
10 years ago*

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I'm not an artist, but good luck! I'm working on a 2.5d game myself.

10 years ago

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you should create your own art otherwise someone could try to get extra profit later
i dont know how to create games (or coding :V) but i would love to try

10 years ago

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They would be incuded as part of the dev team of course. which includes a part of the earnings from the game lol.

10 years ago

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i'm not sure how that works, maybe i'm just being paranoid...


10 years ago

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lol hey its always good to have people look out for each other. :P

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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I'm using GameMaker studio cause its nice free program that allows me to sell the game without a license i need to buy from them.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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lol its not going to be script kiddie'd. I'm going to be programming most of it myself. its just a nice free engine i can sell games with lol.

10 years ago

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Free version of the program is quite limited. You'd need the most expensive version (over 600€) which has improved performance and a lot of good shit to it.

Check out Unity, you can use free version which isn't nearly as limiting. I think the only difference between free and pro versions of Unity's is that pro one has post processing effects (glow, motion blur, edge detection, color correction) basically shiny things that are used in AAA games but aren't really needed in indie games. Heck I personally dislike post processing effects and never turn them on in games I play.

10 years ago

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First of all - I've got some experience in creating games, mostly in coding (they always had terrible graphics) and I am currently working with small (4 people) semi-pro (all of them are programmers or visual artists, but we are working elsewhere) team to create new game (probably will be on greenlight in 9 to 12 moths)

I cannot help you directly, but I can offer few pointers.

So begin with this - why GameMaker? It is a little more than a kids toy. RPG Maker VX is much more powerful, and it is still two leagues behind Unity 3D - which is probably best engine for Developers working in small teams. (in some cases it is better than CryEngine or Unreal 4 - I have worked with both, and neither of them allows to create a game prototype with high complexity mechanics as fast as Unity does. Also Unity got very good reference guide) Think about switching to Unity. It was used to create Wasteland 2, Bad Piggies, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, Never Alone, Hitman Go and Dead Trigger. Which means that it was used for puzzle games, card games, 2,5D platformer, FPS and turn-based strategy. Unity 3D got free license (you can sell your product as long as revenue is below 100k $, after that you will need to spend 1,5k $) I never made any real work in RPG Maker VX, but it's got a lite version for free. And I know that there are games released on steam made in RPG Maker. Full license costs 60 Euros. So first thing - think about switching engine.

Other thing - try to tell what you will offer for the people which will help you. Of course most professionals will require payment for their job. But you can find some people who are trying to build their portfolios, or simply got some free time between their paid projects and are willing to help you if you manage to make them interested in your project - but if you are counting on getting some free help, you will get at most some concept art, some backgrounds or single enemy. You won't convince anyone to contribute all graphics assets to your game for free. In some cases it takes 10 to 15 times more time to create graphics assets than to create game logics. (Usually in indie game it is something between 50-50 split, and 25% time to program and 75% to create graphics - not counting designing levels, sound creating and editing, marketing and hundred other little things) If you can't pay artists now, offer them royalties. But it will be still a trust game. If they will trust you that you will create a good game - they will help you, to earn money.

Next problem is to get people interested in your game. Show something. Anything. Concept art, level drawings, game prototype (with working game mechanics - not some simple walking on terrain) It is much easier to convince someone to your idea by showing something, than by simply telling that you are making a game. You can also white a short story serving as a prequel to a story shown in a game. If people will be interested in reading this short story - they can be interested to see, or help in seeing how it will end in game. The point is - you must interest people in your project. Right now I have no idea how this game will look like, because all I can see is some boring Super Mario Bros clone with no graphics at all.

Also never ever use your health problems as an excuse why you can't make something. There is always a way around this. For example you can use Inkscape to draw characters/enemies/backgrouds. They will be simple, but they will show how the game should look like, and you will be able to adjust any line hundreds of times. I have much bigger problems with my brain than just some dysgraphia, and I turned out to find a way around them all with some help of special software. Now my problems aren't problems anymore - but a great asset which helps me in both work and in game creation. I know at what I am good at, and at what I am not. I had a big problems with creating any assets for games - so I wrote a program to do this for me. Procedural Content Generations isn't something new - but it is the only way for me to create some things which I must have in my game. Look at available tools, and if you can't find them, than create your own.

And sorry for my english - it is not my first language. I am not sure if I made it perfectly clear. If you want clarification about anything - just ask.

One last thing - Good luck.

10 years ago

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For 2.5D I agree, something like Unity or an inherent 3D engine would work better.

However, for 2D GameMaker is VERY good. I may be biased, since I use it too (as well as Unity), but it can do some amazing things. Just look at Hotline Miami, Spelunky, Risk of Rain, etc.

10 years ago

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Don't forget Nuclear Throne!

10 years ago

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Game Maker is hardly a kid's toy and I'd say Unity 3D is overkill for a 2D game.

10 years ago

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Bad Piggies and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft are both 2D games, both made in Unity, both made by well known developers. They never thought that Unity is overkill. Unity isn't overkill for 2D games. I's got a very good animation system, fast and flexible. I generally like the speed of developing in Unity. Also if you decide to upgrade from pure 2D to sprites in 3D environment - Unity will handle this with just few adjustments. It is much more grown up game engine than GameMaker, and much more flexible. It also uses C# instead custom scripting language, which is the well known standard with plenty of reference, and custom scripting language always will be less flexible, and with worse documentation - which translates to harder debugging.

