Well, I'm trying to reduce my backlog and do Perfect Games as much as I can...
So, I did another Perfect Game right now Portal and want to start something new, but there are so many choices, and I can't decide
Is up to you guys.... let's play!!

Sorry, no GA inside (yet)

Just a little observation: I played Bioshock 2 first then Infinite (I wrote in poll and looks like I played it from the end to begining)

Edit: Ok everyone, the poll is over ( not over forever, but for me of course, 'cause I need one to start to clean my backlog)
We had a total of 163 votes until now, and I have the honor in say that the winner, with 63 votes is... (we'll back in a moment after merchandising)


Here's my thread about my Backlog Extermination

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9 years ago*

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What should I play next? (so many options)

View Results
Assassin's Creed III (Yes, I didn't play it 'cause AC series is over for me after Revelations)
Bioshock 1 (I already finished Infinite and Bioshock 2)
Borderlands 1 (I started to play the second title first)
Hydrophobia: Prophecy (I want to do all achievements in this one)
Penumbra series (Black Plague, Overture and Requiem)
Silence of Sleep
Trine 2
Call of Duty Black Ops II (didn't finished it 'cause I iwas tired of CoD)
Call of Duty Ghosts (I tried to play, but, well, crash happended)
Battleblock Theater
Other (you can check my unfinished games in image)

barbie dreamhouse

9 years ago

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Hahahahha I don't have it, but I'll add in my list ("Games I won't play)

9 years ago

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trine 2, shorter than bl and bioshock

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9 years ago

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Is Trine 2 shorter than the first one? I played 1 and was real fast to finish it.
But, even when I finish, I won't remove it yet, 'cause I'll put in my list to get 100%

9 years ago

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Trine 2 is about double the lenght of Trine. It also has more customization in the skill tree and more viable approaches to solve puzzles.
Also: the Goblin DLC is worth the money.
At least this was my experience with the game. :D

9 years ago

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LIMBO is a pretty fun and short game, you could give that one a try!

9 years ago

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Trine 2.
You'll be very entertained for a little while.

Then play Penumbra

9 years ago

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Indeed.. I liked Trine 1 and I was excited for the second, but then, I started to play something else and forgot it ;(

9 years ago

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BioShock 1

Seriously, you won't regret it. The game doesn't have any achievements on Steam though. You can still cross it off your backlog once you're done.

9 years ago

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I trust you.... I played Infinite and Bioshock 2, loved both and have sure that this one will be great too. Looks like it'll be the winner! I won't regret anyway :DD

9 years ago

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The Penumbra series is fantastic. If you liked Amnesia then these games are about as good/better than that. The 3rd game is actually just a series of removed content rooms that are just barely stitched together. AKA just a few puzzle rooms you don't need to play if you don't find physics puzzles all too fun.

If you want a good shooter I suggest Bioshock 1 and I recommend you remove Borderlands 1 from your backlog entirely. It is an incredibly long slog of repetition not really worth going back to unless you have co-op.

Edit: If you do have friends for co-op I recommend Trine 2 first.

9 years ago

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I'll confess to you that I don't like Amnesia, but Penumbra, I remember when I just dowloaded before buy it and played a few hours... I love it, but don't finished the game (can't remember why), after that, I bought all of them. I love this kind of game, with puzzles and psychological terror.

I put Borderlands 'cause I enjoyed Borderlands 2 (still have it installed in my computer, just for fun). Is it the same like BL 2? Doing infinite quests, killing everyone in your way and stuffs like that?

9 years ago

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I also voted for Penumbra, BUT instead of Requiem, you should play the free mod called Necrologue (it's on the Steam store). This is not official, but it is worlds better than Requiem and actually finishes the story, unlike Requiem, which is just a series of very frustrating puzzle rooms that make no sense at all. Oh, and there's absolutely no horror in Requiem.
Overture -> Black Plague -> Necrologue

Necrologue, while not made by the original developers, is almost even better than the originals, it is much longer, has very good voice acting that resembles the originals very closely and is just all around a very well made game. If you had not known it you would believe it's made by the same guys. Forget about Requiem, it stinks.

9 years ago

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Never heard about this mod Necrologue. I'll take a look tonight after I finish work's stuff. If I like to play Requiem too, should I play before or after? (I mean, about story)

9 years ago

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Borderlands 1 is like a more repetitious Borderlands 2. Less varied environments, less enemies, more generic quests, but it is a bit shorter so there is that.

