Which Uncharted game is your favorite? (not including 4)
Looks like a Limited Edition! The only limited Edition I have is Life is Strange. I got it after owning and completing the game because that game was just that awesome!
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uncharted was the system seller for me. both for the ps3 and ps4. you should totally play the games :D
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The only reason I want to get a PlayStation is for Uncharted and Last of Us! I love both Nolan North and Troy Baker so this video got me really hyped for the game!
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I have played 20-30mins of what I think was the second game on a friend's PS. I have a soft spot I my heart for Action-Adventure games so I really liked it! I really want to get a Xbox 360 or PS3 for the exclusives(Can't afford the new ones :P). I even know which games I will get:
Uncharted series
Last Of Us
Red Dead
God of War
Beyond: Two Souls
Heavy Rain
Halo CE Anniversary
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 3 ODST
Halo Reach
Halo 4
Oh yeah, and Halo Wars too!
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Uncharted is a great series because if you play it for a short time, it just seems like a fun action series. But if you get into them, it has fantastic characters, great stories, loads of fun, and a lot of heart to them. ooo I'm gonna go down the list on my thoughts of those (even though youve prob played some already)
Uncharted series: Fantastic! The first one is not that good, but 2-4 is amazing! (especially 2 and 4!)
Last Of Us: I didn't beat it yet because I borrowed it (so no spoilers) but AMAZING GAME. One of the best console games
Red Dead: kind of outdated now, but still a great game. The story is lacking a little but the open world is so much fun
God Of War: I've never played you have to tell me if these are good!
Infamous: I didn't like the first one too much but I heard it gets better. Also it has some choice in it which is always fun
MGS4: im guessing you've played this already, cause everyone loves MGS :)
Beyond: Two Souls: This game gets a lot of hate, but I love it and I think you will love it too because its got the kind of story telling that we love!
Heavy Rain: Haven't played it yet but only heard great things!
Journey: no story really, but beautiful scenery! May be outdated a bit now so I hope they remaster it on ps4!
Also can't go wrong with Halo! When I get more time I'm going to rec more ps3 games for you!
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I have played cuncks of almost every GOW game and I kinda like it! I have never played MGS, but I have always wanted to get into that series.
Halo CE on PC is one of my favorite games! I have been playing it for seven years, on and off. I have completed the game multiple times but I love it for its multiplayer! CE is my go to LAN game! Since all my friends have shitty laptops not capable of much gaming, we have to resort to older games. So every once in a while we get together and have a Halo CE LAN party! The only other game we play is the original Unreal Tournament.
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I kinda have a weird relationship with stealth games. I just see them as shooters with difficult set to high. Every stealth game I have ever played I just end up killing everyone! :P
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So for someone who has never played MGS, which order would be the best?
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You can either go with the Big Boss timeline (Snake Eater->(optional) Portable Ops->Peace Walker->Ground Zeroes->Phantom Pain) or the Solid Snake one (MG&MG2 (optional, but still kinda fun)->Metal Gear Solid 1->Sons of Liberty->Guns of the Patriots).
Just be sure to play MGS3 before 4, because there are A LOT of references to it.
Or you can just play it in the order that they were released.
Personally, I started with Snake Eater and it was a rather fine choice, I think.
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The Uncharted series is great, 2 is my favorite so far! And I'm glad to see we've got a Vita lover here on Steamgifts, voting for Golden Abyss.
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I never played Uncharted 1 because I heard it has framerate issues and bad screen tearing, which would make it unplayable to me.
Uncharted 2's single and multiplayer are great. Some of the most fun I've had in multiplayer.
The first half of Uncharted 3 is so boring to play. If I had the option to just watch it as a cinematic, I would have, but the second half was really good. Adding a run button to the multiplayer in 3 made me play it a lot less than 2's. Clicking in sticks to run is annoying, and I didn't think it was necessary.
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You didn't miss much by skipping Uncharted 1, other then the introduction to the characters (which you can youtube) :)
Also I totally agree. Uncharted 3 had some serious issues with pacing and story telling because some of it was fantastic and some of it was boring and lacking. If you haven't yet, you should check out 4. Its by far the best entry to the series (in my opinion.)
Too bad that you have to pay to get the multiplayer on PS4 if you buy the fourth game or the remastered collection :/ I still play it on my Ps3 because its free and there are still so many people on it!
