Are you likely to join the event?
No problem. I just want to let you know that I have never tried to rush both games. Completed Evoland with the same hours HLTB states. In Just Cause 3 even been doing crazy stuff and doing several things meanwhile not in story missions, don't know why I reached the last mission that fast (maybe it counts DLCs?).
Anyways thanks for the event.
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In general it has been entertaining but has a lot of dialogues, I guess it's not my type of game... Luckily you can skip cutscenes and boring dialogues.
Game crashed like 3 times and lost some progress because you need to do manual saves :D
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First! :) (Techichally, since the other persons status got voided)
Here are the achievements, along with the Dweller in the Dark for one of the three endings - 33/43
So glad I chose this instead of Hades, now I have my second favourite souls like, just behind Sekiro, other souls games really can't compare in terms of combat and customization, both for character creation and builds. Such a great game.
Dunno if we need to link to our comment here, so ill do it anyway.
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It is difficult, but that was because I chose to play a more aggressive playstyle, as to my more cautious one when I play From games. This is because you have the option to bring an AI companion with you. Made the game more fun. They cant be OP and overleveled as friends can in Dark Souls online coop, so that makes it better. Plus it's optional, so people who dislike it can do it the old-fashioned way. Still, love that you can switch builds on the fly basically, and the way the game handles weight is also better than what other souls games do. In general, Sekiro only retains the first spot for me, because it had a more beautiful world, stealth, and bosses.
I think many see the anime art style and the big boobs and just skip it. But as the saying goes, "dont judge a book by its cover". Gonna do an NG+ run soon and review it. Also, runs decent (had a few stutters, mainly in big open areas) on my ancient PC, an FX 8350 and Radeon 7950, on a 2560x1080 resolution.
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Batman was like watching a movie, all achievements are story related, so the end-game achievement is the last one: "The Last Laugh - Complete Chapter 6 of Episode 5".
In Control the story is divided into 10 main missions, so the end-game achievement is "Take Control - Complete Mission 10".
Since I am a completionist, I had to finish it 100%... and that's when I discovered that my "ultimate edition" wasn't so ultimate:
who got the standard edition sees it anyway as the complete edition in library, I had to buy the DLC on the fly (and steam doesn't sell it anymore, so I actually had to look for it)
I really appreciated both games, even if Control scared me more with its buggy achievements than with its monsters spawning on my back.
; P
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Yeah you mightve picked up the version from the choice bundle if a key. Conveniently right after that bundle ended, steam stopped selling the dlc. If you brought it from what I saw its a mess. Buy a 20 quid version or a 30 or a 40. Games have started selling multiple versions
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Yes, you are right, that's how I got the game!
It's funny how I paid more the DLC than the bundle, and still on HB.
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I had brought the season pass from hb a couple of days before it was announced they were removing the option from steam so it was a relief. Brought an extra copy for a giveaway so that person got lucky too. If I had to buy the game a 2nd time round I probably would've just said screw that and not give it a go
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Iconoclasts was a pretty big disappointment. It wasn't bad, but I had higher expectatives and it just fell flat. Crash, well. It's a solid series, but despite the graphics update, it's still a 25 years old game. The series improves as it goes on, but some levels are just painful to play, like the bridge one in Crash 1 or some of the vehicle ones in all of them.
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Sorry I just noticed this comment.
Tyranny - 20.4 hours Achievements
There are 4 ending achievements that only one can be acquired with one playthrough, which are;
Mini Metro - 9.5 hours Achievements
Apparently there isn't really an end game achievement, but there is one that indicates I played the last mission. Hop (Deliver 600 passengers in Auckland.).
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Ended up playing both.
Chimera Squad reached the 20h mark alone, but it's a lie. Even without rushing it, the campaign took me about 19h. I wasted at least 1 hour afk or struggling with the buggy 2K launcher there.
I don't regret it though, The Messenger has really great game design.
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Just finished a 2nd playthrough of Nier: Automata. The game is great, after finishing Nier Replicant in June i was waiting for the newest patch of Automata to experience the nice lore of Yoko Taro's world once again. I love the little easter eggs and the familiar faces from the first game. I'm certainly going for 100% in this one.
my achievements are here, the "One Battle Ends" is for the 1st ending and "A New Battle Begins" for the 2nd ending.
my comment for participating is here
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Finishing route B is not the ending. "Endings" in this game are really chapters (first 2 are similar, that's right, the 3rd one continues the story from where the first 2 end). You're missing half the main story.
