Hi! Looks like a lucky italian teenager (me) is going to America this summer. My english isn't really bad (even if there is that prejudice), at least not this bad:

Anyway I wanted to improve both my pronunciation and vocabulary, any idea? I already play games and follow youtubers in english but I don't know how much that could mean, I don't want to look like a character since I'll stay with my cousins (who live there)and I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable :P I was thinking of something like a book or a dedicated website. I don't really know, any suggestion would be fine :D

Edit: So a lot of people is giving their advice, thanks a lot! I really appreciate, now I think I'm going to watch some TV series and also cartoons (at the moment I only have Adventure time in mind but if I'll ever finish those endless series I'll watch again some other series I already saw in italian maybe) without subtitles, then I'll try to read something in English too (I'm actually reading The Lord of The Rings in italian but when I'll end I'll try to find Harry Potter in english :P). I'll also continue doing a bit of searching for exchange websites and fast-speaking (and slang-users) youtubers to get used to it. If you have any other advice they're welcome, even if I think I'll have enough to do until I'll go to America :D And to be more specific my cousins are at Atlanta and Philadelphia, I hope their dialects are not too strange :D
Oh, and I'll try to speak to english/American people whenever I can, maybe trying to put up some gaming group with swift speakers :D

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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Well I actually already tried to do so but the things you find this way are just little tips and many of them are for people whose mother tongue is English, not for the ones like me :P Thanks anyway for the irony, much fun.

11 years ago

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ahaha no prob. :D

ma con me puoi parlare italiano

11 years ago

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no but stop telling people to use google...

Make them use startpage.

11 years ago

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maybe.. but stop to tell people to do what YOU want ;)

11 years ago

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Ownd !

11 years ago

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Pick up books you like and read them in english. Watch TV series in english, WITHOUT subtitles (it's crucial), possibly something that has to do with every day life, because that's the vocabulary you're most likely going to use the most, from what you wrote.
Have fun over there! :)

11 years ago

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Thanks, I'll try that no subtitle thing, never heard that before but sounds really ok :D

11 years ago

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Pretty much this. Just do a lot in English, use it. Read and write in English, watch English series and talk english. You can also try training your pronunciation by learning where to put accents, like read and repeat words out loud.

11 years ago

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No subtitles = far worse than subtitles. With them, you at least understand what they say and learn how to say words.

11 years ago

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im pretty sure that if he can read what you write he can watch a tv series without subs

11 years ago

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He seems to have a fair english already. I think it's time to boost the comprehension.
Based on my personal experience, if you have subs you'll end up reading them a lot more than you realize (at least that's what I used to do). At first it was a little traumatic... I suddendly realized that even if I understood the grammar well, language spoken in a non-ideal environment is another thing entirely.
Once I got series, I really started understanding people in casual conversations.
Which is also why I specifically suggested series with every-day life scenes.

TL;DR I disagree, no-subs FTW. ^^

11 years ago

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read a book in english or register in some language trade pages
i'm pretty sure that you can find a guy who wants to learn italian and in exange he can teach you english in one of these webpages.

11 years ago

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I'd be that guy; going to Italy for summer and have been learning it for one and a half years.

I'd appreciate any way to get better Italian and have no problem teaching it (I live quiet close to Italy, Switzerland)

11 years ago

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I'm having a bit of issues because google finds me "trade language" in the meaning of "language of tradings" :P Still a very nice thing, I found a couple of nice sites that could fit me :)

11 years ago

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Other than the obvious suggestion of watching TV, I'd say point & click adventure games. They're dialog heavy and fun.

11 years ago

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Thanks for the advice, I'll later take a look on steam if I can download the ones I have in english :D

11 years ago

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Yor ingleesh is preti guut, dond now vhy you warriet aboyt eet.

11 years ago

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u 2 good 2 be tru :))))) must b a dream i speackd wit h u, u r da best.

11 years ago

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Honestly my english was pretty good... until i got to an english speaking country.

The vocabulary is not an issue, whatever might be missing you will get it quick, mainly slang, expressions etc.