Requiem is the final game (Overture>Black Plague>Requiem) in the series that I told you to avoid if you didn't love the puzzles in the first two games. It is a short (1-2 hrs if I remember correctly) expansion with a very loose story that serves as a way for the developers to include some of their favorite puzzles that had to be cut.

9 years ago

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There's almost no story in Requiem, and the little there is is also included way better in Necrologue. If you are curious to play it, it doesn't matter if you play it before or after Necrologue. I always play everything in release order because that's the safest bet, so I played Requiem first.

9 years ago

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Limbo and Trine 2 are my personal RECs for you. :) Limbo is also very short, so you shouldn't lose much time playing it which is a plus I guess. Battleblock theater must also be nice but haven't played it yet.

9 years ago*

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Limbo or Bioshock 1

9 years ago

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Different genres, amazing games.. So hard to choose just one. Can I play them together? hahahaha

9 years ago

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Well I think Limbo is shorter. Maybe 3-5hours?
If I have a choice, I always go with the one that doesn't take as much time to finish. :)

9 years ago

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If I was in your position, I'd be most interested in Metal Gear and Sleeping Dogs, but I've played neither.

Of what you put in the poll, I'd vote for Bioshock. I'm not especially crazy about it, but it's pretty good and I'm sure you'd like it if you liked the sequels.

9 years ago

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I started to play Sleeping Dogs, but 'cause it likes GTA, I don't enjoyed so much (yeah, I don't like GTA games) don't judge me
You can vote in another out of the poll :D and yes I loved the sequels from Bioshock (I still have installed Bioshock Infinite)

9 years ago

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Actually, that's useful for me to know. I don't really like GTA either but I wanted to try it because the premise was interesting. If it's very much like GTA I'll probably skip it too unless it shows up in a bundle or something.

I voted for Bioshock. I've played Borderlands and BBT as well but neither one is very much fun to play solo.

9 years ago

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Well, in my opinion it's like GTA.... big city, kill bad guys, do some quests, nothing new for me ;/
I played BBT a little in co-op months ago, but then my friend stopped to play and we never finished. Looks like Bioshock is winning, probably this one will be my next game!

9 years ago

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Limbo for sure! It is an awesome little game!

9 years ago

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Hum the easiest of these to complete for 100% is CoD: Ghosts as you only need one veteran difficulty playthrough + chapter select for collectibles and some random achievements.

It's probably followed by Black Ops 2 !? Haven`t played it yet, but jeah CoD games aren't that difficult, but maybe the challenges take some time.

Hydrophobia becomes boring and finding all collectibles and completing all challenges, thus completing it for 100%, was rather annoying. It's still an interesting game, but, jeah, boring after a while.

Limbo is a great game. Completing it for 100% is very sastiyfying, but going for the <5 deaths achievement needs a little practice.

Trine 2 and Borderlands 1 take some time to complete for 100%. I' haven't finished them myself, either.

Trine 2 needs a lot of playthroughs for all collectibles and it takes a lot more time than the first game, but it's at least a good game and enjoyable, :)

Borderlands 1 needs two playthroughs and has super annoying dlcs - if you go for a 100% completion. I like this one a lot less than the second game

Bioshock is probably the best game from all of these - but it has no achievements D:

Edit: Another easy to complete and enjoyable game would be the Darkness 2, you should give this a one chance one day!

9 years ago*

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It's ok if the game doesn't have any achievements. Actually if the game has achievements, I do it after I played once, then, I start to work in get 100%

I heard a lot of people that played the second first saying this about Borderlands 1, maybe I'll put in waiting list for while.
A lot of games with collectibles achiev are boring when doing this, but I like to explore the game, find hidding stuff hahahaha

I agree with you, Bioshock is the best. I played Bioshock 2 and loved, then, played Infinite and OMG, what was that?! I still have it installed in my pc, to finish another time in 1999 mode.

9 years ago

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Jeah, I just thoght I could share my experience with the ones that have achievements. :D

I think borderlands 1 is a lot more fun, when you have people to play with, while Borderlands 2 is an overall polished game, that everyone can enjoy.
And replaying Infinite is a good idea, too! I found some parts of the story a bit confusing at first so replaying it in '99 mode cleared some things up - and earned me some more achievements.. If you haven't played the DLCs yet than you should look out for a good deal for those, too. They are great!

9 years ago*

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I really appreciated your experience, actually, I made a mental note about some titles to do achievements later 'cause you give me a good idea about how much I'll have to play. I'm downloading Bioshock, 'cause probably it'll be the winner until tonight!

Agreed about Borderlands 2. I played it first in co-op, then finished few more times alone and still enjoyed.