The Minds That Emerged (View the final credits) is the real end game achievement.
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All done:
Particle Fleet
99 Spirits
I am sorry it took it me so long- I kinda had to split my attention between multiple games these past few days. ^_^'
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Made it!
No problems with Fran Bow (I've played my share of point'n'clicks in the past, even worked on more than a few) but Shadow of the Tomb Raider was a mistake: I tend to explore everything in this type of games, and after more than 20 hours on it alone, I had to rush towards the end or risk not making it in time. Guess I'll do all my exploring later!
Thanks for the event, really. A great excuse to diminish the backlog!
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I really enjoyed the games.
"The Pillars of the Earth" was amazing. The story was so emotional, I loved the setting, the characters and all the little details in the game. I think it´s also one of my favorite Daedalic games.
"Batman: The Enemy Within" was exactly as I espectet. I think I liked the story even a bit better as at the first Batman Telltale game.
Thank you for the event, it was a great experience! :)
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I really liked Observer - and I absolutely adored The Outer Wilds!
I guess I can see how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but for me I'd have to say it's definitely one of the best games I've ever played.
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Sorry if I ended up rushing Shadow Tactics a bit at the end. I enjoyed the gameplay and story a lot, stealth TBS's are time-consuming on a first run-through (me constantly forgetting to save in the early chapters really did not help). I began by playing things blind but the deadline really snuck up on me. Well, at least there's the DLC coming soon! Took me 17.1 hours to finish.
My pick for the smaller game ended up being Peaky Blinders: Mastermind. Decent story, great gameplay (at least imo), style of play's a bit niche though and not for everyone, I will admit. Haven't watched the show and I sadly remain uninterested in the main series despite enjoying the game. Took me 6.1 hours to finish.
If there's any issue, well, sucks for me I guess since there's not enough time at this point to do anything more but regardless, good luck to everyone!
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Ikenfell was very wholesome and cute had various difficulty settings almost all the fights are optional, I am not really into turn based battles but the story was engaging and well worth the time
It was the biggest mistake in my life choosing Chasm lol, I thought it'd be a decent fast paced Hollow Knight-like Metroidvania but it was so slow, the controls are awful and barely responsive with steam input they even started controlling on their own, the level design and amount of backtracking with no possible way of marking the locations for backtracking, procedurally generated huge maze with no clues makes it almost impossible to progress even with walkthroughs since maps are different from each other, no dash or block abilities either
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Personally, I liked Chasm's slower-paced style. I liked the atmosphere and art enough that I even decided to try my hand at their no-hit boss challenge (got halfway through before I started another game), though I do agree with the map and level design needing work. In its defense, I didn't have an issue with the map later on (I can't help but wonder if you remembered to unlock all the shortcuts), and I do recall a dash being available from the start (I could swear that the backdash was faster than the forward dash too) but then again my playthrough was a relaxed, casual run through. I can easily imagine the experience being a lot worse under any form of time pressure lol.
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Yeah I think my experience would have been way different If I didn't have so little time to finish it lol, I even started on Hard Mode on my first playthrough and yes I unlocked all the shortcuts but there aren't nearly enough of them to counter the terrible level design and the lack of any sprint or dash ability to navigate quickly instead of slowly going back and forth through the same enemies praying that you'd return to that shortcut alive, The bosses were way easier in my opinion than the mobs they threw all over the place with no save points I even had to restart some areas 10-15 times while dying to mobs along the way that have way faster reaction time than my character, I don't mind failing It even took me days to beat some bosses in Hollow Knight but I never had to die and repeat to get through some mops and traps in a game before, the back dash is useless you can take damage while doing it and the range is so small without the input lag that I have no idea why it's still there since the game was out for long enough I think many things would've been different, I still intend to 100% it though despite its flaws since I like to finish what I started, I just don't recommend anyone to try it especially in a timed event like this one.
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This game is a masterpiece in visual novel department (or sound novel as publisher calls it). You have serious themes like kidnapping and murder mixed up with silliest humor, and it works out so well. Finding all 85 bad endings was also interesting, pretty ordinary decision in one character's timeline can be fatal for the other.
