ok how do you explain I'm 5 bucks to level 5 assuming that page is correct
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I don't think it's sgtools that's bugged out. Steam has been acting wonky for the past 4-6 hours for a lot of people. It's been saying they're not logged in, and while they can purchase games normally, they can't access their activity feed, profile, etc.
I'm wondering if that has something to do with sgtools not reading activations properly.
I was able to activate two games on the steam client I bought from GMG, but the client said I wasn't logged in LOL.
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When mine started acting up, I checked the forums and there were a decent number of posts about it -- mostly people getting kicked out of CSGO because of the client issues, but a bunch of others with the same problem as I was having -- Steam let me log in just fine, but then the client itself would tell me I wasn't logged in. Web login was unaffected it seems.
I just chalked it up to Valve's typically fubared Tuesday maintenance. :P
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Well, actually.. I wasn't able to find some people in community searches, that'd I'd been able to find before.. so I guess I did notice SOME Steam quirks.
Nothing about stability/etc, though-
But then again, if there's one thing Valve is good about [and it's certainly not customer service], it's making sure everyone gets their own clusterbomb of unique bugs :P
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so cool, I'm gonna go to cry in a corner to wait is fixed so i know how much $$$ i need to lvl up and buy sth
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you can calculate it by your self.
lvl 3 is 50$ and you will get lvl 4 by spending 100$
so the difference is 50$. you got 1% of it so you have to spend about 49.50 $ to reach lvl lvl 4...
but dont forget: bundled games will count only with 15 % of their value and new bundled games could get added to the list later but will still decrease your counter^^
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so i could do a giveaway of "PAYDAY 2: GOTY Edition" that is 50 dollars in steam and get level 4 again right?
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What happened to your win of Lost Civilization though?
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i tried to regift it when i was newbie and i didn't knew the rules
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that's bugged... but doesn't make sense why i dropped the lvl
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Daedelic has the nasty habit of occasionally increasing the full price of their games by a ridiculous amount just so they can offer a 90% off "sale" without actually losing any money.
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deadalic has the nasty habit to produce fantastic games and give them in bundles or high discounts almost for free away...
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I also have lost a level, possibly because SG does not think that 'Chivalry: Complete Pack' belongs to Steam anymore :(
Also, can't make some giveaways that I have planned for this month... Like - all of them. Shame, really, there was a lot of good packages :(
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It was bundled, yes, at july 16th. And was as much bundled last month when I have done Giveaway. So I shouldn't have suddenly lost a level. Thanks.
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Well, that really s***s. Wasting 30$ for 1C Strategy Collection, that was bundled, like, more than two years ago.
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Well, this is funny. I have three packages that I got for less than a dollar, and they are at the full 15$ price.
And those packages that I bought for full price worth almost nothing.
I hate my luck.
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Sometimes Steam reports the price of a game as the price of a discounted pack that contains the game, as the price of the game individually would be more expensive during the sale.
That causes that type of error where a game costs more points to enter and gives more CV. And it's indeed a temporary error and both the points to enter and CV gained will go back to normal when the sale is over. Don't count on that to increase your level. Also, Memoria is bundled now, I suppose.
Clearly, that's the case here, and the game doesn't cost 160 dollars... Check the pictures below.
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i know that, but i meant i was level 4 before that bug with memoria
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Here is explain why you lost a level.
Bundled day is : Aug 27, 2015 which is wait before your giveaway of Memoria happen . I think sgtool update bundle checker ( or whatever to check if game on bundle or not) every 6 hours or so. Basically sgtool still think you got full CV value of "memoria" . However in steamgifts due to the bundle thingy, it only count that you got 15% value of "Memoria".
Basically suddenly you lost $135.99 ( 0.85*159.99) in CV vaule . That's why you drop 1 level. Your real CV is about $50.5
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hmm interesting they use the first 90% sale of the armageddon pack as bundle-date for memoria....which makes no sense, cause it´s not possible to give single copies from this armageddon pack. the correct date would be the the recent groupees bundle
edit: i guess memoria was 85% off....whats with the rub-curse in aug. was indeed more the 95% off us-base price.
so today we learn even 85% leads to bundled :-)
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Unfortunately it takes time to update all the bundle dates and here's the kicker.. after October 26 the price of Memoria will be corrected to 20p and you will drop down another level to level 2
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so how can i know for future reference that the games has to be updated because I'm always checking before buy something here http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games and now for example i was thinking in buy payday 2 GOTY version to giveaway, is a good idea?
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If you see an 85% discount or more that game probably will be added to the bundle list sooner or later, because russians for example can get a better deal most of the times. Don't trust that list only, it is only meant to know which games are already bundled, but you can't know which ones will be added later retroactively.