But the accent, the accent ! Try to find a drunk street guy talking super fast. That would be a useful training. And try to improve your accent. Talk to yourself, talk to the walls, talk to your feets, but talk. Don't just listen to a movie, repeat every sentence.



important subject

some reading

some wisdom

11 years ago

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Thanks man that's a lot of stuff :D Currently listening to redneck and I'm getting less than a half of what he's saying xD I'll work hard on it! Thanks again

11 years ago

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Protip for visiting the US: avoid nednecks completely; you'll have a better trip.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Find an online translator with voice reading option, listen to the pronunciation, then record your voice, listen to it and repeat until you sound similar. After a while you'll get the basic rules and speaking without obvious accent will come naturally.

11 years ago

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Thanks, the recording thing sounds nice!

11 years ago

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This isn't a joke is it? Google translate's pronunciations are terrible!

11 years ago

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I used a biult-in translator on my tablet, don't remember the name but it was good enough.

11 years ago

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LiveMocha, you can talk to natives, it's free! :)

11 years ago

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Man that looks too good to be true! I really appreciate, it could be exactly the kind of thing I need :)

11 years ago

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It's very good, indeed. I mean, you can pay to have professional teachers teaching you through LiveMocha, but you don't really need that. Basically, you'll be interacting with other people like you, so you MIGHT need to return the favor by practicing some italian with them, hehe. :)

Good luck, and have fun!

11 years ago

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Cartoon Network. And i'm being serious.

I think i learned more from that channel than from any lesson i took in school.

11 years ago

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Oh god, that video got me so bad. Thanks!

Ps. I heard that Malta's people can't speak proper english.
Pps. You should try to speak in english with your friends and/or set up a play.

11 years ago

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I'd be happy to help you, I'm a fluent English speaker, being English and all that jazz :)

11 years ago

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Bump for solved!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thanks for Skyrim!

11 years ago

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Thanks Obama

11 years ago

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Other than playing games and more games, I read some abridged novel by Oxford publisher I guess, years ago. Much better than reading thick novels.

11 years ago

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Abriged ???

Never !

the decline and fall of the roman empire by gibbon
history of the byzantine empire by norwich
the campaigns of napoleon by chandler
stuff like that

Or the Dune books, the lord of the rings, asimov's Foundation...

you read all this your vocabulary will be good enough.

How can abriged be better than the original ?

11 years ago

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If you have some English speaking friends try to talk to them (skype?). But the best thing I know is playing games in English with English subs. It was hard to me to understand all of speech in games and movies because of accent and other things so I read subs.

11 years ago

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Already mentioned on the top of the page, but since it helped me a lot i will quote it:

Watch Series in English without subtitles!!!!!

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

11 years ago

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And, as if by some miraculous circumstance, you suddenly become a prodigy in speaking the English language so fluently that William Shakespeare would cry in bliss from the heavens as he listens to your illustrious and fanciful tongue roll off your intricate vernacular.

11 years ago

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What part of the US are you going to? Some regional dialects can be brutal, even for us native yanks.

11 years ago

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we have dialects? do you mean puertorician butchered spanish or something?

11 years ago

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Different regions sound wildly different, and often times have different vocabularies. A classic example is soda/pop/coke.

11 years ago

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technically I guess....
but with the exception of main/vermont/boston(all the same) wildly is pushing it a bit...thickest accents are maybe newengland and texas, texas is understandable easily newengland isn't but they use the same words as the rest and most newenglanders I've met don't even have it. minor fluctuations like bubbler for waterfountain don't count as a dialect 99.99% is identical and you usually get it by context rarely when it comes up. those that aren't obvious people are aware of and will use a different word upon being asked(soda/pop/coke are treated as synomyns anyway in all regions just like hogie/sub/hero/grinder)

dialects are much more interesting than an accent and one or two food names changed. regional idioms could be a problem but mostly seem to be falling out of style these days compared to decades passed.
a real dielect can sometimes want a specialized translator we don't get that sort of thing :( I mean disappointingly i can't think of anywhere he'd go that he couldn't get buy more or less the same as anywhere else(unless montana puts me in an oddly middle ground to make understanding all the people who speak slightly wrong easier than most?) thank god nobody actually speaks ebonics exclusively unless on purpose and spanglish is just immagrants halfassing the language not a real thing or we'd look like idiots in front of sweeden. gloomy judgy sweeden

edit- I forgot about amish german I guess we do have one
edit- creole french is also one. ...but none in english that I know of and this guy is unlikely to run into those others

11 years ago

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Do we have dialects? Are you kidding?