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uc2 played online aot and that was the last good online game they put out.
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I've never played Uncharted, but I've heard it's really good so I've been avoiding all possible spoilers. Honestly, I value your opinion highly, so I'd like to know if you think it's worth playing all the games in the series. I can't tell much from what I've found so far, and I'm afraid of spoiling the story for myself if I look any further.
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Well don't worry because I put a spoiler font on all my spoilers so far :)
I'm not very good at explaining things but I'll try! Basically Uncharted is a third person shooter that was made to feel like an action movie!
If you just read the plot of Uncharted, it sounds boring as hell (treasure hunter and thief goes after big scores with his friends) but thats why you would have to actually get into Uncharted to really appreciate it. I'll break down what I and a lot of people love how the series :)
The characters: Uncharted has some of the best characters out of any games I've played. Nathan Drake (the protag) is one of the the most recognizable and loved characters that Sony has to offer. Hes funny, perfectly voice acted, and overall full of personality. I won't get into the other characters, but every single character they introduce offers a lot to the appeal and the best thing about the games is that the characters banter, interact a lot, have a certain relationship with eachother that feels so real and fun.
The storytelling: The stories themselves are not the impressive part, its the storytelling. Like I said before, they are like action movies and the way you play through the game is like playing through a really fun action filled film. Now the pacing of the games can sometimes be off, depending on who you ask (well all have our opinions on the perfect uncharted games) but you still won't be able to deny how great the storytelling of the series is.
The Heart of the games: On the surface the series just looks like a fun action shooter/platformer, but fans who have played all 3 (now 4) games will be able to write novels explaining how much love and heart goes into these games. You just have to play them to get it :)
The scenery/Graphics: The games may be a little outdated now, but when they came out each one had top notch graphics that impressed every release. I reccomend that if you have a PS4, you get the Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection (which has every game remastered on the ps4 on one disc, instead of getting the games separately ). that way it wont appear so outdated. On top of that, the scenery and locations of each Uncharted game is beautiful! I could go on for hours about the scenery alone... so I'll move on.
the gameplay?: Ok this one has some mixed opinions. When it comes down to the platformer aspect of the games, the gameplay is brilliant. It throws you into the action and is loads of fun! Where the games slow down a bit is the gunplay. A lot of the series is clearing out this group of bad guys to get to the next group of bad guys. It can be very irritating, but its worth it to tough through for all the other points I wrote above (including the great storytelling). A lot of times I'm excited to clear them out to find out what happens next! Everything else is pretty epic though. Great action scenes, iconic moments, some pretty decent puzzles on each game, and more. I can't say how, but the fourth game has really expanded beyond the shoot and move on part of the games.
The Multiplayer: I think I'm rambling on way to long but if you love multiplayer, you should look up what this looks like (since its not a spoiler). Its so much fun and each game adds something new to it.
Overall and recommendation:
I know I wrote a novel answer to your question, but its hard to answer with something simple and short :) Overall naughty dog has rarely disappointed me in video games (especially if you've played The Last Of Us). The games are fun and adventurous but deep down has so much heart and love to it, along with some of the best characters in a game series! Personally I don't think you will like the first Uncharted. Some people do, because of course its an opinion, but I hated it and almost didn't continue the series. I never advocate skipping a game, so I would more say, give it a chance beyond the first one, because the second one is quite brilliant. If you are serious about getting them sometime, I would hightly reccomend getting the Nathan Drake collection on PS4, because the remastered version is so nice and you don't have to collect all three games. Then ALSO get Uncharted 4. Any gripes that you had with 1-3 is most likely fixed with 4. They really upped there game with this one and I haven't even beaten it yet and I'm so confident. Its pretty great!
Sorry for such a long answer! Hope it helped though!
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Alright, that clears up everything I was unsure about, thank you very much!
I'll pick it up next chance I get!
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Damn, you really like Uncharted, don't you? The only series I have loved this much is Mass Effect! Bioshock comes close..
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Oh! I am just sad that i'll have to wait one more year for the new Mass Effect :( if you haven't played that series yet, do check it out! You'll really like it! You can get the entire trilogy for a really cheap prize during the origin summer sale!
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Maybe I'm not welcome here but if you like action games 2 and 3 are a must, stories are cliche and average: a bad guy, a powerful ancient secret, a companion, perhaps a treason here or there... but you'll know what's going to happen at every moment so there's hardly anything to spoil about, don't worry because these are not like Bioshock or Metal Gear. The fun resides in the fast pace and cinematic action, and high production values of course, they tried to make great experiences and not only cash grab.