For example, Shadow Warrior was added recently to bundle list but with this date: Nov 4, 2014
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so for this specific GOTY version what do you think? is worth the chance?
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a game has to reach 95% off in any region based on the US price. usually RU and SA are the lowest ones.
you can install enhanced steam to check prices.
example: payday 2 goty is $3.63 in RU which isn't enough to reach 95% off, so it's not bundled yet (will be when it goes down to ~$2.5).
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As long as you give a game away before it's ever in a bundle, you'll get full CV for it. I suggest using Enhanced Steam (an extension for Firefox and Chrome) -- it gives a lot of extra information about games, such as bundles it's been in and the lowest price (including RUS) the game's ever been.
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so the payday2 was in a bundle and one time free, but not the others dlc (all the goty version) i assume i should get the full cv right?
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Payday 2 (non GOTY) is dangerous to give. As you said, it was in a bundle and not in a fixed tier, it was "beat the average" so maybe it was cheaper than $3.63 if you take into account the rest of the games from that bundle. But the GOTY edition is safe at the moment.
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Oh and I forget one more thing as MrWubble Stein said. It's not that the system bugged. It's just the way the system calculate CV is somewhat not accurate due to all the sale .
In your case due to the package that contain "Memoria" currently on sale and cheaper than "Memoria" itself ( 15.99 vs 19.99). The system will pull out the "Memoria" Package to calculate the CV instead of the real "Memoria" game. After the package was pull out, it will calculate based one the full value prices ( aka full value bundle (if it's a case) more than 5 gifts giveaway ( if it's a case) ) then it give you your CV.
Because of that after the "Memoria" package discount over the system will pull out the "memoria" prices itself ( 19.99 one) you will get even more less CV
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Sgtools says that Chivalry: Complete Pack is worth (5.25$ Total).Hmmm .....ok?
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Do you mean this bundle 2 years ago? https://isthereanydeal.com/specials/#/search:%23%3A433;/scroll:%23gamelist priced @ 22€
Or did it got bundled again? Because the value drop by sgtools is new.
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it got bundled on 16th june 2015
and his ga was in septermber this year^^ so its fine
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I see now, it wasn't actually bundled on the 16th, it was just the highest discount (90%) https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/price?plain=chivalrymedievalwarfare
It's just a little strange that they price drop happened now after all this time. My guess is that they missed the discount on 16th of June (Summer Sale).
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On June 16 the conversion rate was 1 USD = 53.9689 RUB
Since the sale was 90% off the price (599 RUB) was 59 RUB which was 0.91 USD or a discount of 97.5% off the 34.99 USD price
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The odd thing is that that appears to be a RU+CIS region locked retail key, so one would think anyone getting the RU price would have a region locked copy. And if that is the case why the ROW copy would be considered bundled?
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Yes it´s really strange. On the other hand, the only use for a level is to restrict giveaways....but that's meanwhile a bit pointless. You can exclude level 1 or 2, but if the intention is to give to "givers" it does not work anyway. The guy that does only region-restricted giveaways for his small group gets the same level like someone that does only public ones.
Anyway i still want the group+hidden option....i want it so much.
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one more of the series "anything can be bundled any time and be marked with any date retroactively" rule.
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well... since there's no "region bundle" which could solve almost actual problems, who buys row keys will be punished twice...
even the devs will be punished too (once bundled, there's no way back).
anyway, this system incentivates more region giveaway than row, since row keys are not as cheap as region locked.
every time I think about this actual cv system, it came with something new that is negative.
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SteamGifts will turn into region locked area... where only region prices will be worthy.
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Well it's not really can happen since normally games got release wait faster than game into bundled. I mean more games got release compare to the number of game got into bundle.
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75% discounts are not unusual, many games get this discount at least twice a year ....so it´s just a matter of time ...and exchange-rates/pricing that even a 75% discount could force a "bundled"-status.
Of course that does not mean, every game....but maybe in the future a list of non-bundled games would be the easier solution :P
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Sgtools caches bundle list every 6 hours to avoid hammering steamgifts, that's why you still see memoria as not-bundled.
Apart from that, Steam is reporting a bad price on Memoria, that's something typical of the heavily bugged Steam API and we can't do anything to solve it.
TL/DR: In some hours sgtools will show the right value for you, and that value will be lower once Steam corrects Memoria's price
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WTF i was level 4 and suddenly I'm 3, is bugged only for me?
aparently this is also bugged http://www.sgtools.info/sent/Crazyfaith 100p memoria
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