If a "winner rejected gift" reroll request languishes in the system, is there any harm (other than a GA slot) to deleting the GA?
If there is a winner, you can no longer delete the giveaway without needing support, if both you an the winner agree on it and you can proof that, you can make a ticket asking support to delete it, in which you might as well reroll since both require support anyway
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Ugh. I swear this the entire SG system is designed to kill Support. Thanks for the info.
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Sigh. You're right of course. I just wish there were an easy/automated way to handle trivial cases.
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I'm not following what you're saying, and/or maybe you're not following what I'm saying.
I'm calling it a "trivial case" because the winner did not look at the key, and wrote that he was fine with a re-roll. In the ticket, I specified, "Winner Rejected Gift" (because there is no, "Winner Agrees to Re-roll") and made a link to his agreement. In theory, there's nothing for Support to do but follow the link and issue a re-roll. Right?
Deleting the GA is just an alternative to burdening support with another ticket, and waiting a long time for it to be processed. But it's not actually an option, and for the reason Tzaar mentioned, it's like that to prevent abuse.
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Oh, sorry. I just wanted to point out the fact that this is not an alternative.FAQ says:
You can submit a ticket to have the giveaway deleted. In order for us to delete the giveaway, the winner will need to post a comment on the giveaway saying they agree to have it removed.
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I guess it depends what you consider "languishing." I wrote this post after waiting 36 hours.
I'm not sure how a screenshot would be better than a link, but maybe I'll try that next time.
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Ugh. Thanks for the info. Pretty much everything requires Support, those poor folks.
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As maru and heyday mentioned you stil need to send delete giveaway ticket. If giveaway is still open - it will be accepted automatically. But if you want to delete already ended giveaway - it needs to be revised by support staff.
Both request new winner and delete giveaways tickets are trivial if we have winner's permission. We sometimes notify creator that winner saw key, and it may be compromised.
But most of the time winner realizes they have game when they try to activate win, and that prompts them to require new winner. It's caused by games that are not properly recognized by SG (DLCs, packages, Profile Features Limited). But key is not used, so it's safe to re-roll. Really rarely key was used - then it is possible to revert re-roll. But it requires Super Mod action, and may take weeks due to the fact they always have a lot to do.
I saw idea of having automatic system to re-roll such giveaways. Firstly winner would click on "I request new winner (bc I already have game / bc I lost interest). Then it goes to creator that confirms it (prevent situation where winner activates key on account and request new winner) and it's automatically re-rolled. I think I even commented in the topic. But it's not something we have, so we need to stick to approving tickets :P
Well it's trivial if there is someone to re-roll giveaway to. If you have 5 copies and 5 entrants there is no one to be a new winner. So we need to remove winner who requested re-roll from winners list - again work for SM, so takes time.
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I guess the point is that it would be nice if there were a way to indicate via the ticket that this is a trivial case-- like when it's documented that the winner has agreed to a re-roll, and that the key was not viewed by the winner. Something where this can be visible on the Support UI.
As it turned out, after reroll, I got a rule-breaker...so the cycle continues and this one I guess isn't as trivial.
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Aren't you supposed to comment on why you want to request a reroll anway? So if you state why you want a reroll in the comments I really don't see why one or the other should be more or less trivial than the other? Maybe I'm just missing something here but to me there doesn't really seem to be a difference.
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Yes I commented that the winner agreed to a reroll, and linked where he did it, so it's a trivial case for Support to resolve. But Support won't know it's a trivial case unless they actually pull the ticket off the mountain of requests, open it, and read the comments. My wish is for there to be an easy way on the Support UI to see these trivial cases (or maybe there already is). The "Winner Rejected Gift" would seem to be an indicator that it's trivial (though maybe not, if it's not documented) but I don't know if the Support UI can filter on those-- and if it can, whether Support would even want to use such a filter.
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The delete giveaway and the reroll tickets get fast handled. So no need to make something else there as to write your ticket.
Yes when you have 2 that reject the gift + 2 that have then red marks at sgtools it is furstrating and really time consuming for the support and the GA creator.
And yes i had such cases... with public GA's lvl 0-3.
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I guess it depends on what you consider fast, but after 36 hours, I wrote this post. Again, this is not a criticism of Support...just wishing there were a way to streamline trivial cases.
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All up to 3 days are fast when you speak about the sg support.
And normaly only the reroll and delete tickets get solved in this timeframe.
User Reports take 1 year
Don't see it as critic at the active staff members but take it as critic at cg that clearly ignore problems with the staff activity and numbers and ignoring that a good bunch of active users would help out if they were able too.
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I think what I'm suggesting is that these trivial cases somehow are indicated or bubble to the top for Support so that somebody could easily see them and "press the re-roll button." In that scenario, Support could "hunt" for the easy tickets and solve them...that helps everybody, right? Unless you're getting paid based on how many tickets you resolve. ;-)
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There are only 77 open tickets relating to delete giveaway and request reroll issues so in terms of the grand scheme of things, SG mods and support seem to have this well controlled for now. Maybe if there were hundreds/thousands of support tickets in these categories, then this issue become more problematic. There are thousands of user reports and unsuspend tickets (others as well) which is where the bulk of tickets are at the moment. If anything, they need more super mods to deal with the backlog of those tickets.
Posters above have answered the deleting the giveaway part so nothing for me to add there.
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That's a really good point-- and I think I knew that chart existed at one point, but forgot about it along the way.
I guess it always boils down to (for me) that SG still has a long way to go to take the burden off Support and keep the machine humming. And the best way not to burden support is to minmize anything that they might need to get involved with...like creating or entering GAs. That's my approach at least.
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[Edit: okay, apparently you can't even delete the giveaway if a winner has been selected. I guess that leads me back to my original thought-- to have "winner rejected gift" tickets be seen as low-hanging fruit-- if indeed they are trivial to address.]
Original post, for posterity:
If one has a "winner rejected gift" reroll request that has languished in the system, is there any harm in just deleting the GA and creating a new one, other than a lost GA slot? Yes, it costs people points to re-enter, but they can simply not enter the GA if they are concerned about their points.
Support is overworked and overwhelmed. They have real jobs/lives and we're lucky to have them. And IMO several key aspects of how SG works place a burden on Support that could be alleviated by changes to these rules. But that's another matter.
I can imagine that "Request new winner" requests often take a lot of investigation by Support. But I also imagine that the "Winner Rejected Gift" subtype is often easy to take care of, especially if the ticket writer documented (linked to) a comment where the winner agrees to the reroll.
At first, I was going to write a Suggestion to have Support tools/UI be able to see/filter/prioritize these "trivial" tickets, but I couldn't find a way to do it without making it sound like I was just saying, "my tickets should be prioritized!" And maybe I'm wrong in my assumptions that 1) these tickets are trivial to handle or 2) There currently is nothing in place to help Support locate these trivial / low hanging fruit requests.
Thus my question....should I just delete the GA and create a new one? I don't care about the loss of a GA slot. And I'm happy to reduce the number of tickets Support has to deal with by one.
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