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I played the first Uncharted and loved it! Need to marathon through the other two and buy the 4th later on discount :3 Might try to get the LE version :D
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if you loved the first one you will really love the rest of them! They add so much character depth (including new characters), new gameplay, way more playtime, and more! I think you will especially love the second one because its a huge step up!
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Yeah I heard the second is the best one! I really need to play them! Hopefully I can now I have time off uni :3
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My favourite is personally #3 but I haven't played #2 and I've seen lots of people say that it's their favourite of the whole series. Still, I lack a system to play it on at the moment, so I'm at a loss there. #3 was just a good ending to a series like this.
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the second is my favorite, but I personally really love three! I know it got some hate, but I think its loads of fun, and i love seeing the cutscenes with Drake as a teen, because it really adds to his character.
I agree that three was a good ending, so I'm hoping that the fourth game really does end it on a great note and hopefully not a horrible sad one!
If you get a ps4 in the future, you can get the whole collection on one disc, or if you ever get a ps3 again, I do highly recommend the second game!
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Many people love 2 because it was a huge leap over uncharted 1, which it was.
Uncharted 3 is like Uncharted 2.5
Different story, more characters and new set pieces.
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I've played the first two (#3 is still on my to do list), and honestly I'm struggling to see the appeal of these games. IMO the storylines are just okay, and the gameplay is essentially just a meh cover shooter. Obviously many people disagree, seeing how highly rated the series is, but Uncharted is the type of game that I'll maybe play through once and then never play through again.
As a result, I'll probably wait until Uncharted 4 is at an extremely steep discount before I give it a shot.
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I could explain why it appeals to me, but those are just words and if you dont like it so far, maybe its just not your thing :) The games do take some getting into, but I really think you should pick up the fourth game on discount like you said. It really fixes every issue that the other games had and its pretty amazing how much they improved everything
also the second game is my favorite but I think you should def give 3 a try because although the pacing is off, it adds a lot of story and heart to Nate's character
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I'll definitely play #3 - I have the Uncharted Collection on PS4 so I already own it, just haven't gotten to it yet.
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What I think it's the strong point is the cinematic action, they're a carousel of neat action sequences one after another trying to keep surprising you: a building that collapses, a tank that chases you, a moving train, etc. I played many TPS and these are among my favourites, including PC. At least 2 and 3, I found the first installment somewhat mediocre, it tends to mix dull "adventure" with guided jumps and dumb puzzles with more generic jungle action (and the sixaxis for grenades sucks balls!!!) and I think it was "hyped" for its exclusive condition in an era of intense fighting with 360, though it's very good-looking, but sequels shut my mouth. They went full on the action side and forgot the "persian" reminiscences.
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Alas, I have not played any of the Uncharted games and unless they find their way to Steam, I doubt I ever will. :(
How come 4 of your threads got closed? Or did you mean that you closed them since they were done with?
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I know, right? I wish Steam could have them ALL! (I'd SO buy Unravelled!).
And thanks for the clarification.:)
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They have to say that, for now at least, as a way to try and push people to use Windows 10 and their store. Later on when Windows 10 isn't their new "thing" and the game isn't selling anymore, they may put it on Steam to get some more money/sales from it.
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Currently playing Uncharted 4, it is a blast.
My favourite was Uncharted 3 personally, I prefer the story.
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Having played all the Uncharted games (including the one for PS Vita) multiple times, my favourite one by far is the second one. The story, the new characters, the setting, gameplay, everything is a huge improvement over the first one which I thought it was average at best. The third is good but it has a couple of flaws, from the pacing, to the ship level that felt out of place and was only there to show the graphics, to the characters only showing up for a few minutes and then are gone (this one can be blamed on having too many characters and a limited amount of levels to put them on) and using once again the same trick of Drake and Elena not together anymore regardless of how they end together on the previous game. None of those are major flaws or something that made me dislike the game but that overall made it an inferior game when compared to Uncharted 2. Currently I'm playing Uncharted 4 and enjoying it a lot, not sure if will end up being my favourite in the franchise but will see.
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I agree with this so much!! Everything you said is spot on
I am really loving the fourth one and I don't even think I'm halfway yet (its so long!) I really think that Sam is one of the best new characters. When I saw the trailers I didn't think he would be anything but a character created to drive the plot, but he has a lot to him.
