Well, I think it would be better, if you would force yourself, think about few thing that you can write about, come up with an idea, and create a poll. After all you know best what topic os easiest for you.
As for suggestion... Hmmm... Maybe something about turism to countries with recent terrorist attacks? How this attack affect prices, what locals try to do to convience people to go there after attacks, and what tourists think about it, do they go there, and why or why not.
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Thanks. I've thought about this and that, as I've written, but I'm indifferent about most. I don't feel that I'm better at writing about the one thing or the other, it's part of what makes this hard. Your suggestion is nice, definitely, and I'll look into the practicability of this :)
As for a poll, I fear that a lot of "unqualified" votes will be cast when doing this. I've now posted up some of my previously thought of favorites for the topic, so feel free to elaborate on those if you would like.
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Tax policy and wealth in UK, Geneva of modern day age
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)Property rights
Any asteroid resources obtained in outer space are the property of the entity that obtained such resources, which shall be entitled to all property rights thereto, consistent with applicable provisions of Federal law and existing international obligations
How space mining will affects geological borders in the future.
Space mining VS deep sea dredging
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First off, sorry for not answering so long - I had to study for tests and had to analyze your suggestions and so on (that goes collectively, you ead me, people down there? :D )
Anyway, space mining is off, since it's covered by a different department, which I'm not in. Deep Sea Dredging as such is geology, not geography.
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xD oops.
have you decided on your subject?
Best of luck, you can do this!! :)
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The social economic impact of the recent increase in refugees?
You are in Germany after all, it is a huge problem on many different levels.
Why is Germany the promised land? Why not invest in projects in the region? What is the effect on a local level, for instance that one town with 2000 inhabitants and 700 refugees? Is Germany trying so hard to be nice that they might be creating the recipe for disaster all over again?
I'm sure there are plenty of opinions and plenty of people willing to share theirs.
Or am I on the wrong track here?
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You're not in the wrong here. This was one of my first thoughts about a possible thesis, as I live in Munich, where loads of refugees (apparently) have arrived the past few weeks and I was confronted by the crisis myself when trying to get back into Germany after my holiday in the balkans.
It'd be an interesting topic and I've worked with refugees before in civic planning, but there's a huge but in this one:
Practicability. Even when focusing on just a little bit of the refugee crisis, you'll have to
a) stay neutral in your position, which is nearly impossible even when trying.
b) have to consider so many factors that the professor will have a lot of space and points to poke holes in your work. Like "why didn't you consider this, that, other?" and simultaneously leaves my work vulnerable to criticism in the lines of "politically biased"
The weight of this political debate, leave aside it's actual effects on our economy, space and society, is just too heavy for a bachelor's thesis in terms of length and vulnerability.
This, of course, doesn't apply to the question of "why is Germany the promised land?" which would be relatively easy to put into practice as far as I can see it, but on the other hand isn't much of a geographical topic, because it isn't really a problem about a certain space, but more a sociological question of "why this space?" and doesn't lead to problems having to be solved in a certain space, but rather as a perception of Germany in the heads of the refugees.
I currently just don't see a practical way for a bachelors thesis (I mean, as a doctorate, yeah, why not?) to cover this broadly enough while shining light on the needed depth and broadness of political opinions to this. When considering the town example or the industry example, on a political, personal and financial level, you'll get answers ranging from extremism to extremism, and everything in between, leading to the vulnerability of the work I've already mentioned above.
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Also good points, but the chine phenomenon itself is, as far as I can oversee it currently, a too economical topic, without much geographical relation.
Tourism in Europe has unfortunately all been said and done - of course, it's being revaluated every year on a big scale by the major countries, leaving little open for smaller works like a bachelors thesis.
Smuggling is again, more of a sociological and financial question. The question here is less about space itself, but more about the judical structures in each country and pricing structures for the products. Exploring the routes does have a relation to space (terrain shape) but exploring that is more physical geography (so the topic's out of range) and even then, our machined vehicles today don't care much about the terrain, so choosing routes is again more of a political and judical question, in terms of "why controls here" etc.
That's just as far as I can see through with these topics atm, I appreciate your help!
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Impact of social responibility projects of corporate X on local population in Y
You will get some numbers to crunch and locals to talk to.
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That is my primary idea currently (CSR through the cooperation of grand-scale corporations and NGOs), but the part with the locals is a tad hard, as most of these projects are in lesser developed countries outside of europe and I can't really fly there from here to interview some locals, as such projects aren't needed here in Bavaria.
That reminds me, I should really edit my already found topics in the OT.
