I'm looking for inspiration for my next session. Small giveaways for your answers :)

Small edit: I don't need advice on how I should choose; I'm curious how YOU decide for yourself :)

4 hours ago*

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Well, I'm concentrating on playing my SG wins at the moment.
I setup all the games in my SG Win Backlog into a collection on Steam, then created a Shelf in the main Library linking to that collection.
That way I can easily see them at a glance, and I'm less likely to get distracted by other things.

3 hours ago

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Playtracker's backlog dungeon (You build a list of every game you own that you want to play, and you let it randomly pick a few games, which you can always skip)
Play or Pay picks
PAGYWOSG relevant games
Whimsy and wonder
Wherever Im at in certain franchise runs

I also have a yearly goal where I try to beat a game from every year from some arbitrary year to the current year, so at the end of the year, I scroll through Wikipedia's games released in year x lists and pick games from years I need to fill out.

View attached image.
3 hours ago*

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Oh, you are SO going to regret asking me this.

First: priority to games I won here from the Playing Matters and Playing Appreciated groups, games I have to review for the SG Monthly Magazine, or selected by the Play or Pay folks.

Then: Discrete Heat Equation on the % of owned unplayed games per each release year. :O :O :O :O

Jargon aside: for each release year, figure out the percentage of owned unplayed games for that year. Then see which year is most above the average of the adjacent years (call this "year discrepancy"); THAT is the year for the next game to play. Then I just look at all games I have from that year and pick one that I feel like playing.

(Excel, of course, is essential -- I have this sheet with all games I own, and many others I don't own, with all their data.)

If you are still reading this: check the picture. I have yet to play 43.2% of the games I own released in 2009, 50% of 2010, 52.8% of 2011. So year 2010 is 50-(52.8+43.2)/2 = 2 percent points above its neighbors, which is the highest discrepancy, hence the year I will pick next.

Once I play a game from 2010, that 50% will go down about 0.8%, which means the 2010 discrepancy will go down from 2.00 to 1.20 or so. But the discrepancies for 2009 and 2011 will go UP by 0.4% each, so these adjacent years now become more likely to be the next picked one. I like this "ripple effect" of the algorithm.

Anyway, no one will read this whole thing, so.... Just play what you feel like, really. :D

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3 hours ago*

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I'm a data nerd, and I love this answer so much it made me giggle :D. Thank you, sir.

2 hours ago

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Hey, if you don't have a spreadsheet like this, I will gladly send you a copy of mine; you can then replace my personal data with yours (this might take a while since I see you have 3K+ games on Steam only) and try similar things... :D


2 hours ago

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Honestly, this is freakin rad, I don't think I have the energy to do something like this, but it's freakin rad nonetheless

2 hours ago

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How many hours did you invested to create and maintain it ?
And how many hours did you need each time till you then really play a game?
Questions over questions.

1 hour ago

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A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

I mean, there used to be a "Weekly Game Top100 Chart" in the usenet forums back in the 90s... They kept all the listed games in a master list, so 20 years ago I started my own spreadsheet from ther list with about 1000 titles.

Then I started to add any games which were reviewed by a few outlets I picked, plus any games I own, and... well, right now the list has 43K titles (I own about 4K of them). I also keep tabs of a few review scores for each one, it is my own personal metacritic. :D

(Up to July 2020, I included every single Steam release... but that was taking too much time once the trash invaded the store, so now I only add games I own, or which have a Metacritic, PC Gamer UK or Gamespot score.)

The actual list looks like this:


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47 minutes ago*

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how do you choose this one?

2 hours ago

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Im just recommending you this game. You wanted inspiration, this game gives you that and much more. It's monumental.

1 hour ago

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The question is how you choose what your next game will be and not that what will be mine :)

31 minutes ago

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I love it when I see someone recommending NaissanceE, more people need to play this game.

1 hour ago

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if you aren't looking to prioritize anything in particular (like SG wins, franchises you are into lately, etc.), you can always use the SteamDB randomizer when you access the section of "Your profile". Just keep spamming "I don't wanna play this" until you see something that catches your eye.

3 hours ago

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Are you doing this to find your next game to play?

2 hours ago

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I don't usually do it because I always have 2/3 games in mind I want to play depending on my mood/time it takes to get through the game/ how hard it is, etc. However, I did it like 3/4 days ago because I had a lot of extra hours free for the day and I didn't had anything to do. Before that time, I probably did it once on the summer last year.

Anyways, my "usual system" is pretty simple. I have at least one game that I need to commit hours to it to finish it (playthrough lasts >10h to beat it first time), one that pushes my brain limits (puzzle game, P&C) and one where I can just go into it and just turn my brain off after a long day.