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I don't think I'm halfway yet either but I'm enjoying it a lot. I agree with what you wrote about Sam, before playing I thought that too and how it was silly that Drake never said anything about a brother. Now, as the game goes on, it feels right and it's different (in a good way) to see Drake as the little brother, instead of always being the leading, funny, know it all character that he was before. Their relationship (so far) is well done and it's a shame that Sam only now is in the game. Sully is also a lot better on this game too, he's no longer the old guy saying he's too old for stuff and disappearing halfway in the game, instead he's part of the plot and action. Rafe also has something about him that I like, but can't say for sure yet what it is or if will end up feeling that way when the game is over.
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I agree. Throughout the games we always saw Drake as immature and funny, and thats who his character was. When they put him next to his big brother though, you can tell that he IS a little brother. I love their banter, I love how they pick on eachother, and all of their interactions feel very legitimate. Not only that, but even out of cutscenes it still feels real. The way he warns you about guys coming, or tells you to be careful, or any other protective brotherly thing he does. I'm not sure how far you go so I wont say anything, but I also appreciate how Naughty Dog made a believable story as to why he wouldn't have mentioned his brothers all these years. Which is great because I was a little disappointed that they were just throwing him in there at first. I definitely thought I would just automatically hate him when I saw the trailers, because hes creates the problems.. but hes actually great and has depth to him.
Yesss, Sully is my favorite character and I'm so glad that he has a believable and interesting part in the games. I hated when he would pop in, announce that hes not needed anymore (or that he couldn't go farther) and then have him just leave the game until the plot beckons him again. Same thing with Elena and all the other characters. They fit in the story instead of being shoe horned in there to please the fans. (also I love that Sully is old so they don't have him doing huge jumps or action scenes, hes finally doing things that fit his age and makes him still super helpful like usual.) And as far as Rafe, it was obvious that he was trouble from the beginning even before he got them in big trouble at the prison, but hes very interesting and I can't wait to see what they are going to do with him. I like that he has that calm demeanor but you know he can do something dangerous very spontaneously
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Not only all of what you wrote is true and makes him a great character, it's the little things and details that for me make it even better. You can make great characters in cutscenes as long as you have a good writter, that's easy since it's scripted but the fact that they went to the details that make it all the better. Just the detail that when you are fighting a guy and if they grab you, he comes to punch the guy to release you, that right there shows not only the attention to detail from Naughty Dog but Sam as a character. You're right that it is believable why they don't mention him but I still feel they could have been done it a little better, an easter egg like a picture of him somewhere in his diary or something would have been nice but it's nothing major that ruins the game.
Sully was always there for Drake, so seeing Drake standing up for him and saying he will come through with the plan even if Sam doesn´t think so at that moment, shows how Drake cares for him and he should. It's (without going too far into the plot because of spoilers) also nice to see Sully with a plane again since that's how he first shows up in the first Uncharted, another detail but a nice touch for the people that played the original game. I like your descrpition of Rafe, it suits him.
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Played all 3 games a few years ago and fell in love with the characters and settings :D. I've been so hyped to play the fourth game, I'm picking it up either tomorrow or Friday :3.
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So I created three now closed threads in the past week and I thought to myself maybe I should slow down... but then I got Uncharted 4 tonight and I said F*** that! So in celebration of me finally owning this game, here is a giveaway for
uncharted ripoffUnearthed!Totally Uncharted [OVER]
Also, this thread is to talk about Uncharted, since I didn't see any other discussion open for it. Since its not on PC I'm sure only a select people will join the discussion, but it will be fun regardless.
Edit: I've changed my rules when it comes to spoilers. You can talk about any Uncharted game (including 4) but YOU MUST warn someone of spoilers very clearly and then use the spoiler format so that the person has to highlight over to see them. This is to ensure that no one has a good experience ruined for them! An Example is this: SPOILERS Uncharted 4 is awesome
(btw I didn't follow this rule because I didn't put the spoilers warning but I will from now on :)
Edit: I just beat the game! If anyone wants to talk Uncharted with me I'm open! I'll keep this thread open even when Unearthed ends because I'll add more Uncharted inspired giveaways in the future! Here are more giveaways!
Uncharted 2 [OVER]
Uncharted 3 [OVER]
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