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As event will run at least over one weekend, I might be able finish 2 longer games in set time. My possible games to play:
Doom | HLTB checker | achivos checker
Dungeon rats | HLTB checker | achivos checker | Beaten (Achievement for winning Final battle, which was absolute bullshit)
Warhammer Chaosbane | HLTB checker | achivos checker | Beaten (Konrad)
Dishonored 2 | HLTB checker | achivos checker Already started play before
Game suggestion I took from my steam shoplist - Prototype, but I am unsure how it is with keys, because I bought game few months ago in sale on czech game eshop (which seems to me bit shady tbh) and it turned to be Prototype 2.
Just in case you are able hurry up developers to finish Gothic remake and make it closer to original game, I change my vote to that.
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That was certainly not my intent, Maya. I was attempting to humorously suggest that one may leverage NZ's contribution to Middle Earth to convince Steam to act right with respect to region restrictions. May you have a pleasant day (or afternoon now, I suppose).
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i'm not sure if i can join since i had a 40h+ game lined up in queue, and i usually try to focus on finishing one or two games before moving to others - i might still be preoccupied with that other game when the event starts or something. i'm usually up for "playing games" event like this though.
anyway, for the game suggestion, death's door looks good enough. according to isthereanydeal, you can get 18% off with FANATICAL18 coupon.
Game | HLTB | Achievement | Status |
Plague Inc: Evolved | 44.5h (100% completion) | Fully Evolved | Completed |
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Now there are 2 games with 4 votes ;)
Just read the comments again and do some upvotes myself, hahah.
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aw, that's too bad. i thought there weren't any.
how do you usually check the region restriction on these sites btw? i can only see the list on gmg and i'm usually too lazy to check the dropdown on fanatical one by one.
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thanks for the update! after re-reading the rules again, i'm not sure if i can fit the requirement though.
i'll just mention the game that i'm going to play to check just in case. it's papo & yo and plague inc: evolved. both has a minimum playing time of ~3h in hltb, but the latter one requires 40h+ to complete (i usually try to 100% a game before moving to other one). i would change the game if they are not my recent PA wins, but i need to play them asap to fit the 1 month rule, hahah. if they are not acceptable, i'll just try to see if i can start another game that fits the rule before the event has finished :)
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does fully evolved counts? i checked on astats that it's the rarest achievement, so i assume that you can only get it after getting all achievements.
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well, it doesn't hurt to try and i don't have many option atm since i need to finish that one within 1 month, hahah.
i also can put indivisible as a backup if it's alright. i don't know what's the ending achievement for it, but this guide states that you can get "Indivisible" after beating the final boss after you unlocked other achievements.
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hopefully not, hahah. it might be a tricky one to complete though.
thanks for the event in advance! :)
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I didn't realize what i have walked into... this might be tougher than i think, hahah. Now i'm kinda regretted joining the giveaway...
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You will probably get most things randomly but there are a bunch of achievements that require a bunch of steps for the chance of the things happening. Especially later plagues like the ape one where you need to be trying do multiple things at once or risk losing. Its just like normal gameplay, you can start in the same place, pick the same choices yet 1 time you might infect greenland and then the next you somehow completely miss it. Damn greenland, its the bane of everyone!
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It looks similar to those pandemic game that i played in the past, hahah. Except that the problematic one was madagascar since they cant be infected if they shut down all of their borders. I'm glad to know that some of them just require you to replay the game a lot of times though :)
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sorry to bother you again, is it okay if i put Time Mysteries 2: The Ancient Spectres as a backup for papo & yo? i might or might not start that one tomorrow (depending on how fast i finished my current game), so i think i should list another backup in case i'm not allowed to switch when the event starts. the ending achievement should be "Complete the game" and the hltb time is 4h.
thanks in advance!
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However i do have some game suggestions:
Rimworld (30 EUR on Fanatical)
BeamNG.Drive (23 EUR on Humble)
Since the date is settled, i’d like to participate :)
Here’s my game pick:
Earth Defense Force 4.1 - 22.5 hours
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Thank you for holding another event; I appreciated the first one as well.
Some game suggestions:
Chicory: A Colorful Tale (pretty new, $20 USD on Humble)
Return of the Obra Dinn (been around a while, but still desirable and never been discounted too much, $20 USD on Humble)
Maneater (currently $27 USD sale on WinGameStore, don't know for how long)
(edited to cut one suggestion)
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Thanks for the suggestions. If the games are cheaper, I may consider doing two different giveaways (or two of the same game).
