Since you have Black Ops 3, would you recommend this package?(Poll Requires Games to Vote)
Yes, I love Activision ! Now hopefully every retard in the planet will start playing Call of Duty and we'll be retard-free in other competitive multiplayer games ! More players for a CoD is a huge win for everyone else ^^
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So basicly F2P restricted version of Call of Duty but costs $15 ... Well vote with your wallet
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and why shouldn't they? they obviously like those games, so it's absolutely fine that they buy them. and it's also fine that activision makes a new one every year. the market for CoD games is obviously still very strong. and let's be honest, it's a good multiplayer game.
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never said they shouldn't (seriously, where did you even read that?)
i wasn't trying to attack you or something. i was just adding to what you said.
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i think its a good idea, there are lots of people who buy those games to play multiplayer, i never played the single player of these games since MW2, nor the Battleifled series.
Although the restrictions are def too tight, i would expect at least mods too.
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If they allow full access to the MP modes, then I think it would be a worthwhile purchase to some since for some reason a lot of people hated the campaign in COD. With these restrictions though.. Well, my wallet's safe.
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I guess so and after reading what IgotElbows wrote down below, I don't think the deal is pretty bad. I guess it's a way cheaper entrance fee to COD eh?
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It's like a free demo for the MP part, like how WoW is "free" now, only this time they ask 15 bucks for it.
I just wonder who'll buy it. Little kids will cry for the full version because having only a partial one wouldn't be cool in school. So kids are out. Also peasants unless this package is not Steam-only. And with that, we also eliminated 98% of the buyer base…
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I see no problem with this. You can buy the core MP game for a reduced price, and if you want the campaign and other bits like that, you can later upgrade. This is a rather consumer friendly move, as they don't force you to buy parts of the game that you don't want.
Also, note that upgrading from the "Starter pack" to the full version is not really more expensive than just buying the full version right away. So again, I really can't see why people are upset.
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I imagine they did this, because the game has microtransactions now. And they are testing the waters for people to buy the game and maybe buy the season pass/microtransactions.
lol. It didn't seem to add anyone in the game really
Anyways I'm the only yes, and I will explain my yes. I think "No, restrictions will make you much more inferior to other players" was a weird choice to the poll. You aren't inferior to other players in multiplayer at all? You aren't locked out guns.
Why you shouldn't care for the features not included, if you just want multiplayer
Unless you play a lot of custom games I don't see that as a big lost, and if you do actually like custom games, how often would you actually play them?(I honestly find this weird to restrict since people barely play custom games anyways) I own the full game, and haven't bothered to prestige because I don't feel like re-earning shit. Access to mod tools or modded content (once released) Access to unranked server browser (once released) I honestly don't think either of these will ever come out. Ability to Fresh Start your profile is something you probably wouldn't use if you are a casual COD multi player.
tl;dr: If you don't care for zombies, and like COD and know what most CODs are. I'd say get it. (I hear BLOPS 3 story sucks, so that isn't a big lost.)
But that's just my crappy opinion.
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Actually, I have no idea what those restrictions mean (beside no single, no zombies and no mods :P ).
So I really wonder if, I don't know, lack of prestiges means there will be weapons/attachments locked, or if "Custom game modes" are the only thing that is played and without access to them you practically can't join good servers, stuff like that.
Which is why I put "No, restrictions will make you much more inferior to other players" in a pool - I didn't want to know if BO3 is good/bad, but if those restrictions are good/bad.
Kinda sad it looks like nobody else commented why they voted like they did.
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I'm guessing I'm in the minority playing single player only. The last one I've played is the original Black Ops so I'm behind. I bought this one over Christmas so it was on a slight sale but I'm feeling like I should have waited and played previous installments. Honestly, I've been curious to try a game multiplayer, but I just never have. I'd like to play with people I know. Seems like I'd start with Rocket League if I do. :)
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if you could prestige and also buy mapapacks itd be worth it but no prestiging and not mods nothing just basically the beta of the game boo
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lol. $15 for the campaign, but no guns. Don't want to beat the campaign using only a knife? Upgrade to the deluxe edition campaign pack for another $15 where you'll get the guns. Want the exciting final chapter of the campaign? Upgrade to the veteren edition campaign pack for ANOTHER $15 to play out the climactic finale and see how the story ends.
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You know the sad part? Cutting out the last chapter and selling it as an upgrade package is a common practise in hidden object games and other story-oriented casual genres. On Steam it is not seen since publishers choose to release the full packs, but on casual game sites it is the standard way to publish anything.
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It's released few months after main game, so whoever wanted to buy it already has it and now only "-75% or GTFO" crowd is left (beside some single copies bought here and there). By selling this they'll get people who want CoD, but don't have $60 to spare - more money for them.
We'll see if next game gets same treatment and if that would be at launch of few months later.
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A paid "long" MP demo version :D
This is a gateway to the total F2P model, like the Chinese Call Of Duty Online.
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Quoting Steam Page:
"The Multiplayer Starter Pack gives you access to Public Ranked Multiplayer matches and features including Weapon Paint Shop, Gunsmith, Arena, Freerun, Theater, and the Black Market.
Features NOT included in the Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer Starter Pack:
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