course and with something nice and clean in their place instead).
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Okay. I'm normally not into AAA games. I'm a bit of an indie fan. So games that have ridic reqs usually aren't a concern to me. However I am also a huge Fallout Fan and I really really really wanna play Star Wars Battlefront when it comes out.
I just got back to work (and I have a GA coming to celebrate that (as soon as I set up a new checking account because Huntington Bank are dicks)) and I have money coming in again. And so basically I have a choice to make. Should I upgrade my graphics card for about 3 hundred? Or should I spend 400 and get the limited edition Star Wars PS4?
I have a decent Steam collection and I LIVE on my PC. I don't have cable. I stream everything and just do Netflix and whatnot. My TV is my computer monitor. And I prefer gaming with a keyboard and mouse as opposed to a controller.
However I do occasionally miss console exclusive games like the Persona games of which I am a fan and I also always loved the Guilty Gear series and sadly, Guilty Gear Xrd doesn't look like it will make it to PC.
So what the heck should I do? It always seems like no matter what choice I make, it's the wrong one. So maybe it's time I let someone else (or in this case a group of someone elses) tell me what to do.
Oh and here's a giveaway for stopping by....!
Upgrading my CPU or building a new rig entirely just isn't in the budget right now, so it's either gotta be a console or a card. One of the two.
And here are my current specs...
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8GHz
Nvidia 470GTX GPU
And just a few standard HDD's. No solid state drive er nothin'. I run Windows 7 on my main drive but my secondary drive has Win 10 on it and I'm probably gonna make the switch to that drive now that the nastiness of Windows 8 is behind us.
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