Drakensang is very good, a bit slow tempo but the story and world are nice.
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Wow, i thought Drakensang had some pretty bad ratings besides from Germany cause its a german rpg..
I liked both of the Drakensang games though ;))
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Have played mass effects, had the second one, played the third.
And Minecraft I play a lot with a friend :)
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I'm sorry that ffX is the only rpg you ever played then. Hell, x-2 was better than x.
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Got it, played for tons of hours, sold it, end of story.
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If you are going to go for Gothic, get Gothic 1 or 2. Gothic 3 was made by a different developer and was a mess compared to the two first games. 1 and 2 are magnificent games and are on my top list amongst Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (not the mmo).
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You should try Risen 1 if you are looking for a great combat system. Controls in Gothic it wasn't a problem for me. Did you try the alternative controls config? Many recommend not using the default one.
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Are you looking for Western RPGs or JRPGs?
If Western, you have Mess Effect 2/3, Risen 1/2, Skyrim/Oblivion, Fallout3/NewVegas, Witcher/2, and DragonAge/2. Im sure im missing out on some more obscure titles.
If you are looking for Turn-based combat... well, the Genre is dying.
I hear Lost Odessey (360), The Last Story (Wii), Xenoblade (Wii), Rogue Galaxy (PS2), and Grandia 3 (PS2) were probably the most recent open-world jRPGs that were worth a shit. Unfortunately while there were a on PS3, they were all pretty terrible. But we do have the SouthPark RPG coming and a StudioGhibli RPG at the beginning of 2013.
...Almost forgot! Western RPG, you have Borderlands! Borderlands 2 comes out next month too, which will probably be more of what you are looking for.
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Totally seconding this. This is one of the games that got me into open-world RPGs.
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.Hack//IMOQ (IMOQ are the first four games, do not play G.U.)
DragonQuest Series although my favorite is V which is best played in the DS
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy IX
Lost Odyssey
The Legend of Dragoon
Shin Megami Tensei series (Although avoid DemiKids.)
Xenosaga Episode 1.
And as for Western RPGs I suggest A Valley Without Wind and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.
That's all I name from the top of my head.
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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura is pretty good, but a little buggy/unbalanced.
It doesn't get the love it deserves.
GOG.com gives it to you if you insert monies into your computer.
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You appear to be a fan of 3rd and 1st person shooters.
So judging by that here's a list of PC games ranging pretty widely in the RPG genre (and some that are just shooters which are more varied than most).
Games You’d Likely Enjoy:
The Elder Scrolls Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim
-Reason: They’re all basically Fallout 3/New Vegas in a fantasy setting. However, that might be a turn off because it’s more of the same. Morrowind is the most different of the three since it uses a system where blows can miss when you’re within connect distance. This may be a deal breaker for you.
-Availability: Steam and other retailers.
Red Faction: Guerilla
-Reason: 3rd person shooter rather open ended with small RPG elements. Run around destroying buildings and causing chaos if it pleases you.
-Availability: Steam and others, but requires GFWL.
-Reason: First person shooter with a Diablo-esque weapon acquisition system. Story is kind of Lost-esque (lots of vague mystery with little pay-off), but the characters are enjoyable and the game is fun enough alone, but pretty damn fun with friends. Area progression is rather linear, but each spot has a few relatively basic sidequests involved.
-Availability: Steam and others, online uses Gamespy IIRC.
Games You’d Likely Enjoy, but Are Outside Your Usual Fare:
Mount & Blade: Warband
-Reason: The game really has no plot or purpose. You start as a lone man and try and make a name for yourself in Calradia. You recruit men, fight bandits, level up, do (highly lacking in variety) quests, and either join a faction or form your own kingdom. The combat in this game is completely unforgiving, but is it ever rewarding. Not to mention fighting battles of 150+ men on each side and trying to stay alive in the melee. Very active modding community and it has THE most intense multiplayer ever. You will get OWNED when you first start the multiplayer, but once you learn and you start getting into duels that last over a minute nothing matches that feeling of elation when you finally best an opponent who used to kick your ass.
-Availability: Steam, GamersGate and others (or support the devs more directly and buy it on their site)
Games You Might Enjoy And Would Expand Your Horizons:
Neverwinter Nights 2
-Reason: While you can’t go anywhere, there’s plenty of sidequests to do. You can treat the game more like a Diablo-esque game and rely on your companions’ AI to perform adequately or treat it more like a strategy game and take control of everyone. Be forewarned, D&D 3.5 can be an unforgiving bitch to learn so use builds you find on fansites. Also, when the main adventure, 2 expansions, and premium module are defeated you can load up modules from the community. Hundreds of great adventures are available.
-Availability: Due to rights disputes it appears to no longer be available for download. However, NWN is available on gog.com, but it’s an uglier game, although it may be easier to learn since it lacks the large party to control.
Baldur’s Gate 2
-Reason: It’s much like NWN2, although it uses an older version of D&D which is arguably easier to learn (other than THAC0). At the very least leveling up won’t take you hours of research to get it just right. Amazing story, amazing characters, but somewhat linear. There’s plenty of quests to distract yourself with, but there’s only so many quests in the game. Difficulty can be adjusted at any time while playing the game. And I know you’re asking, why not Baldur’s Gate 1? Well, BG1 the story is weaker, but the big reason is AD&D at level 1 is a giant pain in the ass. You are completely at the mercy of the die rolls. At least in BG2 you start around level 8 which gives you lots of tools to work with. Level 1 wizard in BG? One damn spell each day.
-Availability: GOG.com right now, and around Christmas/Spring an enhanced version of the game will be available from Beamdog for the iPad for $10 or for PC for $20.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
-Reason: Completely linear story, no sidequests. However, the combat is fun, WAY better than anything in the Elder Scrolls. You will cackle with glee as you kick a barrel down a ramp and send a poor goblin flying into a fire. Biggest downside is the multiplayer is dead in the U.S. and the terrible inventory of Arx Fatalis was carried over.
-Availability: Steam.
-Reason: You could try it for free using Gamersgate’s VOID. Combat early on is all about timing, but it’s a relatively fun game. I’m only a few hours in, so can’t tell ya much.
-Availability: Steam and others.
Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic
-Reason: It’s basically Star Wars + a D&D-esque system.
-Availability: Steam, although may be bundled with KOTOR2 online soon.
Games Way Outside Your Preference, but Hey, You May Like ‘Em!
Might and Magic 1-6
-Reason: Well, it’s 6 games. Although 1-5 are the same tile-based first person dungeon crawlers in design, M&M 6, however, can be treated more like a modern first person game (with a little help from some tools you can find on the internet). What do these games bring? Hours upon hours of questing and exploration with stories I honestly wasn’t too good at paying attention to at the age of 4. Worth a look on YouTube at least.
-Availability: GOG.com for $10 for all 6
Star Wars – Jedi Knight II and Jedi Academy
-Reason: First person shooters with 3rd person lightsaber swordplay. Jedi Knight II story is linear, but Jedi Academy gives you some choice in where you go. Fun games, but the lightsaber kind of makes most of your other weapons useless. Vaguely RPG-like due to the force powers.
-Availability: Steam
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Yup. Recommend 'em and win internets.
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