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i have no idea what you learn in Geography. can't really help.
but if it's something with economics (as i see from the previous posts and your own thoughts) why not link geography with something environmental. it's a great buzz word (i work on similar stuff - PhD).
you can:
stuff like that.
if you want something more specific (i work on pesticides), what about proximity to agricultural fields and house value. something like that...
hope i helped ;)
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In geography, you have space. Space is the basis of all geography. Then you link a topic with a certain space that has to be analyzed and in certain cases compared to another space. And second, in almost every case (there's a few exemptions) you analyze human impact in that space. It's also becoming more and more environmental, as geography is the first science to deal with those problems, but not necessarily.
Anyway, I like your idea, especially as I have the world's second largest public park in my city. Might be worth to explore, as I still haven't decided yet.
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you wouldn't believe the amount of pesticides used on public grass - to make it pretty... or water for that matter...
look it up
glad i helped, even a little bit
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I'd probably choose slum tourism. It's great for low cost traveling, especially with bikes. Most countries are also not dangerous, contrary to popular belief, so i'd focus on that a lot in my thesis. Slum tourism is also a great way to experience the lifestyle of people who live there, since there are probably almost zero tourist facilities. You could elaborate on these on questionnaires given out to college students. Of course, that is just me, and i've never studied this stuff, just trying to pass on some ideas or maybe give you inspiration for something you maybe didn't think about yet.
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Slum tourism: chance for the locals or calamity watching? A study in college students,
this theme for the diploma looks interesting.
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I haven't make my thesis, yet
And I kinda don't understand 50% what you're talking about
Maybe because we're on the different subject.. I mean I don't study the subject you're studying
But if I can help a little why not? :)
Slum tourism is probably the best choice.. Well for me
Hmm maybe it's "slum" and not being taken care... and only a certain people want to go to this place
Rough road at first, but in the end you can see beautiful garden full of flower Yes I watch too many movies xD
Maybe someone like scouts or campers like to see place like this, it's more wild than the "mainstream" tourism place
Ah I think I don't know what I'm talking about anymore
I hope it helped, sorry :(
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You could calculate the size of the average mountain :D
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Comparing tourism in country X to country Y is rather pointless, because not every country was created equal. The "problem" with this is that the most obvious factors (like: where is the country and what countries are in it's vicinity? and political relationships) are also the most important factor in answering that question. As you can hardly change those factors, it is a rather pointless analysis.
What is possible (and, in my opinion, interesting) is comparing the tourism of two territories on the same smaller island.
Like compare Haiti to Dom Rap, which are on the same island (Hispaniola) - but the scale is too large.
What interests me, and I'm seriously considering the topic, is comparing the tourism of Saint Martin to Sint Marten.
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CSR (corporate social responsibility), I suggest this. The point is that you probably want a topic that can be helpful for your career, usually financial topics are more useful and more applicable in different fields than tourism. My opinion at least. I completed my master's degree few days ago and what I can suggest to you is to chose a topic that you like but useful for your career at the same time.
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Congrats on the degree.
Well, the problem is, I have about an equal interest in all topics and while I specialize in geography, I find it hard to find a favorite in a very specific topic, which is why I still haven't decided on one (I mean, I had two weeks at least to "decide" on a topic, or think). Which is why I'm trying to find some inspiration on "neutral grounds" here, because talking to my fellow students would probably result in getting colored answers.
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I don't know much about geography, but if I had to chose that; Slum tourism: chance for the locals or calamity watching? A study in college students, sound very interesting to me; especially how it impact the locals. Anyway, good luck on your test and thanks for the GAs:)
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Heyo folks,
as some of you might know, I'm studying geography. (and other subjects). Anyway, as in the title, my bacherlor's thesis is coming up and I still need to pick a topic (and the question for the topic to be explored). Anyway, when it comes to chosing a topic, I just suck at it for various reasons, mostly my brain goes into overdrive mode and can't settle on topics - I instantly choose something, go over it and dismiss it for whatever reason.
Anyway, the topic is not just to be picked from geography, but mostly from topics of:
There definitely are current affairs to be discussed, but I can't settle on a topic that is long / short enough for 40 - 50 pages and, very important, has at least the outlook of including qualitative or quantitative analysis in it. So either interviewing or polling people. That'd be great.
I haven't been lazy and have searched for some inspiration, but simultaneously, I have to study for two very important tests, that will be held the day after I'll have to have chosen my topic.
Thank you for inspiring me!
Here's a list of topics (favorites) I've already though of myself and haven't dismissed:
Feel free to comment or elaborate on those!
Slum tourism: chance for the locals or calamity watching? A study in college students,
CSR (corporate social responsibility) as a cooperative means between multinational corporations and NGOs - a case study in XXX or of practicability YYY
(Ant)Arctic Tourism: Shifting interests in an unstable territory. Driving factors and potentials
Also, giveaways:
If you're one of the few I've blacklisted, there's probably reasons. You may ask for the reason, ofc.
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