I bought just one DLC, or two? (can't remember), anyway, you're right, is a good deal. Need to buy all of them (even 'cause I want to play as Elisabeth ^-^)

Edit: I bought just one DLC (Clash in the clouds)

9 years ago

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Clash in the clouds is the challenge mode for the game. It`s difficult but I enjoyed it and it's needed for a 100% completion. The other two dlcs are Burial at the sea 1 + 2, which are story DLC's, and jeah, they are great (!) - you HAVE TO play them, if you liked Infinite :D

It's a really good idea to play through Bioshock 1, too now, as these DLC's have a lot of spoilers reagarding the BS1 story!

9 years ago

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Oh, thanks for advice about spoilers, so I'll Bioshock 1 before play DLC's. And yes I HAVE TO PLAY 'cause I loved Infinite.

9 years ago

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I voted for BioShock, but The Darkness II is a good FPS game with an interesting story.

9 years ago

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I even remember where or why I bought The Darkness... I just have it in my library hahahaha really that have a good story? Oh, I need to check it then, I love games with a great story, like Bioshock you voted :D

9 years ago

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The story isn't that phenomenal, but I quite enjoyed it. It also has good gameplay mechanics and features Mike Patton as one of the voice actors!

9 years ago

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I'll put in my list to play soon... You let me curious about the game and I want to try

9 years ago

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The Darkness 2 is fantastic! Loved every second of that game. Really fun gunplay with 2 darkness tentacles that let you mix up combos in the middle of your attacks along with a great art style and a good story. Not great but it was a lot better than I was expecting.

9 years ago

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You made this looks pretty amazing! I really need to check it soon, maybe after Bioshock (probably will be the winner)!

9 years ago

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Hope you like it! :)

9 years ago

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You shouldn't play video games! It's childish and waste of time! But it's give a lot of fun! xD

From your list in my opinion the best is Trine 2 :)

9 years ago

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Can I play just one more?! Hahahaha

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9 years ago

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One last game! So choose wisely!

9 years ago

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OMG you're so evil!! So much choices, so much fun. I'll choose play all of them at same time O.O

9 years ago

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Someone need to be evil, to give a reason someone else to become Batman!

Batman exist only because Joker (and Bane, and Clayface, and Two-Face, and some more).

9 years ago

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So, if you're Joker (or what villain you prefer), should I be Batman? ^-^

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9 years ago

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My favorite villain is Kim Jong-un, becouse he's immortal. Batman, Super-man, Spider-man and even Goku can't do nothing against (maybe becouse they don't exist), so he's over power!

9 years ago

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Or maybe 'cause he's immortal! hahahaha my favorite villain is Joker, just because he is insane!

9 years ago

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Trine 2. ^^

9 years ago

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Hitman - Blood Money -> best in the series in my opinion. Careful - it can suck you in and have you replay levels several times just to find out different ways to meet your goals.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light -> is surprisingly good, and doesn't take too long to finish.

9 years ago

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I try to play one of Hitman's (don't remember what) and my game crashed, so I just remove it and didn't try again. I love games where we have different ways we have to complete the game :D

I started to play Lara Croft years ago, but just stopped (can't remember why), was very funny. Need to finish what I started ;x

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Battleblock is very amazing!! I played few hours with a friend (shame I can't play with her again) anyway, I'll finish it!!

9 years ago

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Honestly its hard to decide between the first two options... I loved both of them but I guess I would have to go with Assassins Creed 3 cause I love the historical background.

9 years ago

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I put AC3 as a choice just 'cause I don't finished it, but actually, I don't like the new AC, they are so different from the previous ;(

9 years ago

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True, I dont like how much they changed it either. For example, I HATE the boat system in 4 because of the last mission you have to do with the boat. But AC 3 was pretty good because it was about American History and that always fascinates me. Plus there is minimal boat missions lol.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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Just few titles... hahahaha

9 years ago

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I'm so happy to see Bioshock is winning. I love Limbo, I played a butt-load of Borderlands, but Bioshock is special. It's the best narrative in a shooter I've ever seen.

9 years ago

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I agree with you, I played 2 and Infinite and loved story in one way I can't even explain.... Best narrative ever ^-^

9 years ago

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I picked Bioshock. But Trine 2 is great too.

