Shotgun Outlander with Shadowling Skills and Rapid Fire
Shotgun gives blind to all enemies and atm its overpowered, with rapid fire you can perma blind bosses, I blinded the last two bosses for the duration of the fight and they never attacked once...
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Played my Outlander to lvl 19, got a bit bored of it though to be honest. I think the skills aren't as cool as the other classes. Love using the bows though ^_^
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Good! I beat the final boss on elite without taking any damage, because rapid fire with a high shotgonne mastery will perma blind the boss and for some reason the AI won't even attempt attacks while blind, so he just walked back and forth until he died.
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I think the Berserker is awesome =D, love the visuals of the skills !
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"I'm guessing everyone has tried out all the classes and picked a favorite" in all this time I managed to finish the game with only one character (still have about half of act 3 in NG+ to go). Playing outlander since beta. I just love Glaive Throw and Flaming Glaive
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Berserker lvl 23 elite gameplay, act2 right now. Had a ROUGH playtime until some levels ago, you know, getting instagibbed if I didn't play cat&mouse with enemies. But the more I level the smoother it goes ( thanks god savage rush and shadow burst help A LOT ), but anyway I'm still getting twoshooted even when I have 150-200 of each elemental resistance u.u
But the class itself is very fun to play despite you can die a lot, it's visuals are amazing ( morphing into a wolf every time you use an skill, yummy! ), and I love claws
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Finished Canone Engineer in Normal. Started a Vetran Berserker, most likely a Hunter Shadow hybrid
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I'm finding tundra skills to be really subpar compared to the other two trees. I'm using lightning claws because it's almost free damage, and Norhtern rage ( amazing for spreading enemies when you get sorrounded ), but the rest sounds really crappy for me
Cold steel mastery could be usefull if the frost damage increase would include skills also, but meh :(
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Yeah, I just read what you Worte above. I also use Shadow Burst as a means to stay alive, and shield breaker. The summoned wolf is very strogn too, helps get rid the room as well as a big survival factor.
I'm only lvl 17 right now and only tried a few times Storm Hatchet but I find it quite strong, and the charge gain huge. I pain to find a main fighting skill for now, all of the warrior style skills (as oppsosed to the Tundra skills more caster oriented) seem to be more specialized than I thought.
I think I'll go and try a mix of Snare Chans + Ravage and a few things when the levels come in. Right now going full execute + Red Wolf + the passive which gives back health from criticals.
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Actually I'm finding pretty hard staying in melee more than 2-3 seconds in Elite, so my tactic is more like hit&run ( something that becomes way easier once you get Savage rush, god that skill is amazing! ).
I mostly swap between Shadow burst or Raze ( depending on if 1 or more than enemy and if I need to recover health back ). I really want to try out Ravage, it does seem awesome, and the multiple wolf summons ( didn't like the single one, too much cd for too low duration at low levels, when I need to dump almost everything on Shadow burst and blood hunger to stay alive )
About hatchet, I get more than enough charge once I do an execute ( got 2/15 on executioner, will probably rise it to 5, and with more levels and enough focus will have a good % chance to proc ) my bar goes full in 3-4 hits. And I don't really want to rely on charge status to kill :P I see it as a nice bonus
Oh, and charge+rampage = imba :D
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I have to get a few more levels to try more stuff but I think you gave me a few ideas to try.
The summoned wolf is interesting above tier 1. Now it deals really nice damage, stays for 30 secs and 25% of its damages are converted to health, which means I can stay much longer in the fray when it is here, especially useful against bosses.
I have to say, even though the engineer was fun, I still find more fun in a good berserker, like in most games I play :p
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i just skilld the passives gives you awasom hige crit with 2 hammers at the end around 5000 (with lvl 50)
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Same setup for me. Will try other classes once I've got through the whole game once.
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I'm playing a veteran engineer, using a cannon that dishes out tons of damage-over-time stuff. The blast cannon skill literally pulverizes anything in my way. Also have the two bots for support and I summon skeletons and my sentry when needed. All in all, tons of fun.
I've been carefully putting health and mana regen on my gear, along with luck (%30 magic find, %29 gold).
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Yeah the Blast canon is somewhat OP, but fusillade is more fun :p Very useful to reach mobs with cornershots and those on different levels.
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Why did you take Shotgonne and Akimbo when you'll only be using one set of weapons at one time
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Completed the game with an embermage, poorly specced because I thought that after making the mistake of not allowing respec in the first game they'd correct it in the second one.
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Well there was the console command for re-spec potions. I wonder if thats in TL2 aswell.
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Had to look for it, but there's already a mod that adds respec potions in your shared stash that was posted here. Already tried this and it works, returns skill points earned by fame as well. But still, requiring mods to improve poor design decisions taken by the devs is pretty terrible.
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cheers for that, I didnt want to use the console, because it flags you =/
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My lvl 4 outlander girl died when bravely idling for a moment when I was in other room... It was a mysterious death, that part of dungeon was cleared so I guess dimon's embermage kited something and ran by, haha. It happened two days ago but I still can't get over it.
I think I'll start with just another one to avenge her. Lajza, you will not be forgotten!
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So, with TL2 now being out a few days, I'm guessing everyone has tried out all the classes and picked a favorite. For me it has to be the engineer, since I like to get stuck in and smash stuff in the face from close range, with the Berserker not being too far behind (mostly down to the awesome skills). But the question is... which is your favorite class and why ?
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