Maneater and Chicory are both on my wishlist, so it's always nice for me to giveaway games to hear people's personal experiences.
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Maneater is awesome game, but so short. If you are looking forward to play it, I would recommend wait a bit, cause it sends advertising of dlc Truth quest which will be relesed soon. Seems like game will need to be replayed for it and even when it is called ShaRkPG, only using different equipment gives to game replayability value.
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Time: 18.2 hours
End game achievement: Interestellar family (One of the 2 endings.)
Duke Nukem Forever
Time: 11.1 hours
End game achievement: Let's Rock (Also: Piece of Cake, Gunslinger)
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Loved the first event so I'll gladly take part in another :) Thanks for planning another one
Not sure what I'll play yet. I need to check my library for games that fit the bill.
For suggestions, I'd throw in
Disco Elysium
It Takes Two
Although they're not very cheap (well Hades is not too expensive), they're not too "niche" and they're pretty high on the community wishlist still.
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Unfortunately, to my knowledge none of these have publicly available Steam keys, only direct purchasing through Steam (and Origin keys for It Takes Two).
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Sorry, I was mulling this over.
I'm thinking
Deadly Days 8.5h on HLTB
and Hard West 12.5h on HLTB
Might as well keep playing my wins.
Soooo Hard West was kinda like XCom in the west... on crack. The game starts kinda predictable and goes weeeeird places after that but it's still good fun if you like tactical strategy games.
On to Deadly Days.
Having so much fun with this one! Killing zombies is my calling!
Game | Status | Playtime | Achievements | Beaten |
Hard West | Beaten | 11.9h/ HLTB (12.5h) | 18 / 35 | Achievement: Once Upon a Time in the Weird West |
Deadly Days | Beaten | 8.6h / HLTB (8.5h) | 40 / 53 | Achievement: To the moon! |
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I wasn't planning on suggesting anything but why not. Looking on wishlist I never knew about marvels guardians of the galaxy.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Scarlet is over the $50 range but I looked at sales and it should be under. Considering the locks on the BANDAI NAMCO bundle it probably is region locked to, I don't really know how to understand locks though apart from through fanatical so I can't tell. Now I'm back home I can see the ace attorney game is also region locked through fanatical so yeah both games are completely useless in terms of what you want
Gosh now I remember why I barely give away full cv games its impossible to find some that aren't region locked to hell
Game | Achievements |
Chaos Child | 14/34 |
Lego Ninjago | 50/50 |
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Yeah I suggested both before went shopping so couldn't check. I put down below neither counts in the end cuz they are both region locked way to much. Well I didnt bother looking at scarlet for the pure fact of who its made by and we all know how their recent bundle went down
Oh saw the edit up top so put down what to be played
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I loved your first event! It helped me clear a couple of games that I'd been putting off for some time! I'm looking forward to the same again this time around! Now just need to have a long look at my backlog and see which games I want to play next :D
My game suggestion is Nanotale - Typing Chronicles . Epistory was great, so I expect this will be too :)
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Sorry! I wasn't expecting things to move so quickly!
I believe any combination of 2 games from the 4 below should be suitable. A little safety in case I get bored or stuck xD
Beyond: Two Souls with 10.5 hours on HLTB
The Messenger with 11.5 on HLTB
A Plague Tale: Innocence with 10.5 on HLTB
Bayonetta with 11.5 on HLBT
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Unfortunately my broadband was down for the first half of the event and I had some form of plans for most of the second half. I don't like rushing through games so I figured it best to not take part in the end. Still, I appreciate the event and hope others have managed to get through more of their backlogs! :D
I think these will remain my next games to play either way, although I expect I'll have a similar experience with The Messenger as you did!
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Thank you for hosting this event! I joined last time but didn't complete the two games in time, what a shame. I am most likely would join in this time and I hope I can get it in time!
And for the game suggestion, I would vote for Gloomhaven and Blightbound
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Sorry to interrupt, but why am I in your blacklist? No hard feelings, just curious
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Well, I only got one blacklist from that, so yes. Thanks for answering anyways
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I will probably participate, playing a lot of games lately. I upvoted The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and Death's Door already, and my own suggestion would be Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling.
As far as which games would I be playing, it depends on event starting time. Since I'm currently in the middle of mystery/detective games mini-marathon, next ones in line are Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments and L.A. Noire which would be elegible, but maybe I will already start/finish them until then.
