they revoked my old dead space, leave the newer one that has cloud storage. seems pretty logical to me.
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You couldn't get me to use Origin even if they were giving away games for free.
Wait... yeah. Yeah.
Fuck EA.
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You obviously cared enough to post a reply even though I never knew you existed before then. Why did you feel the need? You know what? Don't answer that. I don't care. :)
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In case you haven't figured it out, the question he asked was nonsensical since I didn't know he existed until he cared enough to post to inform me that he didn't care. There's no way for me to answer it because it's an irrational question.
Thanks for playing.
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I dont care about game communities and Origin is still shit. They removed the ONE thing that I liked about it, and that was the lack of need to have origin physically installed to run a downloaded game. Really, how is Origin ANY better than Steam? Its bigger, it lags more, its interface is shit, you cant block the store pop-ups/sale ads and more.
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Wasn't that always just for games released prior to Origin only? Or did they changed it? I have my Bad Company 2 from Origin and I never have to run it to play the game.
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EA is a piece of shit company. I have been boycotting them for years now. No regrets. It's nice having a clean conscience knowing that I am not giving money to the devil. :)
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I wonder what's going on inside that head of yours. I encourage you to find where I said Origin was shit. I called EA a piece of shit and said I have been boycotting them. I have no idea what Origin is like because I refuse to use it. It EA's platform and I want nothing to do with EA.
And if the best you've got is that I'm missing out on some great games, I'd like to point you to my ever growing library of nearly 300 games on Steam that I'll never be able to play because there's just too damn many of them for me to ever catch up. There is no shortage of games coming out all the time, and you're missing out on a ton of great ones as well. Everyone is. Nobody has time to play them all. That "you're missing out" argument is a complete load of bullshit.
See, what it really comes down to is that I am able to exercise more integrity and personal responsibility for the things that I spend my money than you, as evidenced by the fact that you're supporting a soulless company like EA who nickels and dimes their customers, screws them up the ass on a regular basis, treats their developers like shit, and endlessly squats over IP they themselves had a hand in driving into the ground so that nobody else will ever have a chance to revive it in some half decent way.
And you're proud of it. That's quite insane, my friend.
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It looks like you are the one with overflowing "pride" about your personal boycott. Jumping in on a thread like this to hoist yourself up as a paragon of integrity is telling. And to double-down every time someone calls you out is even more telling. Integrity can be described as doing what is right when nobody is looking. The difference, is you are screaming "look at me" while you take on this crusade. That isn't is the behavior of a two year old who made their first poopy in the toilet.
If you don't like EA, good for you. Shitting on those that do is what makes you a bad person. Quit your job (if you have one), move out of the basement and take your crusade to the streets. I wonder how many companies you support that do far worse things to their employees and customers? Actually, I don't really wonder it - you are taking a safe position and making it out to be the Alamo.
You can have the last word with me. You are a troll, and I expect a reply that picks on one point of this post and ignores everything else. I am comfortable with anything you say knowing that I am not you.
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Yeah I'm definitely proud that I have the self control to say "no, I'm not buying this" where others like you apparently do not, and I am proud of the fact that I do it for reasons beyond my own selfish desires to get my gaming fix like some kind of sad addict or to fall under peer pressure.
I also find it amusing that you are trying to paint speaking out against irresponsible spending and draconian business practices as some kind of misguided self-righteousness motivated by ego when in reality it has everything to do with possessing and promoting a social conscience (the complete opposite) which apparently you do not have or are unable to exercise for whatever reason. In case you may have forgotten, a conscience is what normally prevents you from doing things which may be harmful to others. You know, all those people who aren't you.
And congratulations, you've fallen into calling someone a troll when they have dared to express thoughts which may challenge you. How horrible it must be for you to feel so persecuted.
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DESURA FOR LIFE!!!!-... Oh wait, Er... Steam, I mean Steam.
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Cool! Got Dead Space.. though wish it and especially Bf3 & BF4 were on steam.. i would've bought bf4, now i haven't.
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how would they get you to get origin then? by magic? :P see their point?
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108 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by artion33
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139 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by timmyfromspace
for a limited time only dead space is free on origin thay are doing something called on the house were thay will be giving away free games from time to time so watch out for them once you download it yours to keep forever
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