For example, right now I'm playing Unavowed (for the puzzle game), Metro Exodus and Mass Effect (for the games that I need to commit) and Kill it With Fire (for the turn off brain game). I finished Kill it with Fire today so I gotta find another game to turn off tho but it will probably be easy to find :)

And in case u r curious, Unavowed was the pick I got 3/4 days ago, right after I finished an Artifex Mundi game I won here on SG

2 hours ago

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You've won 287 games on Steamgifts, and have achievements in less than 5% - you have playtime in more, but it looks like that may have often been to earn cards rather than actually playing them. If you join Play or Pay SG and categorise your SG wins by length on BLAEO, you'll get a selection of 7 games chosen by other group members -- the next cycle will be beginning shortly. To create lists on BLAEO, use the "My Games" dropdown and hit the cog icon next to "Filter by tag or list". To add games to a list, use the "rearrange" icon and go down to the bottom (to remove, drag games in rearrange mode to the garbage can). To work out whether a game is Short (2-8h), Medium (8-15), Long (15-25), or Very Long (25+) use https://howlongtobeat.com

2 hours ago

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Is this how you choose your next game?

2 hours ago

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It has been in previous cycles, and will be for my next steam games in the Apr-Jun cyctle. I also belong to Taleplay and Playing Appreciated (currently closed), which require playing group wins (I try to keep my unplayed Steamgift games down anyway).

2 hours ago

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I don't. That's the problem :x

2 hours ago

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I primarily use PAGYWOSG to choose, it shrinks my possible choices down alot so I don't get choice overloaded and play nothing.

2 hours ago

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As others have said, I've been playing through my games recently in the PAGYWOSG events. Sometimes I'll also go with a game I just recently got in a bundle or sale that I've been dying to play for a long time. If I'm really stumped though, I'll go on my Backloggery account and use its randomizer to list of a few games I have, and then I'll choose something from the generated list.

2 hours ago

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Usually, if there's a game that's been on my mind for a bit, I'll start that even if it isn't specifically what I'm in the mood for at the moment.

I always keep a slate of 30-40 games downloaded as well that I've prioritized, and I'll just randomly pick one if nothing really catches my eye.

And when really in doubt, I'll go back through the older titles in my library that I haven't already hidden and pick something from there. Like a Spiderweb Software game, for example.

Outside of all that, I maintain a strict four-month policy to play SG wins, and sometimes that can creep up on ya', so that's my real default if nothing else is really calling my name. I always keep those downloaded until I've actually given them a go. or come back to them if I started them but took a break and want to get back to them.

One thing I did to help streamline the selection process is marked most of my library as hidden. There are still not quite 900 games to choose from that aren't hidden, but basically what I did is sift through all the games I will likely never play and separated them. And I also put games I've finished or retired in the hidden folder as well. A few days investment in game library bookkeeping really makes looking for the next game to play much easier.

2 hours ago

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youtube recommendations
sometimes I ask ChatGPT for similar games I liked :)

2 hours ago

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If i don't have a special game or general genre or sg wins in my mind, I open my steam library, let it show the installed games, scroll down to the unsorted ones (with no HOG, shooter or a other tag) and pick one by random. If i really dislike the genre (if it is possible to guess from the name or the things that i know when i read the name), then i jump to the next.

Fast, easy, should bring the number of ~600 installed games down, free a bit of harddrive space in the end and i can sort the games on top step by step :-D

1 hour ago*

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I usually just ask myself what I'm in the mood for, and then use that rough mental image of what I want to play to select tags to filter my library, that tends to reduce the possible games from thousands to a couple of hundred or so. And then comes the hard part, scrolling through those remaining tittles and checking whatever catches my attention until I feel confident enough to pick one.
Other times I just remember one particular game that I happen to own and go with that, or just scroll through my list of wins here and check a few trailers at semi random until picking one.
In general I make an effort to go with the flow and not force myself into something, because if I start playing a game because I feel like I must it can negatively impact my experience enough to ruin it for me.

The biggest drawback of this method is that sometimes I don't feel like playing anything for several days in a row, this is particularly common after finishing a particularly long or difficult game or being done with a whole series of shorter games.

1 hour ago

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My Wishlist If I am wanting something fresh, but usually scrolling on steal GGdealz and looking around in my library!

29 minutes ago

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Unless I buy something highly wishlisted on sale, I look at my category called top (or to play), which consists of games I'd like to play and some AAAs/franchises which were highly recommended, check first those I already have installed and if none of them makes me go for it, check the uninstalled ones. Depends on mood and what kind of game I like at that time (genre, setting, length).

19 minutes ago

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I am in Play a Game You Won On Steamgifts, and Tale Play (play the win within 3 months). So monthly I pick a short win that fits pagywosg, and a TalePlay if I have one (ideally this is one game that fits both). Then I try to pick a longer win that fits the theme, or my oldest backlog that fits the theme.

On the side, or after those are finished, I play whatever console game is midway thru. Or look for an enticing free Epic or Gog game in my backlog. I usually need a game that's kinda mellow for evenings, if I'm tired, so one of the aforementioned games usually fits that.

Then for holidays breaks, I try to have something fun to look forward to. Usually a console game on physical media.

12 minutes ago

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