Your opinion for its current state, worth returning back after all with Warlords of Draenor?

My favorite moments of gaming made by World of Warcraft and its community, The random drama and action between the two factions, the exploration and the random events, duels and scrolls in Goldshire.
Subscribed with every expansion on release, but after Cataclysm the game took the down road for me, played each expansion for about a month just to level my char but nothing can keep me more then that anymore.
Now im waiting for a price drop to try the new Warlords of Draenor.

Below i created a poll to vote for your favorite expansion.

For me The Burning Crusade takes the golden age of gaming and Mists of Pandaria the worst.

Here all the trailers in line for inspiration.

10 years ago*

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Your favorite World of Warcraft expansion.

View Results
Vanilla (2004/2005)
The Burning Crusade (2007)
Wrath of the Lich King (2008)
Cataclysm (2010)
Mists of Pandaria (2012)
Warlords of Draenor (2014)

I'll agree TBC was the golden age for WoW, the rest of the expansions dumbed down the experience at least in lower levels and it really hurt the game.

10 years ago

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I don't have much experience with the newest expansion since I was permabanned from World of Warcraft after over six years of subscription during Mists of Pandaria. The reason? Foolish mistakes and misbehavior when I was younger. Still sucks to lose all that, though.

Then again, WoW has bad memories for me, so good riddance.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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I started playing wow in tbc (on private servers), started playing on real servers after wotlk launch. After pandaria i stopped playing because i don't have money for expansion + monthly fee.

10 years ago

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I feel you, 45+13 euro and just for a month.

10 years ago

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I hope blizzard will someday implement something like buying monthly fee with gold, or just make the game buy 2 play :/

10 years ago

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It feels like playing Farmville when in your garrison.
The new story is good and there are awesome cinematics and cool new additions, but overall it gets old. It feels like a chore to me now.
If you want buy the expansion, play for a month and you will see it's not really worth it on the long run.

10 years ago

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I want to level my toon from 90 to 100, im not going for endgame though.

10 years ago

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Well, in that case, if youre into WoW lore or interested in the story, the leveling was pretty well done in my opinion. The end game isnt too terrible either if you do change your mind. LFR least lets you see the currently open raid if youre into that

10 years ago

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Yes only for levelling and lore, thanks.

10 years ago*

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I've only played the Beta. I was heavily invested in EQ at the time, so it didn't seem worth it.

10 years ago

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Cataclysm was a stretch for me. Pandaria was a no-no and i was waiting for next one. I liked wow for the lore. Now I don't even read the books after cataclysm. Pandaria and warlords are way out of it. I believe they had a great story going towards the final fight with sargeras and the declined from that path too much...

Well Lord Of The Rings Online fit the wow gap perfectly. It is a great mmorpg.

10 years ago

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Cata was my fave expansion. I hate TBC with a passion, though I did run a raiding guild back then and we were top ten on the server for Alliance guilds. I think I just got burnt. There's a lot more to do now and it's easier to find groups and get into raids, and you don't have to devote so much time if you don't want. Draenor is a good expansion, but the dungeon and raid mechanics are awful, like a rabid squirrel on meth made them. Cata was so much more fun on that part.

10 years ago

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Golden age is definetly WotLK for me. Gave up WoW as a whole at the end of Cata, but still think back fondly at the times spent in Northrend. Good times.

10 years ago

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WotLK was golden too and Northrend was my favorite zone for levelling, the lore amazing, the epic feeling. But some things were bad like the half servers were populate with death knights, that created a hate on wow community like the hunters previously. i still remember the LFG Nexus, no DK please...

10 years ago*

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Yeah, it was far from perfect or balanced (DK's were op as hell) but the overall immersion was just so strong, it just felt really magical :p sounds silly but WoW reached it's peak during WotLK years for a reason.

10 years ago

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Lets hope someday Blizz listen to people and create an official WotLK server. :P

10 years ago

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Either that or a vanilla server would mark the day where I'd maybe return. WoW's end is far because it's still successful, but nothing is forever, and this may be a final trick up in blizzard's sleeve.

10 years ago

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well, with release of the first addon i stopped raiding since it took way too much time. but it was fun to raid up to classic naxxramas.

since wotlk i only play 1-2 month a year or even less. when new addon arrives i just level 1-2 chars up to see the quests and story as well as some initial dungeons.

they should make ingame tradable playtime items, so you can keep account alive by some ah trading :)

10 years ago

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2 weeks ago and 1 week after the topic i started 10 days trial of wod, after 2 hours i imidietely bought the expansion and resubbed, especially when i arrived in shadowmoon valley i sold, that place feels so well crafted and i believe its the best lookin zone ever made in wow.
As a lone rider this time i enjoy the game, reminds me the old days, garrisons is a nice feature but little limited in your choices. Reached 100 in a boosted hunter (total play time: 4-/+ days with alot of side stuff) and had a blast.
I have some other toons varied from 70-85 but im bored of them...(paladin, mage, druid,)
Now i work on a new toon from zero and somehow i enjoy the leveling again...lies...bored to death in old zones of cataclysm, i prefered the vanilla ones.
Thanks for the heads up, (ifany).

10 years ago

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Picking between TBC and WotLK was very hard, but ultimately I went with WotLK, Ulduar was probably the best structured raid zone I've played in (I wouldn't say it's the best, just the best structured) and I think the presentation of the leveling/non-dungeon content was great, great soundtrack, nice visuals/art style. TBC had most of that and although I think Outlands was a more imaginative place to explore and experience the graphics at the time didn't bring it to life as much as they did in WotLK. Vanilla was great but I lost interest to the point I quit before the first major patch released in Cata, they ruined healing for me, it's not fun when you have to downrank heals, use crappy heals for most of the fight, and still have to not cast from time to time to conserve mana, boring design is boring, maybe it got better with more gear but it didn't seem like it was going in a good direction

10 years ago

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WoD is a great expansion in my opinion a great rebound from the crap that was MoP

10 years ago

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I've voted Vanilla but it was a close call between that and WoD.
The deciding factor, in the end, was the amazing community I had the pleasure of playing with my first one and a half years.
I stopped playing for quite a while after that and kinda lost contact with them, by the time I got back into the game they, in turn, had moved on to other things and a gaming buddy got me to reroll on a german server.
So it's not exactly like Vanilla was the better iteration, but I have fond memories I associate with it.
WoD does a lot of things right but it also carries on a number of things implemented in earlier expansions I'm not a huge fan of.
Overall though, it's managed to renew my love for the game where MoP utterly failed to impress me.

10 years ago

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That awesome community back then, now i see only elitists and dps meters.

10 years ago

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TBC was by far the best expansion. I played a feral druid and loved it.

I might not have topped DPS charts above T5 but I still was earning my spot in raids as a DPS and an Off-tank. Was breaking 1200 DPS at the start of T5 before even getting a single piece of gear. And world PvP and battleground were great and very fun. The only problem I had was I honestly hated arena and they were forcing you into it for the top end PvP gear.

While I loved meeting the Brutal geared players in world PvP and kicking their butts in duels, I honestly despised dueling in the sandbox, even winning it wasn't fun in that place.

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by petrospetran.