That's why I would use Game Maker only in very simple games. Not in 2.5D or 2D Sci-Fi RPG. If you want to create complex mechanics, multiple game objects, and a lot of possibilities - you might want to use more powerful tool. So for 2D - RPG Maker. For 2.5D - Unity.

And I used a phrase "a little more than a kid's toy" It is more than kid's toy, but not much more. Both Hotline Miami and Risk of Rain are rather simple games, which are good thanks to graphics style, well balanced gameplay and good design. None of them is good thanks to some engine specific functions.

10 years ago

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Unity is way too strong for a simple 2d game. RPG maker is fun to mess around with and you can build some pretty good games with it. Even if you use someone's scripts most of the time they only ask that you put them in the credits which is a pretty easy condition to follow. Unreal also has a student pack for $99 where you get the full engine for only $99 and after you make 50k from the game you have to give like 30% to Epic.

10 years ago

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+1 this is good advice

10 years ago

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I actually didn't know unity had free license's for selling a game. i will definitely look into it.

I will offer anyone who joins in the project a percentage of the income based on their contribution to the project.

I don't like to go into my projects in open air very much as I have had bad things happen with people stealing the work. but I will put up some concept art that I have on paper from someone who was on the project a long time ago.

I also have a lot more metal health issues as well and it makes it really difficult to do anything. I've never heard of inkscape but i will look into it.

Thanks. Good luck with your project as well.

10 years ago

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Inkscape is a vector drawing 2D open source software. It is very good, very fast, and lightweight. There is also a portable version. It is often used in creating logos, and websites, less often in creating games - but you can easily do rayman-like character, and animate it in unity. It was used in one of Unity tech demos. I also used this way to create ~5000 horses for game which I created for my niece. (How many 6-year old girls can say that they got a game made especially for them from uncle? I know only one, and she loved horses, so she got a lot of them in a simple game) I created in inkscape three different horses, wrote a script to randomize parts of them, and colours. Created one animation - it was more than enough in this case. Using the same way it is possible to make character creation system - few heads, few torsos, different colours set directly in engine - you end up in thousands of possibilities. It is very good way to create crowds in 2D with very low development cost - possible for anyone with dysgraphia - just don't count on winning "best visuals" award.

Second thing - in most cases publishing information about your game will be safe. The reason for this is simple - we have seen most of this before. The stories in games can be traced back to ancient times. Game mechanics is almost all cases is based on game mechanics seen in different games. I mean - we have seen so many games that it is very hard to invent something really new. In most cases - there are only some parts new. In our game we will use turn-based combat (similar to X-Com or Jagged Alliance) with square grid in tactical view. The part which we are not talking about is a spell system (it will be a fantasy game) Right now it is only part of game which is considered as a secret - it took us a lot of time to find a way to develop a powerful, and easy to use system - as far as we know it is one of a kind. Everything other - it was seen before. Also there are thousands of game developers, with thousands of ideas. Most people won't waste time to work on somebody's else idea. Especially before they discover if it is a good one - and game development is very risky business. And your own idea is usually easier to develop - which means that it will be smaller risk.

Also remember that you will need to sell your idea twice. First time when you are recruiting a team, and later when you are delivering your game to end users. This is only way to find people to work on your project. You need to make them believe that it is a good idea, and good project. They must be interested in this game. In Poland alone there are at least 2300 companies working on game development. That right over two thousand companies. And most of them got less than 5 employees. So there are much more people looking for someone to help than people looking for work in game development. Also most of people looking for help got little to no cash. So while looking for help you need to convince these people that your project is the best. That this is a place where they need to invest their time - and it is much harder than convincing people to invest their money.

Third thing - your mental health does not concern anyone. Sorry for harsh words - but this is the sad fact. You are creating and selling the product. In the end there are only two options - players will like it, or players won't like it. And they will either buy it, or not. But they're decision will be based on quality of your product, not on the fact if you got some health problems or not. There are no handicap for people like you or me. We need to deliver fully functional, good looking product - and nothing else matters. So just don't use this argument. Also it is a large turn off for many people. Internet is not as tolerant as many people think.

If you want to talk a little more than just add me as a friend on Steam. I have some experience in game development. I was a part of a team which created few small games (none of them was published), and one medium sized one. (which turned out to be a piece of crap) Few small pieces of code which I created ended up in published games, and prototype terrain generator (on which I am working right now for our project) which already helped to create two released android games, and three others which are in production.

10 years ago

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RPG Maker VX is more powerful? You obviously know nothing about that engine.
RPG Maker engines are very limited, even the RPG Maker VX Ace which is the last one.

For example you're limited to the 640x480 resolution and can't go above that which really sucks, especially for people that have big monitors. There's a script project currently going that aims to increase the resolution but not by much because otherwise the engine couldn't handle it and would cause too much performance issues.

You're also limited to the amount of tilesets you can use and how you can use them. So you'll have to learn and use parallax mapping if you want your game to look good and that's a LOT of extra work.

I could keep going and going about all the limitations the RPG Maker engines have, they're really not worth using unless you're too lazy to learn how to program so you can use better engines.

Game Maker on the other hand doesn't have as much limitations and people generally say it's easy and simple to use.
And we did see a decent amount of pretty good games made in that engine.

I do however agree that Unity is a great engine and would definitely recommend the OP to check it out. It's quite a powerful engine and it's very customizable with the add-ons made by lots of people (they cost money though).

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by xBeksimx.