I already have hearthfire, dawnguard and the base game so buying the additional DLCs separately in a sale is a cheaper option for me. GOTY editions come in a single key so I won't be able to gift the remaining parts to a friend if I went that route.
Thanks for the tip though. Can't wait for the tacky boxes to show up this Christmas at my local EB Games.
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Don't wait too long though, cause just like many other GOTY games, they stopped selling DLCs by themselves.
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I bought bf3, played it for 2 weeks, bought mw3, played it for 2 weeks, bought skyrim, played a total of 120 hours xD
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Awesome, price jacked up to 25 usd in my region... No way in hell am I that much of a fool to actually pay 25, or even 20 bucks for a piece of dlc! lol.
Seriously, what a bunch of chumps people can be to fork out so much for dlc. Clearly Bethesda have taken the crown from ea and activision for the biggest balls when it comes to overpricing dlc for fools with too much cash and not enough sense (or at least parents with unguarded wallets, lol)
Atleast no one can call out ea as the worst of the dlc scum anymore... The crown goes to bethesda!
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Yeah and I'm sure dawn guard was the same promise too. dlc is dlc. Dragonborn is only worth 5 tops, and if I buy it, I'll wait till this overpriced dlc pack is finally priced reasonably at what its worth.
I just hate this dlc mentality... Just wish it would end.
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If this actually were a substantial pack, then why is it being priced the same as dawnguard and not 50 bucks ( given that Bethesda is no stranger to overpricing extra content)
I stand by what I said, no dlc is worth this much, and anyone that votes with their wallet and buys this is just reinforcing to publishers that overpricing dlc has no impact on sales, and that's only going to make things worse for us in the long run...
Honestly, I'm not buying in to the hype. It's just standard dlc nonsense... And it'd be fine if fairly priced, but holy hell, 20 is too much. It was too much for dawnguard, and it's too much for this.
I accept that people can do what they want with their own money, that's their business, but I firmly believe that Bethesda is massively overpricing their dlc... and what they deliver is NOT worth the prices they charge.... It's only when they come down to a more fair price that theyre worth picking up.
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Isn't it like a whole new island outside of them main game map?
Seems very similar to Oblivion's Shivering Isles. So huge, it's hardly fair to call it 'just some DLC'.
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Its 1/3rd the landmass of Skyrim from what I just read. Its out for consoles already isn't it? So people would be screaming if they lied by now, no?
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my point that im TRYING to get across is that bethesda have shown that they way overprice their dlc packs, which is why i dont think whatever theyve produced is worth the ludicrous price theyre asking for. I dont hear that many cod fanboys whining about their overpriced map packs (they certainly cant stop buying them), but that doesn't mean that id ever consider them worth buying, or that they're reasonably priced.
The content here may be good, which is why LOADS of people wont complain, but quite frankly I think Bethesdas dlc prices are way over the top, ludicrously rip-off pricing (again, ill point at dawnguard), and so ill wait till they're what I think is fairly priced (ie $5 or whatever).
I didn't pay 5 us dollars for a HOUSE, I didn't pay 20 us dollars for their first dlc pack, and I wont pay 20 us dollars for their second. It may be an enjoyable bit of dlc, but lol, not for 20 bucks like they priced their last one.
I think bethesda know they have hardcore fans who will pay ANYTHING for a bit more of their game. Thats why they priced dawnguard at 20, and why their continuing the trend with this dlc, because they know their fans wont call them out on it.
If people HAD actually called them out on dawnguard, bethesda wouldn't have priced dragonborn so unreasonably again like they did last time. But no, people didn't care, so another 20 buck dlc gets shoved out the door to the masses screaming GIVE ME ANYTHING AND TAKE MY MONEY!!
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And you also didn't even pay $0.01 for the base game also.
I could see your frustration at having to pay $20 per DLC if you bought the $60 base game but you won it for free...
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Guess we each have our own opinions, and I stand by mine. Anyone who spends 20 usd on a piece of dlc, I don't care if it's call of duty, skyrim, or any ea game, is definitely a sucker as far as publishers go. They keep jacking up the prices on dlc to see if there's a max they can get away with, and you can be SURE the publishers are laughing all the way to the bank that you dlc fans keep happily paying any price they charge. Can you REALLY tell me you got your money's worth out of dawnguard? Was that really a fair price for what was delivered?
You're free to do it naturally, your money, your choice, but publishers selling dlc for 20 is nuts, there's just no other word for it.
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Let's see. How much does Skyrim cost? $60. How much new content is in Dragonborn? About 33%. What's 33$ of $60? $20. How much does Dragonborn cost? $20. Right, that's nuts. So ludicrous to pay a third the cost of a game for a third of a game.
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Way to miss the point like a champ.
I'm calling out bs overinflated dlc pricing, not that I don't have the money for it.
And btw after winning skyrim i have since bought a Bethesda pack with skyrim in it, so technically I have paid for a copy of the game... I mean if you want to get personal like that...
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To each his own I suppose. While I have too much of a backlog to buy any game for $20, I could understand anyone who would.
10-20 hours of enjoyment for $20 is not a bad investment or a rip-off.
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I go by the hour to dollar ratio.
If what I bought equals out to an hour of content or enjoyment for every dollar I bought it at it was worth it.
I agree.
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Thats more of an opinion then anything else honestly.
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"If this actually were a substantial pack, then why is it being priced the same as dawnguard and not 50 bucks"
Because that's how expansion packs have always worked. Right. Uh-huh.
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Looks pretty cool, but I could get a whole game for that price.
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Am I the only one who thinks Skyrim was the lamest one of the whole TES series?
And the way they're milking it is kinda driving me crazy.
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What was so special about this thread that you had to post in it? ;)
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I'm not getting it, at least not as it's cheaper. I still have to start Skyrim.
Having said that I hope that this is not as bad as the previous DLC is said to be.
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But that's because you've been killing chickens and that. I guess the main story could be beaten in like 20-30 hrs.
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I played a not so legal version of it to try out, downloaded the game, installed it, bat the story line and uninstalled in less than a day
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ffs first time I started I had no DLC then that stupid DLC came and I made a refresh start then stupid heartfire came and I made another refresh start I suka bliat now I will make a new refresh start
I cannot continue on a RPG game if I dont play it for months :\
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Woot! Now i just need to ifnd a way to get my hands on skyrim!
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Will unlock 5th February :)
"With this official add-on for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, journey off the coast of Morrowind, to the island of Solstheim. Encounter new towns, dungeons, and quests, as you traverse the ash wastes and glacial valleys of this new land. Become more powerful with shouts that bend the will of your enemies and even tame dragons. Your fate, and the fate of Solstheim, hangs in the balance as you face off against your deadliest adversary – the first Dragonborn."
Any of you actually planning on buying it now, or are you waiting until it's cheaper or close to finishing what you already have?
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