EDIT: Decided on 428: Shibuya Scramble. I already started Sherlock game and L.A. Noire would be too much back to back detective stuff. :)
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I'd love to attend this event once again. And 80% I'll participate. Upvoted for Death's Door and Dishonored 2. And I'd like to add Mafia Definitive Edition (for a little nostalgia).
As for the games I plan to play:
Mini Metro HLTB Achievements
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls HLTB Achievements
I might have a problem running Superdimension under Linux, in that case Crystalline HLTB is my replacement of choice but it doesn't have achievements.
Edit: I changed Cyberdimension with Superdimension, which I have better chances running it.
Edit 2: I'm adding Tyranny as a backup in case I have problems running Superdimension, and also Crystalline doesn't have achievements.
Edit 3: I ran into problems with Superdimension. It seems I'm going with Tyranny. Achievements
Edit 4: I finished Tyranny within 20.4 hours. Somehow I missed companion related quests, though it was a great game. There are 4 ending achievements that only one can be acquired with one playthrough, which are;
I ended with Chorus one.
Edit 5: I also finished Mini Metro within 9.5 hours. Apparently there isn't really an end game achievement, but there is one that indicates I played the last mission. Hop (Deliver 600 passengers in Auckland.).
Tyranny - 20.4 hours Achievements
Mini Metro - 9.5 hours Achievements
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I was almost sure Japanese games cannot be activated on Japan then I found this: Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World (can be activated on 373 places including Japan.) Not on community wishlist though. Community wishlist seems to be a hard place for non-region restricted games.
Edit: Atelier Lulua also seems to be standalone and non-region restricted.
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Yep I was completely shocked and guess what, its mafia. The game you suggested is the one region locked to america which makes 0 sense. I remember considering that for my group ga as its in the top 25 of the group but like many others it was way to heavily locked which oh well its not the cheapest game for me. I only picked it up myself when hb made that price mistake and I decided to risk it, all that would happen is a refund
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It definitely makes no sense. Which makes it more hilarious Fanatical is an English company. They shouldn't make fuss about that when the prices are upper hand but I guess it's more different than just local prices, wondering what could that be.
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I think I would like to take part in such an event but I really don't know what games I would play for such an event as it all depends of the start and end time of the event combined with how much work I will have to do during these days for my job combined with my mother health combined with if I will be in a middle of some game that I play and review or just fresh after beating a game and ready to start a new one.
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I would like to try my chances.
Dead Island
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
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For suggestions, I upvoted Noita, also propose myself Yakuza: Like a Dragon (should be less than $50 in Fanatical, at least it's less than 50€) or Yakuza 6 Remastered.
For games to play, I could do Iconoclasts + Metro 2033 for barely above 20 combined hours total. As backup, most of my games are either really long or too short it seems, so I don't yet know what would I pick for sure. Crypt of the Necrodancer could be a choice but I'm not sure if "Main Story" implies just beating the game with Cadence or if also with Melody and Aria, and same goes for Crash N.Sane Trilogy, which I suppose would mean beating all the 3 games. Other games I probably wouldn't be able to beat on time, as I love to wander around and getting 100%.
Iconoclasts: HLTB - Achievements
Beat the game achievement: Life Experience
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy: HLTB - Achievements
Beat the game achievements:
C1 | Cortex N. Capacitated
C2 | Cortex N. Adequate
C3 | Cortex N. Carcerated
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Yeah, didn't notice about that. :\ Humble Bundle has it at less than 50€ too though, I wonder if it's region restricted there as well.
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Fanatical went mad last time, when I buy interesting unbundled game for giveaway, I can't use it, because it doesn't works in at least 30 countries, even when I am in Europe. And nothing can beat DLCs for Dishonored I bought there some time ago. It doesn't work for my english copy, cause for my country is on steam sold russia version. But dlcs got activation lock over all these countries suitable for russia copy, except mine country. When I tried to exchange codes in support for english version dlcs, they told me use VPN and buy it again. Never had a problem with restrictions, but now it seems they started raining on Fanatical.