We have a minimum of 3 dialects/accents (Southern, North Eastern, Midwest), and as you can see from Wikipedia you can divide that a LOT more finely for specific areas/groups.

11 years ago

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Talk and interact with people in English. Fastest way to learn.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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+1 , this is the best way!! :)

11 years ago

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seems fine to me, is this more of an accent thing than a language thing so it doesn't come across online? I'd advise communicating by text message as much as possible(kidding you'll be fine. try ordering fastfood near my area and then worry about thick accents;) accents are rarely incomprehensible and they know you're foreign)

(besides most americans don't know what italians sound like, just don't yell "weehee" or add random a to the end of a word(ex: "itsa mario time") and try not to fistpump or abuse fake tanner too much and you'll probably be assumed midwestern since nobody knows what they actually sound like or where it is.)

you type fine and english is a good enough language people will usually only misunderstand if they're deliberately trying to hear only the accent. just be confident and use what english you've got. If I could understand my chinese professor people will understand you.

or just show up. thats what I'd do. visitors learn a language bah the Americans should all learn italian to talk to you. what you have to say is interesting and has value.
works for America (and to a lesser extent mexico, but canada hasn't had much luck(although look at quebeq. be aggressively demanding as hell and numbers are irrelevant. 5-15% of the country backasswardly got the entire rest to be bilingual by not backing down...then again the people who live in 'merica's hat are soo passive and compromise heavy this may not be the best example...if you meet a canadian ask them how they got their mapleleaf of meh for a flag. odd the only things they can push for are french language and american milk) you've gotta be pushy to pull it off. england spain ect all the imperial powers did it too, just show up and people need to learn their language come to think of it but they stopped for some reason) confidence is key. try and stay in the headspace that if people don't speak your language adding volume can bruteforce understanding(or atleast attract somebody more important who knows it). foriegn languages are like talking to the deaf or using a cellphone.
I'm sure you've seen american tourists on tv
we're a pretty big deal
, just follow our lead and people will respect you for it.

11 years ago

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Just sit there and watch English movies without subtitles.At least that's how I learned, people say my prononcing is great.

11 years ago

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The best way to learn a language is by practicing. If you start hear then talking you will get comfortable with the accent. And, with the time, steal their accent. Each region of the US has their own vocabulary, so it's the same deal: practice

11 years ago

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Start watching a lot of English TV Shows like Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead et cetera. It's really easy to learn new words, phrases - even accent. Watch it with subtitles and every time you see a word you don't know write it down.

11 years ago

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goodmorrow ser bitch, i am a visitor to your land and find myself in need of some motherfucking BRAAINNNZ

11 years ago

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I watched movies and shows with captions.

Talking with people is also helpful.

11 years ago

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I think following english speaking youtuber is one of the best things to learn pronuncation of words and sentences, but you hav to know that most of it is slang. for me i think i learned more from the internet and interacting with those people, than in school.

11 years ago

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The dictionary. If you need to learn new words and get examples for how they are used, the dictionary is your friend. Of course, you're not supposed to read it if it's in book form but try going onto www.dictionary.com and take a look at some words you don't know. I would suggest, like many others have mentioned previously, watching some some good English television shows with subtitles on. If you don't understand a word, pause the show if it's a recording or write the word down for later and look it up when you can. dictionary.com has made me leap in great bounds past most of my English conundrums.

11 years ago

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aint aint in teh dictionary but teh and babybump are. stubborn assholes aint has been in use for almost 200 years, its got staying power as a word and fits a hole in the language but they'd let hizzouse in first(merely a deliberate misspelling of house for humerus effect not a word in itself), not to mention things that aren't even "words" like "sub prime loan" thats a phrase. are we defining phrases now? apparently we are.

aint > muggle :/
grrl and threquel really? threquel is called trilogy already its pointless and stupid. sqee phablet twerk metime blamestorm mancave digitaldetox unlike internet of things FOOD BABY
aint is far stronger of a word than all that shit put together
if we're adding such trash at this point aint should have been in first

11 years ago

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Can't tell if serious or just stupid.

11 years ago

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I demand entries for frell dren tralk loomas... fictional curses come up constantly in every day use in america. fuck is too mainstream these days

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by BouncingDwarf.