Is anyone else having this problem? Saints Row 3 will just crash before game play, sometimes even before the main menu. There are others on the Steam forums with this problem and yet I cannot find a real fix for it, or even word from THQ regarding this issue and what they're doing to fix it. Anyone have have any news on this, or if they somehow solved it what they did to get it running?

13 years ago*

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didn't know is support forum for in-game issues..

13 years ago

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Didn't know we aren't allowed to ask for help... oh wait.

13 years ago

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No problem over here.

13 years ago

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A few general troubleshooting tips

1) Run Steam as an administrator

2) Go to your game folder and run dxsetup.exe under the DirectX folder

3) go to the game folder and run vcredist.exe

4) reboot your computer, this surprisingly can solve a lot of issues

I don't want to hear whining that you're already up to date on directx etc etc, the game isn't working so run the damn installers.

5) Install the latest video drivers for your video card

6) reboot

7) Install the latest sound drivers

8) reboot

You can also try to run in dx9 mode from the launcher and see if that helps

13 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestions, but they were to no avail. I did all of that and it still crashes either while loading a new game or even before I get to the main menu. Thanks anyways.

13 years ago

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You can try some of the things here

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by TheSlowKenyan.