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Yes, not sure what you want to say regarding that, though. Iconoclasts is 11h and Metro 2033 is 9 and 1/2 hours, so it's 20 total. But if you mean regarding picking shorter or longer games than those, my point is that if I were to pick a short game as one of the two (like Titan Souls for example, which is 3h long in HLTB), all the other ones I have that could compensate are the kind of games I'd probably want to go 100% for and which could easily go for maybe 60h. I'm not sure I'd be able to play that much in 10 days, it would depend on when the event happens. I don't like much rushing games and missing things unless I know I can easily go back to get them (not missable), and if possible, I don't want to beat the same game twice, once for the event, another for completion.
So I end in a scenario where games I wouldn't have much of a problem with are those. CotN for example, as a roguelike, will mean I'll have to beat it many multiple times with different characters for the achivements. Crash Bandicoot easily lets you replay levels for completion and requires you to do so anyway after beating the final boss in order to get 100%, so it's not a problem either. Then both Iconoclasts and Metro I would probably be able to get 100% as well even within 10 days, or at least, I wouldn't care as much if I were forced to replay them in comparison with other games games I have.
In the end, it's me limiting my own choices because of some OCD regarding how to play stuff. But I'll figure something out, if I participate, I do have choices I'm pretty comfortable with and in the case that for some reason I wouldn't play any of those, I can put up with having to get out of my habits for once.
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Yeah, no worries, I was explaining myself why I was picking those games, since it seems it made you think I hadn't understood the rule regarding time. Thanks anyway for worrying :)
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Oh, cool. I'd have to check and see if there's any game I'd want to change to, but for now yeah, those are fine. I'll tell if I do find something else to play instead. Thanks for the heads-up.
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So I did check just and realized that I will need to change Metro 2033 as it's not eligible for being a no CV game, I suppose I didn't notice earlier as I was more concerned with the HLTB time. I'll pick Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy then. I'll add the achievements and HLTB pages for both Crash and Iconoclasts.
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I'd love to participate! It actually sounds pretty cool. It's a crime that I have these games on my library and haven't played them yet, so this is a fantastic oportunity.
Here are the games I'll participate with:
DOOM. 11.5 hours.
Final achievement is "Knee-Deep in the Dead".
Dishonored. 12 hours.
Final achievement is "Resolution".
Tomb Raider. 11.5 hours.
(It doesn't have any real game-completion achievement [instead it has a lot of useless multiplayer achievements, which is kind of upsetting lol], hence, this is my 3rd option). My achievements.
As for the suggestions, I'm really not sure. I'm terrible at suggesting games, specially taking into account the price/region restrictions. I'd say maybe Ni No Kuni games, Chicory A Colorful Tale, or Borderlands. :)
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I don't know what's more depressing, that I couldn't find the achievement after reading all of them twice, or that I missed it when the game was free and actually purchased it LOL. It's fine, I'll participate with the first two then. :)
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I just realized S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 's release date is my birthday :D I was going to vote for it because of that but since it is more expensive than $50, I guess I will leave others to decide :)
Anyway, I will try to join the event with these 2 games.
Blasphemous -> Achievements - HLTB
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice -> Achievements - HLTB
Good luck with the event :)
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I would like to participate with
-Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
-Axiom Verge
An 3 extra games in case I regret one of the previous 2 games.
-Dark Devotion
-SuperEpic: The Entertainment War
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This is a really good idea! I'd like to partake in this event, with the following games (Control + 1).
Control | HLTB | Achievements
The Night of the Rabbit | HLTB | Achievements
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav | HLTB | Achievements
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Some suggestions for giveaways:
Dicey Dungeons
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750 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DeliberateTaco
29,238 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ilan14
Welcome all to the 2nd "2in20" (Two Games in 20 Hours) Event.
Ran the first one last year around this same time.
The event is now OVER! Ended 23:59, 10th August, NZST
Giveaways are now live!
34 people have successfully finished.
Because we had over 30 people complete the event, it means I might actually run another event in a couple of months. (Thank you.)
We have about 10 other people who I have deemed eligible for entrance into the bonus giveaway.
The prize for the event is entrance into two giveaways: Death's Door and Spiritfarer
The bonus giveaway is now revealed to be for The Sojourn
Rules Of Event:
The event will start and end within a specific time of 10 days as announced by myself (00:00, 1st - 23:59, 10th August NZST)
Play ONE or TWO games that require a minimum combined total time of 20 hours or more to beat, within the event time
Games must meet these requirements (and are subject to further discretion by myself):
Comment with the games you'd like to play:
If anyone's interested I also played 2in20 as well (but on Gamepass for the month):
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