Received an email this morning. I'm not seeing any discussion on it so I thought I'd start one.

Bla Bla Bla.... refer a friend. ya whatever.


Plus, score $20 in Wallet credit when you upgrade to an Annual subscription*
Get store credit
Upgrade Your Plan

*Limited time offer, available for upgrading and new customers for November only. Promotion ends November 12 at 5 p.m. Pacific time. $20 USD wallet credit granted after annual plan purchase. Customers who purchased an annual subscription between October 4 and October 6 are not eligible. Wallet credit only available to customers who purchase an annual subscription between November 3 at 10 a.m. to November 12 at 5 p.m PT. Promo subject to Humble Bundle Terms of Service. Promo is subject to change.

Hmmm... OK. Tempting. Looks back at records. Crap. I've paid a monthly every month starting in June of 2016. So its been awhile. I've been happy each month. Some more then others but generally ok. I came very very close to cancelling last month but I'm glad I never.

I can always pause I guess. I know I'll start it up again. I can't resist.

So I took the plunge. I've started an annual sub. And I see the extra $20 in my humble wallet.

So.... Good deal?

And whats with the odd restriction to those who bought from Oct 4 to 6. Seems like an odd date. Did they get some other deal I'm not aware of? Why am I getting this email on the morning of Nov 10 if it started on Nov 3?


Here we go. From my first bundle that has unredeemed things in it. From Aug 2016

Level 4.
Starward Rogue

7 years ago*

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iPhone X.... :)

Hmmm forgot a gib. Hold on.

7 years ago

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Maybe that date was when IGN bought them and there's some internal thing going on with sales made during that period, I dunno I'm just gessing.
Looks like a good deal for people that buys it every month, not me tho.

7 years ago

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There was a $10 credit special to annual sub, then they screwed those subs after announcing IGN and the $20 credit now.

7 years ago

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It was one month free, so the equivalent of $12 off, not $10.

If you are already an annual subscriber, you can upgrade your current plan by scrolling down to "Choose a Plan" on the monthly page. Pay $132 for 12 months (essentially, just renew) and you will get the same $20 Humble Wallet cash.

7 years ago

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googled one of the posts saying $10 credit so I'm pretty sure I remembered right :/ The one month free is normal all the time for annual plans.

7 years ago

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Ah, I see now, my apologies - I misunderstood, as I didn't recall that promotion.

7 years ago

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Even without the wallet credit, I consider the annual subscription a good deal. The wallet credit sweetens the deal (some appreciation for early annual subscribers would be nice too :D). However, one does have to base one's credit schedule on headliners. If one is unlocking a monthly bundle and one is not basing that decision on the headliner, the additional games aren't likely to leave one feeling satisfied as a customer. With the surprising inclusion of Shadow Tactics, which should have headlined imo, this last monthly was one of the few exceptions to that rule.

7 years ago

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Agree that Shadow should have been the headliner. I almost cancelled this one but I am glad I never because shadow, res 5 and silence were all on my wishlist prior so it was a good month for me. This one would have sucked if I had cancelled.

How does one pause now that I have a yearly? I assume I can pause if I have not redeemed the headliner as long as its done before the normal monthly payment date.

7 years ago

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The option is stupidly located. When you click "cancel my plan" under user settings, there will be an option to pause for a month instead of fully cancelling.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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full year's amount is billed immediately

7 years ago

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I'm already annual, but this makes me vaguely nervous that the quality of games is about to take a dip and they don't want people unsubscribing.

7 years ago

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Have the same feeling... but I made the dip to "yearly" anyway. Don't buy much other bundles anymore anyway.

7 years ago

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I usually wouldn't worry about this kind of thing, but the store credit does make me a little worried. Especially when combined with that apparent change of business ownership. I dunno. Perhaps we only worry because we're used to how other less reputable sites handle their business. Humble has been pretty consistently cool throughout.

7 years ago

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i'm thinking of cancelling it not moving to a full year sub....the latest HB monthly were average at best...

7 years ago

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Annual is kinda meh anyway. Since they charge upfront for 11 out of 12 months, the money you would have saved is almost eaten up by interest alone. Since I'm already on annual, I'd have to extend for another year in order to get the $20 credit, and since it can only be used in their store, you'll need to wait for many good offers in order to actually get your money's worth.

7 years ago

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the money you would have saved is almost eaten up by interest alone

Where do you get interest this high? Unless you mean the interest you pay for keeping a balance?

7 years ago

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1 month free + $20 = Approximate 25% interest rate / 11 month rate

Where do you get interest this high?

We know it's not through anything legal, at least.

7 years ago

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Wow.... Seriously HB.... The last one was 10 and it was JUST LAST MONTH.... Haiz upsetting....

7 years ago

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Who knows, it might be $30 next month.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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They'll need to offer a lot more to tempt me to pay for a whole year upfront. I'm only now buying if the early reveal game is high on my wishlist, which means that I'm typically not going to buy the monthly bundle.

7 years ago

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I subbed for a year, had one month left. I buy those monthlies either way, the $20 store credit is a nice bonus.

7 years ago

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That's how I looked at it. I was buying them anyhow. I may as well get the bonus.

7 years ago

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So humble monthly is just for monthly and you don't get anything from other bundles right?

7 years ago

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Not sure what you're trying to say here.

By subscribing to the humble monthly bundle, you only get the humble monthly bundle contents, not all other non-monthly bundles during that period. Subscribing to a years worth of monthly bundles will give you 12 monthly bundles, not automatically give you every non-monthly bundle they release in the year too, if that's what you were asking?

7 years ago

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Yeah then it seems to not be worth it. Their regular bundles are almost always better. They should do a grand bundle thing where you can get everything since I bet a ton of people would buy that.

7 years ago

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i got a $10 wallet code for re-signing up for annual after they canceled my first annual after a year because they happened to be running that promotion then. i had switched right away because i knew i was going to get each month and it saved me some money (it's basically pay for 11 months right away and get the 12th month free). would have been nice to get $20 wallet credit but was still worth switching to annual for me a little over a year ago.

7 years ago

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Looks like a nice addition, not for poor people though :P
Thanks for the giveaway!

7 years ago

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your welcome. good luck.

7 years ago

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it is bad what if they decided to go bankruptcy or not doing that monthly anymore what is going to happen to your money ???

7 years ago

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Bankrupcy = no money to pay debts = you've lost the money.

Just abandoning monthly model = they give money back or you sue the shit out of them. Which can lead to bankrupcy...

7 years ago

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you can only see a company if they are in US so what is there headquarter is out side of US ?

7 years ago

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I'm not concerned. They have been a straight up company as long as I've been dealing with them. Sure it can happen. It would likely be dealt with fairly. But even if not.... I have monthly bills higher then this. But again. I'm not worried about anything happening to humble anytime soon.

7 years ago

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nice, just updated my plan. wanted to do that anyway.

7 years ago

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Well... missed.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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If anyone was wondering you can keep getting the bonus credits, just add another year to your annual sub.

7 years ago

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Except if you bought from Oct 4 to 6, like the OP says.

Like I did. With the "very special once in a life time subscribe NOW before we show the next early unlock or that we sold to IGN" 10$ bonus.

7 years ago

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I worded it wrong, I meant if you are already subbed and are eligible, just add another year to your current annual plan.

7 years ago

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Yeah, and it was indeed helpful for everybody not in that Oct 4-6 timeframe. Don't mind me, I'm just salty about the way they did this ;>

7 years ago

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hell no

7 years ago

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I missed the deal, was gonna go for it. so now its nothing at all not even $10?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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