If you ever play Hydrophobia: Prophecy, I love trying to 100% achivements too. But early on I believe that I quickly realized that trying to 100% the collectibles and medals would be tedious. It would be more enjoyable to ignore that bit. At least that's what my vague memory tells me. Maybe you'll actually enjoy doing that.
Too bad it was designed to be episodic in mind but the company closed. You only get a simple water manipulation power just for the short end bit of the game and it ends with a big cliffhanger. :(
But it was still a fun game with cool water physics. :)

edit: You played the other Bioshock games first??? Huh. Well then I'll change my vote to Trine 2.

edit2: Waveform is also a great recommendation. That one I enjoyed 100%ing the achievements.... except just one which basically is playing the entire game again with random difficulty increasing mechanics. No thanks. :p

edit3: Sonic Generations is also a game I enjoyed playing and 100%ed.

9 years ago*

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I like to get stuff in games, so almost sure I'll like to 100% collectibles and medals. Now I'm sad, really that all amazing stuff about super powers and manipulation aren't waiting for me? :( anyway, it's ok, the game look good, not the best, just good

Yes, I played Bioshock 2 first, then played Infinite. I didn't played Bioshock 1 before all 'cause I bought it after played 2 and Infinite

Sonic and Waveform are easy to get 100? I don't have much experience in doing 100% games like these

9 years ago

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Besides just 1 from Waveform that I mentioned, there aren't any tedious or hard achivements (in my opinion). There are various difficulties of course but I enjoyed getting all of them.

9 years ago

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Penumbra series. Very easy choice if you like horror games accompanied by riddles. ;)

9 years ago

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Oh, sure, I love riddles, any kind, and of course, horror games are in my favorite list too :D

9 years ago

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It's one of the best games of its genre. ;)

9 years ago

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Bioshock of course.

9 years ago

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I'd say LIMBO, it's great and short and I liked it more than all the others mentioned

9 years ago

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I remember I downloaded demo first and played until where the game ask me to buy it. I really liked and bought, but then, I started to play another games and forgot about it I won't forget it anymore, I swear (I'll put it in my next five games to finish)

9 years ago

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You can easily finish it in one setting, not hard or long...unless you want to do the secret level, which I suggest you to

9 years ago

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There is a secret level? O.O I love secret stuff in games, for sure I'll do it. I'll reserve a big piece of cake for you hahaha I'm so excited to play it now that I know about this secret (I swear, I won't spread the word)

9 years ago

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I think it's something extra added for the PC version, you have to get all the shiny things to access it

9 years ago

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Eu gosto da saga Assassin's Creed, pelo que acho que deves jogar o III, curiosamente tb parei no Revelations :)

9 years ago

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Eu gostava da saga também, até o Revelations, aí começaram a inventar muita moda no AC, sei lá, pra mim que perdeu a essência do jogo (aquela parada mais stealth, e sobre a Liga dos Assassin's.... prevejo um dia sair um AC e o protagonista usar uma metralhadora ao invés das famosas lâminas de Assassin hausahsauash

9 years ago

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Borderlands. While Borderlands 2 has better graphics, better enemy designs and loot system that has even more randomization than the previous game, I still enjoyed first Borderlands more. I don't know why, I just enjoyed exploring first one a lot more than the second one.

After that I'd recommend Bioshock and then Battleblock Theater. Also who plays CoD games for singleplayer campaigns? O.O

9 years ago

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Really? You're the first I heart talking that enjoyed more Borderlands 1 than 2. You said that enjoyed exploring, hmm, is BL 1 bigger than 2?

Hahahaha I like to play CoD campaing, well, I liked, but MW3 (or BO 1) was the last CoD I played campaing. Now, even multiplayer I don't play.

9 years ago

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Borderlands 2 improved on almost everything, but there are some things that kinda put me off. The levels seem to be a bit bigger then they really need to be, so there's a lot of unnecessary walking/driving. Instead of packing more quests into one area, quests seem more spread out, which again makes you have to walk/drive a lot more than I like.

While you get showered with loot, perhaps even more so than in the first game, most of it is crap. Getting good weapons, especially those of higher quality takes much longer than it did in the first one. That's probably because Borderlands 2 was balanced around Co-Op.

They obviously wanted Borderlands 2 to be a much bigger game, and I think they went a bit too far which makes it get tedious after a while.

9 years ago

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Yes!!! I agree with you about unnecessary walking/driving... pretty sure that more then half of my played time was walkig/driving to do quest in another side of the world hahahah

I played once in co-op (and wasn't boring of course), then, I played alone to discover more things (and wasn't boring yet), the, I played again after get the last ultimate pack and omg, was boring to play and do all stuff again

So, that is what you said: Borderlands 2 more focused in co-op and 1 isn't

9 years ago

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