O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command. Car ton bras sait porter l’épée, Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. 🖖

Today is July 1st, the day Canada celebrates becoming a country.

On this day I thought it would be nice to give a little something to celebrate. All of the games in the giveaways are either made by a Canadian founded and/or headquartered company or by the division of a company that is located in Canada.

2 of the games will be exclusively for Canadians to enter and the rest are FFA.

These companies/dev teams are:

  • Red Barrels
  • Spooky Squid Games
  • Clapfoot
  • Kitfox Games
  • Alientrap
  • Digital Extremes
  • Eidos Montreal
  • Square Enix Montreal
  • Finishline Games

To reach these lets all enjoy some quick trivia and some puzzles. 70120


4 days ago*

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please specify the format expected for Q1, the answer is obvious but the format is not

3 days ago

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bump for solving 1st part (all the questions).
I am not sure what to do with the 2nd part right now.

3 days ago

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bump, stuck on 2nd part with no idea atm

3 days ago

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Happy Canada Day! 🍁🦌🌲 Thank you for the fun trivia & puzzles!

All hail the mighty goose and our best invention ever, Timbiebs 🙊

Fun fact: quite a large amount of North American movies/tv shows are actually filmed in Canada! Most are done in Vancouver, British Columbia (Apparently the third largest film production city in North America), Toronto and around Niagara Falls :)

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3 days ago*

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Some shows shot in Canada even took place in Canada... although on the downlow, like Orphan Black

3 days ago

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The questions were much easier than I thought... But now I'm kinda stuck with what to do, lol.

3 days ago

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Ooooooh got it. Now I understand a certain comment about time spent...

3 days ago

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I answered all the questions, but now I don’t know what to do with these letters and numbers, where should I put them?

3 days ago

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bump for Canada!

3 days ago

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2solve.me seems to be bugging out. Every answer just comes up with "error"

So i'm assuming that's what half of other people are commenting about in this thread.

edit: I wasnt logged in, and now it's working.

edit2: Weird. I KNOW who the prime minister is, but it isnt going through. How is this a trick question?

3 days ago*

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its not about who is but who was the first.

3 days ago

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ugh! Apparently i need to read better XD

3 days ago

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Fun fact: "Prime Minister" in Portuguese is "Primeiro Ministro", which literally translates back to "First Minister"... so count me among those who read (at first) just "Prime Prime Minister".... :D :D :D

Anyway: bump for solved! Cheers!

3 days ago

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Here's some hints:

short answers work best.
it is likely a lot simpler than you think, don't follow that leprechaun he wont lead you to the gold.
Its the home stretch, descriptions lead the way.

games list:

  • Outlast - Red Barrels
  • Outlast 2 - Red Barrels
  • They Bleed Pixels - Spooky Squid Games
  • Fortified - clapfoot
  • The Shrouded isle(warning game is mostly in green) - Kitfox Games
  • Shattered Planet - Kitfox Games
  • Apotheon - Alientrap
  • Homefront - Digital Extremes
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Eidos Montreal
  • Thief - Eidos Montreal
  • Skully - Finishline Games

Canada only:

  • Capsized - Alientrap
  • Laura Croft GO - Square Enix Montreal

Bonus hint: try typing them somewhere.

3 days ago*

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Eidos Montreal

Just a heads up: there currently is no giveaway for Deus Ex: Human Revolution within the 10 unrestricted ones and according to your SG profile, you only have 12 giveaways total running, not 13. I didn't solve for and look at the two restricted ones but I am assuming those are correct. I did see the 10 other ones.

3 days ago

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You are correct, its a bonus game coming later as Im restricted to 12 at a time

3 days ago

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3 days ago

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Thanks for posting the games. I solved to that point and really didn't want to spend the time doing the rest just to figure out that I already own the ones I am interested in.

3 days ago

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For those who are a bit lost, I’ll give a bit of help: the answer n°1 has 3 words, the answer n°4 is a full name, that includes a dot (.) and a title, and answer n°5 you need to separate the sports with “and” :)

3 days ago

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there are more ways than one to answer but the answer in general is the same thing. These were fixed last night

3 days ago

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How many sports should I be looking for? Whatever's listed in this year's Olympics?

3 days ago

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Read the question better. It's not really connected with the Olympics.

3 days ago

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every answer is googleable and can be copy pasted. you could likely find every thing except q1 on our wiki page

3 days ago

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Happy Canada day! :)

3 days ago

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Happy Canada Day, hope you've got some nice weather for it! Found the quiz a bit challenging really, most of my knowledge about Canada comes from a guy I went to uni with for 3 years & Murdoch Mysteries....so pretty much nothing really 😁, so I've spent a fair while on a search engine tonight learning new things 🤓. One of the answers for number 5 totally threw me, not what I expected, I thought for sure it was that sport with the shuffling brooms thingy.
I'll devote some time to what came after the quiz tomorrow in the light of day with fresh eyes, so cheers for the puzzles and the giveaways!

3 days ago

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haha definitely not the brooms one.

Just remember, the second part is a lot simpler than you think.

3 days ago

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Happy Canadian day! I worked recently on a company and one of my coworkers is canadian. Have good memories about her, she was so humble!

I solved the first puzzle but no idea what to do with the second one...

3 days ago

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This comment was deleted 3 days ago.

3 days ago

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Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canucks from an expat Canuck 🍁
Cool puzzle and game choice. There are some great studios in Canada. Not to mention al the offices of big studios like Ubisoft making games there.

3 days ago

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Happy Canada day! The Trivia was very educational, but now the encryption has me stumped.

Edit: found out what to do next, solved one in 20min and it is ofc a region restricted GA. Since I don't know which game is hiding where and solving all of them would take me 4+ hours I sadly have to pass.
Thank you for putting this together though!

3 days ago*

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Bump for fully solved

3 days ago

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This hill doesn't lead anywhere :(

View attached image.
3 days ago

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descriptions show the way.

3 days ago

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I have no idea about the codes but not really interested in the games either. Cheers

3 days ago

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Happy Canada Day! Interestingly, I also came across this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Fonyo, who seemingly could qualify for one of the answers too :o

3 days ago

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That's pretty cool to read about, the other one is way more known for sadder reasons though and upon further reading inspired Steve.

3 days ago

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First time I've tried one of these things but I am a little sad to say after the quiz, I have zero clue on what to do with what is given to me... fun quiz as a Canadian to test what I know either way!

EDIT: Spent too much time trying to figure anything out, cool but legit very little context on what to do! For a first puzzle after the quiz this was not a fun way to spend about an hour

3 days ago*

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you can likely find what youre looking for in comments around here :)

3 days ago

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bump and Happy Canada Day!

3 days ago

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I answered the questions and I have no Clue on what to do next

3 days ago

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Oof. Got the questions, kind of went looking in the wrong direction, then didn't follow some directions, spent 35 minutes, then actually followed instructions. Yay! Very puzzling, but reached Canada in the end!

3 days ago

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Finally got there, the long way round. Happy Canada day bump!

3 days ago

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Thank you for your generosity!

3 days ago

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Closed 1 day ago by saorren.