O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command. Car ton bras sait porter l’épée, Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. 🖖

Today is July 1st, the day Canada celebrates becoming a country.

On this day I thought it would be nice to give a little something to celebrate. All of the games in the giveaways are either made by a Canadian founded and/or headquartered company or by the division of a company that is located in Canada.

2 of the games will be exclusively for Canadians to enter and the rest are FFA.

These companies/dev teams are:

  • Red Barrels
  • Spooky Squid Games
  • Clapfoot
  • Kitfox Games
  • Alientrap
  • Digital Extremes
  • Eidos Montreal
  • Square Enix Montreal
  • Finishline Games

To reach these lets all enjoy some quick trivia and some puzzles. 70120


1 day ago*

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I think the questions are broken. I tried putting maple syrup as all the answers but it says it is a wrong answer somehow? Please fix!

1 day ago*

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That is a very good answer I will have to talk with the beavers about that.

1 day ago

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This comment was deleted 1 day ago.

1 day ago

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That's because you didn't pay attention to the questions.
Question 5 clearly states what are our official national sports so the answer cannot be "Maple Syrup", it's obviously Molson and Maple Syrup

1 day ago

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Maple syrup hockey is also wrong for some bizarre reason!

1 day ago

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Oh I played maple syrup hockey as a kid but you need the ice to be really cold or the maple syrup puck starts to melt and everything gets really sticky. Not good.

1 day ago

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tell me you guys have heard of shlockey lol

1 day ago

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Better than that, I played it!
Ofc when I talk to people about it, the name makes them think Canadians are weirdos with cold resistant schlongs and they use them for sports... it's kind hard to explain.

1 day ago

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it realy is haha

1 day ago

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tries to do quick trivia before going to sleep

no matter how much copy/pasting answer 1 won't say correct
will try again when I wake up

1 day ago

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I think your answers may be too strict, I solved all but 1 and copy pasting the name doesn't work.

But happy Canada Day!

1 day ago

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It should work, I'll do a quick test.

it works, if not many have got past the trivia by the time i wake up, Ill give the answer

1 day ago*

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You can add multiple acceptable answers to the questions, which is often necessary if the answer is more than one word. I have tried so many different combinations of words for Q1 and names for Q4 but nothing works. I had to try half a dozen different variations for Q5 even though I knew the answer immediately, and the accepted answer is not what is shown when you google the question. That means its less of a trivia game and more a guessing game of the exact phrase you used for the answer.

1 day ago

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this is good advice and something i had just realized i could do not to long before you posted thank you

1 day ago

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Got them all except for question 4, which I believe I got the right answear maybe just not the correct format?

Thank you for the GA's and happy Canada day!

1 day ago

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I can't get any further with questions 4 and 5, but thanks for the chance and happy Canada day!

1 day ago

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This comment was deleted 1 day ago.

1 day ago

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Q1 and Q4 must be too specific. I'm stuck on these.

1 day ago

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Solved the questions easily enough. But I'm stuck with the puzzles  

1 day ago

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For question 5, how many sports should I list; two, three?

1 day ago

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All of them.

1 day ago

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This comment was deleted 1 day ago.

1 day ago

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I'm not Canadian. English is not my native language, but I answered the questions. And what to do next?
Edit. I understood

1 day ago*

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Happy Canada Day 🍁 Thanks for the giveaways!

1 day ago

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Bump for one solved 11 to go.
I'm rather fast at step 2 and I'm actually interested in step2, but you might want to mark the region restricted GAs somehow. I'm quite certain people might complain if they take too much time to solve that step just to find out it's one of the region restricted codes

Edit. I found some hints about the contents, still, I assume most people will miss them

1 day ago*

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I solved the Trivia, but what do I do now?

1 day ago

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Stuck on the first question in the trivia

edit: solved 1st part; agree with Aldcoran where it would be nice of you to mark region restricted GAs

1 day ago*

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Finally solved the quiz (the Q1 was tough... 😅) Now have a bunch of characters but no idea what to do with them... Nice 😅

1 day ago

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Happy Canada day, if this is something you wish for on this day :D

1 day ago

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I solved the trivia but couldn't see any pattern on the code.

1 day ago

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Still stuck on Q1. Q4 and Q5 are too specific.

Edit: I'm done with the trivia. Now onto the second part.

1 day ago*

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Q4 is easy. search and copy/paste i would say... Q5 similar, but the grammar is important 😅 The Q1 was the trickiest one I think...

1 day ago

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OP must have added additional options for Q1/Q4/Q5, because they didn't accept the 'Google answers' when I tried it earlier. I used the same answers now, and this time they were accepted easy peasy.

1 day ago

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yes, i broadened the way people could answer about 7hs ago

1 day ago

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I hope we get to know (after gibs end ofc) what the original answers were, because I was, and still am, very puzzled after trying a whole bunch of answers in various ways 😛

And happy moose day!

1 day ago

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where are you still having issues?

1 day ago

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I'm not having issues, I finished the puzzle after you added the other options.

What I meant with my previous comment is that I hope we get to know what the original answers were for Q1/Q4/Q5 (after the giveaways have ended), because I'm really curious about that.

1 day ago

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exactly the same as the current answers just with less ways to enter it. But sure once the giveaways end ill post the ways it could have been entered

1 day ago

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How many items should I enter in Q5?

1 day ago

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Thanks for the puzzle :)

1 day ago

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Bump, solved the trivia but i'm stuck on the second part of the puzzle

1 day ago

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Bump for partial solved.

1 day ago

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1 day ago

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Solved everything but Q1

1 day ago

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Bump for solving the 1st part but I think the 2nd part will take too much time. Can we have a games list if it's not too inconvenient?
Thanks 😁
Edit: now I'm confused,I solved the 11th numbered puzzle but it doesn't lead to anything.🤔

1 day ago*

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home stretch, descriptions show the way.

1 day ago

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As a Canadian, I'm embarrassed to say I had to look up all but 2.5 of them lol (I got the important ones right!)

No Idea what the encryption format is for the answer, but I'm sure it'll be obvious to others who do that.

1 day ago

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im a bit curious which those were lol

also, the comments could be very helpfull.

1 day ago*

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3, 6 and half of 5 :D

1 day ago

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And I figured out the next step, not from the comments, but from the post, the key word is right there lol.

1 day ago

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